Last Poster #7

welcome home.
I hope you have some chicken soup to fix you back up!
(I always get a head cold of some sort traveling. One time I got quite unwell the evening before flying home. I drank gallons of tea and ate oodles of tylenol!)
welcome home.
I hope you have some chicken soup to fix you back up!
(I always get a head cold of some sort traveling. One time I got quite unwell the evening before flying home. I drank gallons of tea and ate oodles of tylenol!)
Concerning bit is, my daughter got sick first, and lost her sense if taste yesterday at breakfast in China. So now i am going to have to get another Covid test. This would be the 3rd or 4th time i got Covid, if this is what it is.

First 2 or 3 times i caught it from my wife, now possibly from my daughter

Every time for me it has only been like a bad head cold
Concerning bit is, my daughter got sick first, and lost her sense if taste yesterday at breakfast in China. So now i am going to have to get another Covid test. This would be the 3rd or 4th time i got Covid, if this is what it is.

First 2 or 3 times i caught it from my wife, now possibly from my daughter

Every time for me it has only been like a bad head cold
oh no!
you should be immune to every strand by now!
Keeping my fingers crossed for you.
I think I had it before Christmas. I wish it had been just a head cold. I have not felt that bad in a long time. Even chemo was not that bad!
oh no!
you should be immune to every strand by now!
Keeping my fingers crossed for you.
I think I had it before Christmas. I wish it had been just a head cold. I have not felt that bad in a long time. Even chemo was not that bad!
Thanks, i have never felt it more than a bad head cold. Im home now, i will get checked tomorrow
Just read a post, won't say which one or who posted it, but I almost responded, but then I thought, just another twit with a chip on his shoulder making claims based on opinion claiming it as well known fact.... when in fact it isn't..... decided it was best to not let him waste my time.......
it's the COVID speaking. You don't really mean that! ;)

I need to find something else to waste my time on. my FB feed has been invaded by sechsy pics. I am not like Donkey, I do not like big posteriors.....
Pokemon, I guess. Can't go wrong with the classics!
Not overly great still... feel horrible but I can definitely feel slight improvements. Just keep crashing so it's hard to tell if there's progress.. but I think I am getting there, just very, very slowly. Thanks for asking mate
How are you feeling _Simon_? Much better, I hope.
Its official, I have the Covid...again.... but I had to go to the home of Covid to get it.... and I think this is a special Covid to target westerners.... not Chinese folk.... I have it, my daughter has it..... my wife has no symptoms at all.....
Ah geez hope it's not too rough for you, feel better soon
How are you feeling _Simon_? Much better, I hope.
Nope unfortunately 😞. Still not good and today feel horrible again... sorta comes and goes and have better days but am a bit over it... Has been 15 days now so see how we go.. appreciate you checking in
Nope unfortunately 😞. Still not good and today feel horrible again... sorta comes and goes and have better days but am a bit over it... Has been 15 days now so see how we go.. appreciate you checking in
15 days!😳 Well the overall arch is of decreasing symptoms if it’s on and off🤞🏽. Think positive thoughts, _Simon_

My friend has just informed me she’s tested positive this morning and she isn't vaccinated. It’ll be interesting to see how it effects her. It was she who gave it to me several years ago 😡
Thanks, its ok, I've had it 4 times now and luckily it is never worse than a bad head cold for me
I am guessing if you have knowingly had it four times, you have had is many times more than just four.

Hoping everyone is on the mend and feels better soon.

Supposed to be drizzly this afternoon, but the sunrise is spectacular. We have some darker clouded hanging over downtown Seattle, but you can see sunshine over on the Olympic Peninsula. The commute stinks, but the view helps a lot.
View attachment 31131

Supposed to be drizzly this afternoon, but the sunrise is spectacular. We have some darker clouded hanging over downtown Seattle, but you can see sunshine over on the Olympic Peninsula. The commute stinks, but the view helps a lot.

Washington State has been one of my favorite places in the country since I first visited as a kid.

And the Olympic Peninsula one of my favorite parts of the state. Please tell both I say hi.
reading threads this morning.... there are more than a few people who know nothing about a style beyond superficial, but they sure want everyone to think they know what they are talking about...... ok... i've had enough for now.....

I think it has just become a Little Feat kind of day

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