Hapkido testing on hold for a while


Senior Master
May 16, 2006
Reaction score
St. Louis
It is a badge of honor to say you passed a butt whuppin test and survived. However, I am not muscle sore at all. I work out all the time. Nope, my legs gave out four times and I continued even though my back was thumping from spasm, in knots and I haven't been able move without amazing pain since Thursday. My joints are on fire. Even though I passed for red belt I feel that I did hapkido as an art a great dis-service and don't feel like I myself passed under my own standards.

Well, it is time to catch up with Tae Kwon Do.
Matt I can hear your pain but remember if your instruvtor washappy with what you accomplished than that is what is important my dear friend. I hope your journey continues fo years to come. You have been a pillar of a story over the last couple of years.:asian:
Matt-remember it is not how many times you fall down that counts, it is how many times you get back up.

I feel your pain brother, I remember many a test that required a prescription of pain killer and muscle relaxers.
Thanks Terry, Arnissidor, and Jon.

I know it isn't green beret certification, I was on the all marine judo team. I tried out for Recon and that went bust.

Jon, I know the deal but just to function daily and move around I have to take plenty of muscle relaxers and pain killers. All prescribed from the V.A. of course for injuries from service. After the test I had to fix my leg braces with an allen wrench and screw driver.

I am not quitting hapkido, not by any means. However, I am going to scale down the intensity. Hapkido will always be part of my life even if it takes me six years to get the dan rank for one more belt.

Thanks again all.
Matt, you are a warrior & will always be one. Don't let this get you down. I know you well enough to know that you didn't go in their unprepared &/or expecting a belt. THAT ALONE is the only way you could have done a dis-service to the Art. Your body gave out. It wasn't for lack of trying. Strap on that belt & keep goin'. You're a man of character & strength. Everyone on that testing board knows that. They wouldn't give it to ya if they felt sorry for ya.:asian:
Thank you my friend it means a lot coming from you.
As a side note: I am by no means quitting, I am just going to take time off of testing and do some recovery time. I still teach judo and will play catch up on TKD now.

Matt, you are a warrior & will always be one. Don't let this get you down. I know you well enough to know that you didn't go in their unprepared &/or expecting a belt. THAT ALONE is the only way you could have done a dis-service to the Art. Your body gave out. It wasn't for lack of trying. Strap on that belt & keep goin'. You're a man of character & strength. Everyone on that testing board knows that. They wouldn't give it to ya if they felt sorry for ya.:asian:
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Very sorry to hear of your suffering. Nothing I can add to the words of wisdom above I'm afraid! You are a credit to your arts, and I do not believe for one second you did Hapkido a disservice.
I am not quitting hapkido, not by any means. However, I am going to scale down the intensity. Hapkido will always be part of my life even if it takes me six years to get the dan rank for one more belt.

There you go! Good luck.
Thank you my friend it means a lot coming from you.
As a side note: I am by no means quitting, I am just going to take time off of testing and do some recovery time. I still teach judo and will play catch up on TKD now.

Matt this is what we all have learned from yu never give up and keep pushing on. Keep going my friend.
When (zDom)Scott started posting here after I told him of the board he talked about two people that had made it far in the gup ranks. Well one had a terrible head injury and the other had back problems. He mentioned that he hated they didn't come to class anymore. I know who he is talking about very well and they were incredibly nice people. I miss them in the org. and at tournaments and campouts etc.

Well even though I had taken a year and a half away from TKD testing to really focus on my Judo program I still helped where needed in TKD class. I will now shift focus back to TKD and continue practicing hapkido, just slowed way down. I am in no rush and I don't want to quit like others had, that just aint me.:asian:
Matt, you gave it your all and didn't give up-that's the test....and you passed! Congratulations! You probably will never know just how many people you inspired just by being on the mat.
Quick update,

Wednesday I told GM of the whole "Get back up to speed and lay low on hapkido" for a bit. He looked at me and laughed "Whatever you say, go take your tempature your obviously running fever."

My back is feeling better. Nothing a tens unit and my icepacks can't help
Quick update,

Wednesday I told GM of the whole "Get back up to speed and lay low on hapkido" for a bit. He looked at me and laughed "Whatever you say, go take your tempature your obviously running fever."

My back is feeling better. Nothing a tens unit and my icepacks can't help

hehehehe, he seems to know you very well.

Are you by any chance pink with long ears? you know, since you keep going and going.... ;)