Interesting article about the Kukkiwon

I don't know much about this territory, so bear with me...

How much overhaul would that mean to start issuing Dan certificates? I just don't see it being a clean transition....

I do agree that pulling it from the Olympics would help in getting the ball rolling. I just don't know much about the political side of TKD, other than it seems very one-sided at the moment.
Not necessarily. If the Kukkiwon folds, there is a good chance the Kwans will step up and begin issuing Dan certificates again. I could definitely see that if Taekwondo is removed from the Olympics and the WTF is politically weakened because of it.

This would make the most sense, which means it will never happen.
I don't know much about this territory, so bear with me...

How much overhaul would that mean to start issuing Dan certificates? I just don't see it being a clean transition....

I do agree that pulling it from the Olympics would help in getting the ball rolling. I just don't know much about the political side of TKD, other than it seems very one-sided at the moment.

The problem comes from this, Kwans base school does not consider other kwans BB to be the same. So why would it be easy, if it happens or not it will be a mass of con fusion between all. We need an org. for America that is not runned by egomaniacs and money hungry people. The USAT only cares about who is kissing there asses and the A.A.U. only cares about the inside group and has no power if it satys in the Olympics.
Not necessarily. If the Kukkiwon folds, there is a good chance the Kwans will step up and begin issuing Dan certificates again. I could definitely see that if Taekwondo is removed from the Olympics and the WTF is politically weakened because of it.
Chances are you'd see a repeat of the USTU being reorganized into USAT. Kukkiwon would either remain the Kukkiwon and do a thorough housecleaning or simply reorganize into another entity. Perhaps the WTF would 'take over' the Kukkiwon duties, as it is technically a separate organization.

Not sure, but I don't personally see a return to the nine kwans, though I do agree that it would be pretty cool.


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