Man this place is dead!



Did all the TKD practioners get lost, or sick or transported to the kukkiwon by some kind of divine martial art rapture?:idunno:
The "general" site is a hell of alot more fun than this graveyard!!:EG:
Well post post post in here! Threads become active by more
and more people posting. There's plenty of TKD members of
this site, yet many seem to not want to start threads!

Don't be afraid!
Kirk look at the list of TKD threads and check out the 'last post' column.I'm doing all I can!:EG:
My thread on TKD poomse got , hold on I have to use my callculator here, zero responses.:eek:
Someone , please put a pot of coffey on.
Hey fissure, we are two TKD peoples. We can get this thing going again :D As far as your poomae thread, I donno much about old TKD forms except they are rooted somewhere in TSD/karate :p :D And use strange names hehehehehe j/k.
We had a small group at one time, but they got quiet, possibly due to some negative feedback. Tell all your TKD friend about this forum and bring it back to life. I know this art is everywhere (theres at least 10 schools around me and I'm in Siberia, errr Buffalo) :)

I'd love to see this forum jumping as much as the Kenpo on here is.
As a Wing Chun guy it's always good to know what the opposition are up to :D !
Not to worry fissure. I'm taking TKD now and will be here often.
Excellent! Remember, post here, even if you don't get a reply.
If TKD guys happen by the board, maybe they'll get interested
and become members.
Originally posted by Kirk

Excellent! Remember, post here, even if you don't get a reply.
If TKD guys happen by the board, maybe they'll get interested
and become members.

Kirk, get outta here! You Master you! I'm still ticked at you!

You make me wanna come after you TKD style! (ITF)

Too bad there aren't any Kicking Smileys, I'd throw one at you!:rofl:
We've gotten large batches of smileys added before. If you find ones you like, let us know!

-MT Mod-
We had a small group at one time, but they got quiet, possibly due to some negative feedback
I've practised/taught TKD for a long time, and for 90+ % of the schools and instructors out there, I would have negative feed back.
Typical class - kick, kick,kick some more.Wait theres only 2 min. left, lets do some light punching from a horse stance- O.K. good class!Doesn't make for a well rounded MAist , IMHO:eek:
Maybe my little rant should have it's own thread?I'm currios what other experienced TKD players think of the overall state of the art.
Shall we talk about how buying rank in the TKD systems equaels to buying gold medals in the olimpics. :rofl:
It's a shame that many people will equate martial arts with what they see in the oplimpics and then read how its was possibly fixed.
Personaly I say it should be open to all martial arts that kick and punch

Should this be a seperate thread?
Originally posted by Rouge_Fist

Shall we talk about how buying rank in the TKD systems equaels to buying gold medals in the olimpics. :rofl:
It's a shame that many people will equate martial arts with what they see in the oplimpics and then read how its was possibly fixed.
Personaly I say it should be open to all martial arts that kick and punch

Should this be a seperate thread?

Probably! No harm in new threads!
Rouge_Fist, r.e. your post. I'm not sure if you agree with me or not.I'm missing the intent of your post, sorry.Also what should be open to all MAs, Olympic competiton?
Have patience, I'm sometimes a little slow:)
It looked to me like Rouge_Fist was suggesting that an olimpic event that resembles Karate (kicking-punching) should be open to all arts not resticted to TKD practictioners and the Korean political manuverings. I could be wrong but I think this what he(?) was saying.
I tend to agree with that thought also.
I started my Martial Arts training in TKD. My classes where typical of what Fissure stated. We where not allowed to throw a punch unless we had thrown 5 kicks befor or between punchs.
Ok, I addmit it, The instructor had no idea of how to use his hands at that time. I wonder if this is still typical?