I'm testing tonight


Purple Belt
Oct 13, 2002
Reaction score
I'm testing in less than an hour. I think I'm gonna be sick. It's stagefright I think. Oh well. Wish me luck.
Relax, breathe, and remember that your instructor wouldn't let you test if you were not ready.

Let us know how it goes. :)

Trying to avoid life's potholes,
Randy Strausbaugh
By the time you read this, it will be over, so I can only say I hope it went well and you feel proud of what you did, regardless of whether or not you got a new belt.

Good luck, I'm sure you will do just fine. Remember if you weren't nervous, that meant you didn't want it.

Guiseppe Betri
Best of luck to you! Your instructor wouldn't have you out there if you weren't ready. Let us know how it went.
I am not going to wish you luck, because you probably don't need it. Like it has been stated before, your instructor would not test you if you were not ready. Instead however, I would like to congratulate you because I am sure you did just fine. Best of luck to you.
Thank you! I passed! Blue belt with a green stripe.:) I found the drill of a thousand punches interesting and exhilarating. Anyone ever do that?I have some good size bruises on my arms but hey it goes with the territory.Can't wait to learn new things.
Congrats on your new rank!!!! Keep up the hard work!!

Well done. I'm sure you'll wear your new rank with pride and honor.

Trying to avoid life's potholes,
Randy Strausbaugh
I found the drill of a thousand punches interesting and exhilarating. Anyone ever do that?

I've never done 1000 punches, but I've done 1000 sword cuts. Oddly, you feel like you can't do another...relax the muscles that feel overworked and suddenly your structure takes the brunt of it. Awesome stuff
I do 1000 hand basics in a row regularly, punches, back-knuckles, etc. Takes me about 20 minutes (don't try to rush them out). Man does it work the shoulders out. A great thing about the drill is when you get your mechanics down, you can pop out the movement in any context. Even in a new technique that you are just learning-- if it has that movement, hey you are ahead of the curve cause you've already done the mechanics thousands of times.
congrats! its good to take those nervous butterfly in the stomach feelings and channel it! don't hold it in!
I know I'm late with this but Congratulations.
Wear it proudly (the belt and the bruises)
Originally posted by rachel
Thank you! I passed! Blue belt with a green stripe.:) I found the drill of a thousand punches interesting and exhilarating. Anyone ever do that?I have some good size bruises on my arms but hey it goes with the territory.Can't wait to learn new things.

Congratulations Rachel.

No, I have never heard of the drill of a thousand punches. Please elaborate. Is this 1000 punches in the air? Right and left? With a partner? With blocks? With a medicine ball? On a bag? I guess I'm the only one who didn't get it. I don't see that anyone else asked.
we had to get in a horse stance and do 1000 punches in a row. Our teacher would call out the punches.Back to knuckle, thrust punch,etc. We'd have to do them as though we were fighting for our lives. We were punching the air not anyone else.but we had to do it as though we were hitting someone.I found it quite empowering. When we were finished I felt as though I could take on anyone.