More No-Touch Knockouts.


Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Aug 28, 2001
Reaction score
Terre Haute, IN
An article in the second U.S. issue of Budo International magazine, which appears to exist principally to feature articles on people selling videos in the same issue, discusses Evan Pantazi and his no-touch knockouts. He is a DKI student and is selling a tape on KOs. The article is very positive about the no-touch KOs.
Originally posted by arnisador
The article is very positive about the no-touch KOs.

Budo International's articles are always positive, because they are nothing but advertisements for the videos they themselves publish. Budo International is a product catalog disguised as a magazine. It has it's merits for introducing different arts and artists to the public but they never publish anything except stuff about their own product line.
Do you know what i have to say about no touch knock outs,

Fake, Lets see him pull his Power of suggestion **** on a disbeliever. LIKE ME!
Originally posted by Judo-kid
Do you know what i have to say about no touch knock outs,

Fake, Lets see him pull his Power of suggestion **** on a disbeliever. LIKE ME!

In the Karate Forum (I think?) there was an open invitation to anyone that thinks they have "the right stuff" to do no touch KOs.

I have yet to see any takers................
Oh Brother:rolleyes:

Here we go again.

Is it something in the water maybe?


This will be going around and around until the end of time or someone lines up all the no touch KO guys and have the prove what that claim.
Too bad people don't come to my door saying they don't believe I can knock them out with my right fist! :rofl:
Originally posted by RyuShiKan

This will be going around and around until the end of time or someone lines up all the no touch KO guys and have the prove what that claim.

not even then will anything be resolved for this stuff.. . remember when the original crop cirlce pranksters in england revealed themselves and their secrets for making alien landing signs?- the whole industry that grew around these pranks with ridiculous alien theories and on and on how it was impossible for men to do these geometrical signals simply had this response- "sure those signs -but what about the ones in INDIA?! " (no pranksters there they assured us!) etc...
While I believe in the existence of qi, the ability to harness it and direct it for martial and health related uses via qigong, I do not believe I will ever be like Darth Vader and be able to move, manipulate, knock out or kill another person without ever making contact with them...

I keep my eyes open. If I ever get the chance to attend a seminar where they demo no-touch knockouts or other such phenomena on seminar participants (as opposed to only the cadre of instructors demo'ing on each other), I'm there. I will stand there and let them try their hardest to do whatever it is they think they can do.

I'll admit I have had some odd experiences in my life due to qigong training, but this kind of thing is far and beyond a realistic expectation of training.

If I ever go to one of these seminars, I will surely post here ASAFP to let everyone know the results...

Originally posted by yilisifu
I agree wholeheartedly with Yiliquan1 on this subject.

As do I.

When I was in China at the Beijing Medical University I saw some "freaky" stuff.

However, the pretty bogus video/mpegs I have seen of certain westerners doing these no touch KOs and their explination of them have not led me to believe in such things.
I believe I have a scientific explanation for the "No Touch KO's" from an undisclosed source.

The pressure points activated are on or near the center of the face or sinus region. The particular "air" or "breath" practice involves preparation in advance. Usually the "Chi" is ingested or gathered and stored near the "Dan Tien" in or near the large intestine. This must be done a minimum of 2-3 HOURS before a sufficient quantity of "Chi" is ready to be transmitted. Once the proper preparations are made, the practitioner feels heat and swelling near the "Dan Tien". By taking and holding a deep breath, that is pushed hard down into the LOWER ABDOMEN, the catalyst is in motion. Next the practicioner flexes the urogenital diaphragm closed while violently flexing down on the abdominal muscles. The "target" or opponent typically must be within 10 feet for them to receive a knockout dosage. The remaining flexing of the abdomen is then accompanied by the waving of the hands, in a forward or sideways motion, toward the "target" with the fingers spread wide for proper flow. If the hands are not used in time, the "Chi" can harm the nerves of the user and the lungs and diaphragm may go into shock. This can cause the user to pass out or even commit unintentional "Seppuku". If the practicioner is highly advanced, and stores sufficient "Chi", there are reports of being able to knock out multiple opponents at a time and to cause alarm or tears in innocent passersby. Early trial runs can be performed on small animals gradually working up to large dogs. Once a large dog is accomplished, then the next step is a human subject. Caution is important. Specific revival techniques must be used or violent vomiting, nerve damage, etc. may occur. Some have gone blind.

This particular method is called "Empty Force" or "Kim" in Korean. To prepare the body, steady doses of fermented, spiced cabbage must be ingested at regular intervals along with a static "Chi Gong" posture exercise called "Holding the Air Ball". The name was abbreviated from the older ancient texts as this practice was originally named "KIMCHI GONG", after the first generation Master Sock Kim.

