martial sport not art?


White Belt
Jan 19, 2009
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its burns many people to hear that tkd considers it self a application to the need of self defense . all i know that tkd focuses on kicks and moving in a forward and back way of fighting, well this is all i know. and from what i gathered from other people from other martial arts , they all dislike for the style.
if you were attacked on the street, my thoughts you could defend your self as well as the other main stream arts , tell me what you think
its burns many people to hear that tkd considers it self a application to the need of self defense . all i know that tkd focuses on kicks and moving in a forward and back way of fighting, well this is all i know. and from what i gathered from other people from other martial arts , they all dislike for the style.
if you were attacked on the street, my thoughts you could defend your self as well as the other main stream arts , tell me what you think

I guarantee you that if I was attacked on the street I could defend my self! That is all I need to know!

Unless attacked my another professional MAist, than we shall have a death match!
. all i know that tkd focuses on kicks and moving in a forward and back way of fighting

You are very mistaken here my friend, there are all sorts of TKD. Not just sport. I teach TKD basis, but I also teach ways of circling your opponant, letting you opponant be the aggressore, and different self defense techniques. Yes TKD is known for and I teach the neat high flying kicks, but this just makes your kicks easier,faster, and harder when you have to use them on the street in a lower manor. I wouldnt knock a style until you have trained it for a while.

I see your style is wicked my man, can you elaborate? Or is that just another one of those sprung up, get your students hurt mma styles?
Depending on which school you join and what organization it belongs to the teachings and emphases will be different. Each instructor will also have certain thing that will be emphasized.
I have know some TKD people that I most certainly know could take care of themselves in the street. Then again I have know some that had no idea how to conduct themselves in a street fight.
But those last to statements also apply to all martial arts people that I know no matter what art they study.
PLease we have enough of these threads, attack me and I will visit you in the hospital plan and simple.
its burns many people to hear that tkd considers it self a application to the need of self defense . all i know that tkd focuses on kicks and moving in a forward and back way of fighting, well this is all i know. and from what i gathered from other people from other martial arts , they all dislike for the style.
if you were attacked on the street, my thoughts you could defend your self as well as the other main stream arts , tell me what you think
If you refer to sport taekwondo, than yes, it is kick focused. Taekwondo as a full MA actually has more hand techniques than kicks.

The effectiveness of any art is very dependent upon the instructor and how the instructor emphasizes self defense.

I'll go even further and asy in the sportin aspect of TKD...if you move straight forward and're dead.

It's all about working the angles. In fact, we spent two hours on Saturday working just that.

I then spent another 2 hours yesterday working my SD stuff...also focusing on angles of attack and not goign straight in and back.

That has got to be the most bootless and self-serving argument in the entire history of Ways to Hit People. There's no point whatsoever in even asking the question.
My two Mexican cents. TKD has evolved in a sport period, and in some cases an apreciation sport, sport TKD sells, I mean look at the dojans near by they are crowded with kids and yougsters that they are doing sport, and TKD as sport is big-big bussiness. I've been atending to karate dojos and aikido dojos that has no more than 10 classmates per class and I've been seeing with some kind of good envy how the senseis teach SD and MA moves . I love to teach and to learn self defense moves and combos but, saddly my clasemates are not interested in this. I love how to improve techniques to putting down a bad guy than doing flashing high kicks that are not practical in SD.

In my search for the way of the warrior I am considering another Martial Art cause I feel TKD in this days are nothing but flasying non sense high kicks. It's terrible for me see advanced students in my dojan that don't know how to clench a fist, or don't know how to punch with force, or don't know how to sweep or to use the low kick, o even to deliver a knee blow.

It's sad but TKD ecuates to sport.


No all tkd schools are like what you describe. Please don't disregard an entire art due to what you have experienced. I am from a tkd school we do have curriculum just for the sport side. However this is isolated to the sparing team or persons that want to spar. The regular curriculum works on poomse self defense sparing, striking and hitting, weapons, grappling, falls and throws. This type of training allows for a more well rounded person.
Our dojang has NO sport side curriculum at all. It is self defence and full contact karate/kickboxing type sparring. I guess that is the great thing about being an independent dojang. No KKW/WTF here!
Our dojang has NO sport side curriculum at all. It is self defence and full contact karate/kickboxing type sparring. I guess that is the great thing about being an independent dojang. No KKW/WTF here!

DarkPhoenix, my dojang is the same way. No affiliation with an org. just plain ole' MA TKD. takes downs, arm locks, sparring (all inclusive) full contact for the most part. No sport sessions, the word is not even spoken there. For the ones that try to put down TKD, please come and have a lesson and feel for yourself what it's all about. I too was a skeptic, pre TKD. Now that I do it, no more skeptical nonesense.
Our dojang has NO self defense curriculum at all. It is sport and full contact Olympic type sparring. I guess that is the great thing about being an affiliated dojang. KKW/WTF here!
Our dojang has NO sport side curriculum at all. It is self defence and full contact karate/kickboxing type sparring. I guess that is the great thing about being an independent dojang. No KKW/WTF here!

Same here for my new dojang.

We spent a good hour or so tonight out of class time working on self-defence against grabs. The rest of the time was working on nailing basics and working on patterns. No sport techniques, or fancy flashy kicks.

Not that there's anything wrong with sport or flashy stuff for the folk who like it (my former dojang [now closed] was WTF and heavily into sport TKD), but to say that all TKD is sport TKD or that TKDers don't know how to use force or know self defence techniques such as joint locks is just plain wrong.

No all tkd schools are like what you describe. Please don't disregard an entire art due to what you have experienced. I am from a tkd school we do have curriculum just for the sport side. However this is isolated to the sparing team or persons that want to spar. The regular curriculum works on poomse self defense sparing, striking and hitting, weapons, grappling, falls and throws. This type of training allows for a more well rounded person.

You may be right, however all the respectfull dojans I know in my city are TKD sports/olimpic oriented believe me. My formation in TKD was in the 80's, I'm from the old school, sorry if I bothered you I really don't mean that.

My roots are Jido Kwan this was one of the first kwans in TKD and in the old good days we train hard and was martial arts/self defense oriented.

It's dificult to me see my classmates with weak stances wrong performed, with weak punhes and bad blockings and with the pumse so uggly that almost faint.

Maybe I am asking too much but believe me since mid 80's I've seen how TKD has evolved from a MA to an sports oriented game.

OK but lets make it some beers instead OK

Sounds good. I may need something to numb the pain.

My friend has been doing goju for the past 25 years, and he had been out of it. I tried getting him down to my dojang a few times, but he heard TKD and said no, because of the the experience he had at a WTF dojang. He thought all TKD was Olympic/Sport style, and wanted nothing to do with it. That is until he came down and actually saw that it looked a lot like the JMA/OMAs he was used to.

Sport TKD definitely has it's place in the MA community in the same way that boxing and MMA do. If it weren't for the sport side, it never would have become so popular, but that is the double edge sword. Now you have some of these schools who have all but abandoned the Martial aspect of it, to make it a pure sport, and that leads to a dilution of the art, and basically turning into boxing with you feet, and NOT kickboxing.

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