Last Person #5

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can't throw either....bum arm....

Sawed off shotgun?

That or a Tommy could go train Kame style like Goku and master the kamehameha

can't throw either....bum arm....

Sawed off shotgun?
May God keep you and your family safe.
It is your responsibilty to take every certain measure to keep yourself safe. To some people harassing other may be fun but only victim can tell you that it is the thing he would never want it to happen to even enemies specially if they have family.

I would rather feel pain than nothing at all.
Boy, that got me to thinking. That's one hell of a line right there. (I already stole it)
It's a song lyric, so I think you're cool to steal it. :)

@granfire, was the anonymous friend someone in your neighborhood telling you your house had a funny smell? I don't understand what that even means? Someone comes over to your house and then complains about it? Very rude, and I would probably not use "friend" to describe that person.

Hope it all works out.
It's a song lyric, so I think you're cool to steal it. :)

@granfire, was the anonymous friend someone in your neighborhood telling you your house had a funny smell? I don't understand what that even means? Someone comes over to your house and then complains about it? Very rude, and I would probably not use "friend" to describe that person.

Hope it all works out.
Well, my friends knock on the door, or leave a message, with number to call back...
The office helpdesk is so helpful...... Last Wednesday I contacted them because I was locked out of my Blackberry. Last Friday I got tired of waiting and called someone higher up the food chain....he reset my password.... which did not I had to go through and wipe my blackberry to reset my entire worked fantastic all weekend and even see.... apparently the help desk finally got around to my Blackberry issue....and reset my password.....of course they did not bother to tell me what it is so....I am once again locked out....... I suppose I should not complain...the last time I had an issue with it was because I discovered they had my office location about 200 miles south of where I actually a place I never worked (for that matter I had never been there)..... so I called them and let them know.... the next day I lost access to my Blackberry..... because you see, since I no longer worked in a place I never worked I obviously did not need the Blackberry so they DELETED my account..... things went so much more smoothly when they let us handle all of our stuff in house...
was rather amused tonight when a fellow Black Belt
asked me if one Black Belt in particular (who is rather
uptight) was the ranking student and when I smiled
and said no, she looked just as relieved as I felt..
kind of nice to know I'm not alone in my opinion.. :)
was rather amused tonight when a fellow Black Belt
asked me if one Black Belt in particular (who is rather
uptight) was the ranking student and when I smiled
and said no, she looked just as relieved as I felt..
kind of nice to know I'm not alone in my opinion.. :)

Do you know how to test to see if someone really qualifies as uptight?
1 - Rectally insert a lump of carbon, and see if they turn it into a diamond.
2 - When they fart, only dogs can hear it.
To hit the gym or not to hit the gym........ and eat pizza anyway?
So, it turned into gym, followed by a pork's OK for now
That or a Tommy could go train Kame style like Goku and master the kamehameha

Nice choice!
I also recommend some of master kens teachings (it would make a pretty effective combination...)
Strange feeling of vindication and frustration. Over a week ago I told the support folks that if they did not listen to me what they are proposing would fail..... they did not listen..... and it failed..... so there is frustration over things not getting fixed and yet vindication because I was right....

But no biggie I have the next few days off.... Happy Thanksgiving to all in the LPTv5
I can't wait for Friday - 2PM that is.
Forget shopping! I don't need anything.

But this 'essential worker' stuff in a 24/7 facility is really OLD and unfun!

On the bright side, this year I am actually working, unlike last when I was sitting at a different hospital with Hubby.....
Dang, time flies! Seems like yesterday I was posting about that blankety-blank bloodthinner!
Thanksgiving was nice and I even helped cook I... put ice cubes in the glasses. I also supervised so I guess I can say I did pretty good job.
Our THX giving: drove to the in-laws, settled in to a lunch of fried chicken (piggly wiggly), ribs (piggly wiggly), pork shoulder (piggly wiggly), store bought rolls (sis in law), store bought pumpkin pie (sis inlaw), store bought cranberry sauce (sis in law), sweet tater casserole and mashed taters (mom in law), collards (from scratch by me), lemon cake (from scratch by my 9 year old daughter), ambrosia ( wife, made from scratch).....I'm glad everyone put so much effort into the least we didn't talk about the election
Skipped the festivities.
I worked and was pooped.
Need to buy my work supplied turkey before the end of December though...
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