We Sock Kim is reported to have devoloped this method of deadly self defense as a young boy, in Korea, circa 600 A.D. He was rather sickly and was beaten up by his classmates rather frequently. His parents were poor cabbage farmers and they could not afford self defense lessons from the local Kong Soo masters. Finally one day, young Sock Kim was approached by a gang of youths about 3 hours after eating a hearty lunch consisting of cabbage and a special blend of spices. One of the youths punched We Sock Kim hard in the stomach. As expected all the "wind" was knocked out of young Kim as he fell to the ground. When this happened, a look of horror overcame the gang of bullys as they all fell to the ground never to regain conciousness. Luckily, for Kim, hot air rose that day, as it still does, and he was spared the same fate from his newfound and then uncontrolled power. This particular incident is credited by some as the beginnings of the extremely low stances in traditional martial art as a method used to avoid an attack from a "KimChi" master. To this day the name "KimChi" can be heard in hushed whispers in many an Oriental kitchen or local Oriental restaurant, if one were to listen closely enough. So long as cabbage is fermented, the legend of "Empty Force" or "KimChi Gong" will live on.

No charge. Save your money for cabbage, instead of seminars, and practice hard. Someday you too may be able to do the "No Touch KO".

Bon Apetit,
white belt
How about a simply yet affective way to explain how this is posible.

In the 1940s the us goverment was very intrested in tricking the mind, Everything from subliminal messages to reading minds.

Somthing they found is the Power of suggestion. If someones brain really wants to believe somthing it happens. For example Alot of the people in mental instations believe things or people are doing things to them when nothing is happening. They get to a point where they see bugs crawling all over them and they believe that they are inside there skin then begein clawing themselves to a point of self injury that might lead to death. Now your proble asking yourself what dos this have to do with NO touch knock-outs..... This is how most of the people who say do a No touch knock out to me , Think so much that it is going to happen that they make it happen to them selves. People pass out all the time and Alot of times its because they become overwelmed, Now did someone forces SOME MAGICAL FORCE like in star wars (This analige was used earler but i think i steal it) to make those people faint, * NO* you see there are many causes of this type of bull***** happening everything thing from some masters saying they can cause weman Orgasims from pressure points. My coach was talking about how he saw this fail and he laughed as weman from the crowd challeged him to do it yet he was un able even to turn them on. No touch knocks outs never really work or he would be able just to enter ufc or go on the news and SAY look what i can do make millions like billy blanks (TB). You cant buy into everything you here, If i told you your not breathing right now and that i can make you fly threw the sun just for the low price of 9.99 are you gonna send me a check. Hopelly not , Some times its a buyer beware market and if you fall for some foolish trick. Any how like i said if someone can do this why not enter the ufc make some money and show the world it can be done to fighter that would smerk at you and think you are full of **** like i would if someone said that can NTKO me. Anyhow Its one of those Things you see in a cheap infomercal that dont work be a sap or be a smart consummer the rest is up to you! :shrug:
Has anyone heard of the "Hard Style Qi Gong" called "Rigor Mortis"? I think it is from France or something. Apparently large groups of people all over the world practice this. It involves "Stilling the Breath" and can be done from a variety of positions. The most common is a reclining position. Comments? Is this a DKI method?

white belt
Okay...for those of you on the west coast.....Master Jim Corn is coming to Arizona for a seminar and would be glad to demonstrate to any of you that feel you have doubts about what he and many others in DKI can do.

I'll even give you a money back guarantee on the what do you have to loose except a little time and some gas.

dki girl
**** tell him to come to washington and ill go there and bet him money he cant do it to me.
Originally posted by DKI Girl
Okay...for those of you on the west coast.....Master Jim Corn is coming to Arizona for a seminar and would be glad to demonstrate to any of you that feel you have doubts about what he and many others in DKI can do.

I'll even give you a money back guarantee on the what do you have to loose except a little time and some gas.

dki girl

Send me an airline ticket..............
If any of the DKI people that claim to possess the ability to knock me out without touching me ever show up in Washington (specifically Seattle/Tacoma area), I will be one of the first people to sign up for the seminar, money back guarantee or not...
there's Sun Fist arts(from 72 secrets of shaolin) some of which my teacher(Taichi) taught me... it's supposed to generate that "No Touch Ko" but in his 20 yrs he havn't seen anyone who can do that, he hav traveled in china n practiced there ..."No touch Ko" is basically a myth to him... but he says one thing for sure with all those 72 secret u can really become very powerful dude... he's around 5 feet n 3 in n hit really really hard, his body is over flexible so can do some pretty crazy stuff but No Touch Ko is still out of his reach :D

Mr White Belt i hav heard of "Hard style Qi-gong" but not Rigor mortis, the one i hav heard about r those which r meant for chinese soldiers to aquire(sp?) power in minimum time to prepare them for battle n they do hav some bad effects on body(not all of those)
With this "money-back guarantee", I wonder what the catch is?