

Senior Master
Jan 20, 2009
Reaction score
San Jose
Hello All,

I had broken my arm 4 weeks ago and just got the cast off. I broke the ulna bone in the forearm during a sparring session.

Just want to know if anyone has ever broken this bone and how long until I can block, punch and break again with this arm?

I read somewhere that it takes upto 2 years for a broken bone to fully heal. I hope that does not mean that I have to wait that long to fully participate again.

Hello All,

I had broken my arm 4 weeks ago and just got the cast off. I broke the ulna bone in the forearm during a sparring session.

Just want to know if anyone has ever broken this bone and how long until I can block, punch and break again with this arm?

I read somewhere that it takes upto 2 years for a broken bone to fully heal. I hope that does not mean that I have to wait that long to fully participate again.


You should speak with your Dr and not ask a bunch of non-medically educated strangers on a message board, questions like this.

Speaking for my daughter though, I can tell you that within about 2 weeks or so after casts have been removed from her arm, wrist, hand whatever was broken at various times in her TKD life, she has been back at it. She actually, a couple years ago, fought at Nationals just 2 days after having a cast removed from her left arm. I suspect that wasn't the best decision we have ever made, but who am I to stand between a little girl and her dreams.
You should speak with your Dr and not ask a bunch of non-medically educated strangers on a message board, questions like this.

Speaking for my daughter though, I can tell you that within about 2 weeks or so after casts have been removed from her arm, wrist, hand whatever was broken at various times in her TKD life, she has been back at it. She actually, a couple years ago, fought at Nationals just 2 days after having a cast removed from her left arm. I suspect that wasn't the best decision we have ever made, but who am I to stand between a little girl and her dreams.
Yeah...Dr's will always tell you one thing but not always a good thing to hear. When I broke it he told me why am I doing martial arts. He said it was not the best thing to do. Also I have had various sprains, and bumps and bruises over my time and each time I was told 4 or 6 weeks off and was back in 1 sometimes.

Dr's give the worst case scenario but that does not always fit everyone. Lot of times it is just a pain tolerance thing and everyone is different. That is why I am asking others that may have had the same thing. If others have come back and not re-broken their bone or have re-broken it, it is nice to know either way, gives me better insight.

Thanks for your daughters story. I do know that when young you bounce back faster. I broke my legs when 12 (hit by a car) and six weeks later I was back jumping off the roof of the house. Youth is wasted on the young. Ha ha ha...
You can probably figure on beginning light, non-contact training now. Light contact in a week or two, and another week or two to step up to moderate to heavy.

But, seriously, ask your doctor. He or she is the expert -- and knows the exact details on YOUR break and how it's healing.
Charles, Charles, Charles, I do so remember that poor little crippled girl in Portland. It was so sad and Sam was so cute, in a vicious wild carnivorous animal sort of way. I do have to admit her fangs did make me a little nervous. I have two right now, one from blocking a head kick and the other from blocking a body shot, bouncing around and very frustrated that they are not allowed to get out and play with the other little animals. Oh well, healing comes with time and the knowledge not to block with an open hands does to.