lHistorical, Political, Emotional, Rational . . . whatever!

r.severe said:
I wouldn't vote for them if they were the only ones running on any balet.. LOL..

I can say I distrust the right and the left..

ralph severe, kamiyama

Right on.
Technopunk said:
Oh please. I'm not exactly a bush supporter, but c'mon people... why is EVERY SINGLE PROBLEM IN AMERICA, SINGLE HANDEDLY HIS FAULT?

Get a clue folks. There is more to our problems than who is sitting behind that particular desk. Next thing I expect to hear is 9-11 would never have happened with a 'crat in office, or that the Gas shortage durring Carters reign was somehow Regan's fault...

The fire in the school in india was caused by Bush too I suppose?

My 2 cents? As long as a POLITITION is in office who is more concerned with his political agenda than the country... as long as people adhere to the stupidity of a two party system and yell "Vote Repubican, Vote Demicrat" etc... without any REAL concern for the issues, only who's "side of the fence" they sit on... nothing will change.

Vote Bush out. It wont make no nevermind to me... Kerry will be no different... Different issues, maybe, but the same ol same ol, as far as "things" go.

Vote Bush back in. It wont make no nevermind to me... Bush issues, they wont change either.

All we really do is Trade one "evil" for another.

Chill out there, chief:)

I don't believe Bush is to blame for everything gone wrong in America. But he has an agenda--as does any politician. My biggest problem with any president named Bush is they will always have a vested interest in being lax on certain environmental policies and laws-particularly those affecting the oil industry...

I certainly have the apolitical blues:( I would love to bow out of voting on this one.

The only potential democratic candidate I liked was Wes Clark, although I believe the axiom that any one wanting to be president probably doesn't have the integrity for the job.
r erman said:
Chill out there, chief:)

I don't believe Bush is to blame for everything gone wrong in America. But he has an agenda--as does any politician. My biggest problem with any president named Bush is they will always have a vested interest in being lax on certain environmental policies and laws-particularly those affecting the oil industry...
Well as the USA have stated outright that they will not sign the agreement on reducing emmisions for the future. The USA is more or less polluting the world along with the brown coal fire burners in Eastern Europe in their heavy industrial workings.

The only reason for the non signing is that it may lose empoyment and cost too much for industry to "Smarten up" their emmisions.

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