On another forum, there is a discussion on a self defense technique against a rear bearhug from behind, arms free. Although the technique in question is from Kenpo, I wanted to post it here, in the General section, so as to get feedback from everyone. For reference sake, I'll post a written description as well as a video clip.
On the other forum, there of course, are mixed thoughts, with some Kenpoists saying that in a street scenario, they'd never do this, while some of the Kenpo die hards, say that its not that the technique itself is bad, just that there're bad teachers, and unless you're learning it under someone who really knows how to do it, of course, it'll appear to be a poor technique.
1. An attacker at 6 o'clock grabs you in a bear hug; yet leaves your arms free.
2. Step your right foot to 3 o'clock into a horse stance as you execute right and left outward overhead elbow down onto your attacker's forearms.
3. Squat down onto your attacker's right knee. Bend over and with both hands, grab your attacker's ankle. Shift into a concave stance as you pulls up on your attacker's right ankle to force them to fall onto their back. Note: The pull and squat could break your attacker's knee due to the counterforce prior to the fall. In addition, the concave stance is used to protect yourself from pulling your attacker's leg into your groin.
4. Twist your attacker's right ankle clockwise as you have your right leg circle clockwise (preferably striking them in the face if possible) landing to 7:30 into a right reverse close kneel stance.
5. Pivot into a right forward bow as you complete the twisting of your attacker's right ankle.
6. While maintaining your grab on your attacker's right ankle with your right hand, step your left foot to 4:30 into a left close kneel stance parallel to your attacker's body as you have your left hand grab your attacker's left wrist.
7. Support your weight on your left leg as you cock your right leg high.
8. Pull up on your attacker's wrist and leg as you execute a right heel stomp to your attacker's lower spine. 9. Sweep your attacker's left arm out as you go into a right front crossover to 4:30 and cross out.
On the other forum, there of course, are mixed thoughts, with some Kenpoists saying that in a street scenario, they'd never do this, while some of the Kenpo die hards, say that its not that the technique itself is bad, just that there're bad teachers, and unless you're learning it under someone who really knows how to do it, of course, it'll appear to be a poor technique.