jewelry in dojo


Purple Belt
Several women in my class wear hoop earrings. I think it's a bad idea.during self defense moves they can get them ripped out. Any of you have women who wear earrings or has your instructor had them remove jewelry?
I try to get all the jewelery off people before they start class. Not only can it get ripped out, but I personally don't want to catch a charm bracelet or whatever across the eye. But sometimes, especially with beginners, ya just puts up with it for a while.

I feel the same way about long nails, hand or foot. About six years ago now, I nicked a sparring partner about a quarter-inch from thee corner of the eye...since then, I clips 'em. Short.

I've also been cruel enough to weasel a teen or two into swallowing their gum, but that's another story...
I am not a person that wears a lot of jewellery as a rule. I currently only wear an necklace with a charm and hoop ear rings.

I completely see your point but I never seem to remember to removed them, and luckily I haven't had an issue yet. With the exception of catching one in my instructors gi when he was teaching a throw. Luckily he didn't move and I removed the earrings. The necklace has never been a problem as yet.

I use to wear a couple rings but hated taking them off and putting them back on. Not to mention I lost one ring because of this. :( So now I leave all my rings off all the time.

Initially I wore my wedding band to class, now I take even that off. I find my hands swell a bit if punching, lifting etc. Plus if a finger gets jammed- ballon time. I don't wear any other jewelery to class. I'm not there to be a fashion plate. Painted toenails (SHORT painted toesnails) are my only adornment;)

As for the hoop earrings, a friend of mine got one of hers ripped out the hard way by a psych patient when we used to work in ER. Earlobe flapping in two pieces- blood everywhere. Stitches & plastic surgery.

I have no patience with chix who show up in full makeup and jewery with the big hair. Sorry I plan to sweat when I train.Cripes.

I have been to several schools within over a decade and all of them had had strict rules against jewelry. None of the schools have allowed jewelry of any kind on while training and if something had been forgotten on (sometimes someone forgot to remove a ring or something) it was "punished" with some pushups or running laps.
Originally posted by Jill666
I have no patience with chix who show up in full makeup and jewery with the big hair. Sorry I plan to sweat when I train.Cripes.


Whoa!!! My kind of fellow Martial Artist. Whoo Hoo!!!

Nothing I use to hate more, going to cardio class or to the gym and find those chicks wearing the latest spandex outfit and full hair and make-up. All show and no workout. Might as well just wear a big ole arrow over your head saying "Look At Me"

If you're going to workout or train then TRAIN. Grrrrrrr

Okay I'll get off my :soapbox: now.

Yup- then later you strut on the beach in that little string bikini! HA!
Originally posted by rachel
Several women in my class wear hoop earrings. I think it's a bad idea.during self defense moves they can get them ripped out. Any of you have women who wear earrings or has your instructor had them remove jewelry?

Jewelry can get caught and rip out and or hurt the other person as well.

I ask for it to be removed. If not then I usually reach out to do a head throw for example of a technique and then just put my thumb over their ear lobe. This allows you to push in on their ear and have the back of he ear ring press against the head. This causes mild pain and no permanent damage. The student usually blushes (* Male or Female *) and then asks to remove their ear ring(s).

If it is a necklace, a Grab to the collar and then people realize that OOPS! this jewelry can damaged or hurt me. A couple of times of this causes most people to learn.

Mind you this is not done maliciously, only harsh enough to get their attention.

As for sweating when you work out I agree all for that. :D

With Respect

Stay away from Bikini's myself, hard to find 'em in my size. I paint my toenails too, right now contemplating the "Dice look". My reason being is I'm barefoot alot and your toes get boring after awhile, and it's always good when your sparring parnter notices them, he'll follow your foot the point it hits him, kinda funny. My fingernails stay clean though. Judoka do have our standards. LOL
Originally posted by Hollywood1340
Stay away from Bikini's myself, hard to find 'em in my size. I paint my toenails too, right now contemplating the "Dice look". My reason being is I'm barefoot alot and your toes get boring after awhile, and it's always good when your sparring parnter notices them, he'll follow your foot the point it hits him, kinda funny. My fingernails stay clean though. Judoka do have our standards. LOL

Just the thought makes me want to ........ :barf:


Originally posted by Rich Parsons
This allows you to push in on their ear and have the back of he ear ring press against the head. This causes mild pain and no permanent damage. The student usually blushes (* Male or Female *) and then asks to remove their ear ring(s).

If it is a necklace, a Grab to the collar and then people realize that OOPS! this jewelry can damaged or hurt me. A couple of times of this causes most people to learn.

Well, guess we are fore warned now. :anic: Know I'll be strippin off the jewls before we ever meet. ;)
yeah jewelry is not a good idea in class... an even worse idea is stuff that is worn and not seen... like nipple rings lol had an instructor that had that done and failed to inform anyone of it... it didnt work out for him too well during class when we were working some grappling stuff and it somehow managed to get ripped... that was the loudest i have ever heard anyone scream lol
Hey There,

I've seen some earlobes torn and it's just not a good idea. Normally I take off my watch and a metal bracelet I wear (a Crucian Hook for those who know it can make a nasty gouge) before I train. When I started to train in Eskrima I noticed that it wasn't really an issue if we were working larga mano and so now it depends on the range the practice will be in.

I think it's best to take all the jewelry off and in most schools I've been in, they make you take it off. The only exception is the Eskrima, but if you want to keep your watch intact, it's still a good idea to lose the jewelry.
Originally posted by rachel
Any of you have women who wear earrings or has your instructor had them remove jewelry?

I always tell people using jewelry to remove it.

Concerning rings if a finger is broken or brused, the ring might have to be cut off.

Concerning necklaces, they can cut the neck, and make a very ugly scare.

Concerning earrings (peircing), they can get ripped out, and in worse cases take the whole earlobe with it. And the ear will not look the same.

I think the price for taking off the jewelry is so small concidering the price of the damage if something were to happen.

I wear my wedding ring 24/7 and don't take it off for no one and no body. As a result I will admit that I have to get it re-shaped once in a while because it tends to flatten but I don't take it off.

I don't wear earings anymore because they kept getting ripped out etc and I take off my neck knife when I work out but not the ring.

If you want it off then pull it off my cold dead body...that is if I left you with enough fingers to do it.
Originally posted by GouRonin
As a result I will admit that I have to get it re-shaped once in a while because it tends to flatten but I don't take it off.

It's gotta hurt when they re-shap it while it's on your finger ;)

They do a better job than when I just used to flatten my hand on a concrete block and bang on the ring with a hammer.
I wear my wedding ring on a lanyard around my neck. The fiber doesn't cut into my neck like a precious metal chain would and I don't have to worry about having it cut off my finger. It's never been a problem with my FMA training, even while sparring. The rare occasions now that I wear a gi, it will occasionally fly out, but never in an intrusive way.

As a rule, I disallow all jewelry except for wedding bands, but make sure the people who decide to leave the ring on their finger are aware of the potential consequences. Ear-/nose-/nipple-rings are a big no-no. Metal chains (necklaces and bracelets) as well. Big-*** biker rings are definitely out.

Originally posted by GouRonin
I wear my wedding ring 24/7 and don't take it off for no one and no body. As a result I will admit that I have to get it re-shaped once in a while because it tends to flatten but I don't take it off.

I have seen completely smooth ring tear out the other guys eyelids.

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