Master of Arts
Saw this on another forum. Hoping it may spark some renewed discussion energy here.
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Conclusions of AWCKRI
The conclusions drawn by the “Ancestral Wing Chun Kuen Research Institute” - will redefine how we look at the Wing Chun system, its original Face and its evolution over the 1900-s to 1950′s when it was first taught publicaly. What is so significant about this research, is that first, its the only other known Leung Jan Foshan Lineage, other than the Lineage stemming from Chan Wah Shun Family. Second, it substantiats the tradition that Cho Gar and Yuen Kay Shan preserve, in that, Wing Chun Kuen was once a Single form. Third it substantiates the tradition preserved in Kulo Village that states, Wong Wah Bo broke the single hand Form into the 3 hand forms we see today. This is also cooborated by the fact that Yuen Kay Shans first Sifu, Fok Bo Chuen also learned from Wong Wah Bo along side Leung Jan. Hence Fok Bo Chuen Also had the broken down Hand forms, like Leung Jan. Fourth it substantiates that a San Sik method existed at the same time as the Single 4 section Hand form, thatLeung Yee Tai practised. Yuen Kay Shan’s Second Sifu, Fung Siu Ching was also known to have practised a San Sik based Wing Chun Kuen System , as well as Sum Nung’s First Sifu Cheung Bo Fifth it suggest’s that Kulo Villages Legend of Leung Jan creating the San Sik system that he passed down in his time in Kulo, is probably nothing more than Ancient urban legend. And suggests that the art Leung Jan passed down in Kulo, was simply the second system of Wing Chun he learned from Leung Yee Tai. This possibly indicates that Leung Jan, returned back to that the San Sik Method of passing down the Wing Chun system, as he felt it was simpler.
After examining this information i think we can see some interesting patterns emerge, when cross referancing it across other known Wing Chun Kuen Systems.
1) Cho Gar, Yuen Kay Shan, Kulo Village, and Lo Kwai family all preserve that the Wing Chun Kuen Hand forms, were a single Hand form that with either 3 or 4 sections, that was broken down by most probably Wong Wah Bo, when he was teaching is Foshan.
This inversly implies that any Wing Chun System, that contain the standard 3 hand forms, must be of a Post 1900′s period. Hence modern Wing Chun systems that state they are the oldest branch - couldnt contain the broken down Hand forms if they were indeed the Oldest version of the system.
2)The 4th form/section still exists in various forms. Its information is contained in various Muk Yan Jong Sets, as well as Dao and Gwun Sets. The core information of the the 4th form is passed down still in not only Lo Kwai Lineage, but also Chan Wah Shun Family, as well as Chan Wah Shuns Diciple Ng Chun So’s Branch. This form essentialy fuses together the 3 hand forms into a combat form showcasing all the footwork contained within the system. This section may have been created based on San Sik design or San Sik Wing Chun may be designed after the 4th Form/section.
3) There existed 2 versions of the Wing Chun system. One was a single form with 4 sections, that would later be broken down into the modern 3 Hand forms + Jong and Weapons that Wong Wah Bo an dYik Kam Practised. The other a San Sik based system, that Leung Yee Tai and Dai Fai Min Kam practised.
Source: Conclusions of AWCKRI | eWingChun
What say you?
Conclusions of AWCKRI
The conclusions drawn by the “Ancestral Wing Chun Kuen Research Institute” - will redefine how we look at the Wing Chun system, its original Face and its evolution over the 1900-s to 1950′s when it was first taught publicaly. What is so significant about this research, is that first, its the only other known Leung Jan Foshan Lineage, other than the Lineage stemming from Chan Wah Shun Family. Second, it substantiats the tradition that Cho Gar and Yuen Kay Shan preserve, in that, Wing Chun Kuen was once a Single form. Third it substantiates the tradition preserved in Kulo Village that states, Wong Wah Bo broke the single hand Form into the 3 hand forms we see today. This is also cooborated by the fact that Yuen Kay Shans first Sifu, Fok Bo Chuen also learned from Wong Wah Bo along side Leung Jan. Hence Fok Bo Chuen Also had the broken down Hand forms, like Leung Jan. Fourth it substantiates that a San Sik method existed at the same time as the Single 4 section Hand form, thatLeung Yee Tai practised. Yuen Kay Shan’s Second Sifu, Fung Siu Ching was also known to have practised a San Sik based Wing Chun Kuen System , as well as Sum Nung’s First Sifu Cheung Bo Fifth it suggest’s that Kulo Villages Legend of Leung Jan creating the San Sik system that he passed down in his time in Kulo, is probably nothing more than Ancient urban legend. And suggests that the art Leung Jan passed down in Kulo, was simply the second system of Wing Chun he learned from Leung Yee Tai. This possibly indicates that Leung Jan, returned back to that the San Sik Method of passing down the Wing Chun system, as he felt it was simpler.
After examining this information i think we can see some interesting patterns emerge, when cross referancing it across other known Wing Chun Kuen Systems.
1) Cho Gar, Yuen Kay Shan, Kulo Village, and Lo Kwai family all preserve that the Wing Chun Kuen Hand forms, were a single Hand form that with either 3 or 4 sections, that was broken down by most probably Wong Wah Bo, when he was teaching is Foshan.
This inversly implies that any Wing Chun System, that contain the standard 3 hand forms, must be of a Post 1900′s period. Hence modern Wing Chun systems that state they are the oldest branch - couldnt contain the broken down Hand forms if they were indeed the Oldest version of the system.
2)The 4th form/section still exists in various forms. Its information is contained in various Muk Yan Jong Sets, as well as Dao and Gwun Sets. The core information of the the 4th form is passed down still in not only Lo Kwai Lineage, but also Chan Wah Shun Family, as well as Chan Wah Shuns Diciple Ng Chun So’s Branch. This form essentialy fuses together the 3 hand forms into a combat form showcasing all the footwork contained within the system. This section may have been created based on San Sik design or San Sik Wing Chun may be designed after the 4th Form/section.
3) There existed 2 versions of the Wing Chun system. One was a single form with 4 sections, that would later be broken down into the modern 3 Hand forms + Jong and Weapons that Wong Wah Bo an dYik Kam Practised. The other a San Sik based system, that Leung Yee Tai and Dai Fai Min Kam practised.
- A) Yik Kam passed down the Single Hand form to Cho Shun and Cho Family
- B) Wong Wah Bo passed down the Single Hand Form to Leung Jan and later broke it down into the 3 Hand forms + Jong and Weapons. Leung Jan passed down the Single hand form to Lo Kwai and Taught Chan Wah Shun in 2 parts. The first was Siu Lien Tau and Siu Lien Sae Mun(4th section). The Second was Shum kiu and Biu Jee together.
- C)Wong Wah Bo passed down the 3 Hand forms + Jong and Weapons to Fok Bo Chuen, who passed it down to Yuen Kay Shan and his brother Yuen Chai Wan.
- D)Leung Yee Tai passed down a San sik system to Leung Jan, which Leung Taught in Kulo Village when he retired.
- E) Dai Fa Min Ka Passed down a San Sik system to Fung Siu Ching, who passed it down to Yuen Kay Shan, Yuen Chai Wan and Au Tzu. Yuen Kay Shan passed his system to Sum Nung. Au Tzu Taught Wai Yuk Sang, who in turn taught Cheung Bo, Sum Nungs first Sifu.
Source: Conclusions of AWCKRI | eWingChun