If you would have to practice only one martial art, what would it be?

What I'm studying now. The only thing I am studying at the present time. Seibukan Shorin-ryu Karate.
Yiliquan. Above all other arts that I have experienced or trained in, Yiliquan meets my needs the most. With all I have learned over the last 16 years, I know I have in my hands right now enough to last me the rest of my life... And I still have yet to really dig into the "advanced" stuff...

:asian: :tank: :asian:
can be a huge barrier. Many of us started in the "only game in town" and learned to like it. There are a multitude of martial Arts out there that are useful and fun. If you are enjoying what you are doing ..... then keep doing it. Always be curious as to what else is out there. You never know what you may be missing. The sum total of your lifes investigation is who and what you become, always look to add to your knowledge cache.

Jeet Kune Do.
Although I am tempted by Muay Thai and Ju-Jitsu.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :D
If forced to choose one martial art, I would choose Modern Arnis, particularly the version taught by GM Remy Presas from 1995 forward. A truly great martial art. I miss the guy.

Take care,
Brian Johns
Columbus, Ohio
Evertone has chose what they like but my question is WHY?
Originally posted by Rob_Broad
Evertone has chose what they like but my question is WHY?

Could it be that it's cuz it's the first Art we've trained in, and we don't know any better?

For me it's cuz TKD has gotten easier over the years and I've gotten better at it. But, it's not that I've mastered it by any means... :asian:
Originally posted by Rob_Broad
Everyone has chosen what they like but my question is WHY?

Yeah, Aikido is the first and only art I've trained in but it just feels like it's the right one for me. I'm very much the "girly" girl who doesn't want to get hurt or hit or hurt anyone else. I mainly just want to be able to defend myself and be able to get away from or control the other person without having to be forced to hurt them. (It'll take a long time before I get to that point but that's okay. The journey is cool. :cool: )

I also really like my sensei and the other students in the class. They are all friendly and they make the class fun. :) I enjoy being at my dojo.

Robyn :asian:
Originally posted by The Opal Dragon
Yeah, Aikido is the first and only art I've trained in but it just feels like it's the right one for me. I'm very much the "girly" girl who doesn't want to get hurt or hit or hurt anyone else. I mainly just want to be able to defend myself and be able to get away from or control the other person without having to be forced to hurt them.

Robyn :asian:

Robyn, my daughter is much like you, a "girly" girl . And, that's why I put her in the MAs. I can't always be there to defend her so I want to know, and be comfortable in my own mind that she will be able to take care of herself should the need ever arise...:asian:

By the way, she has gotten pretty damn good too! When we practice our MA techniques on each other she leaves me really bruised too... :(
Originally posted by cali_tkdbruin
Robyn, my daughter is much like you, a "girly" girl . And, that's why I put her in the MAs. I can't always be there to defend her so I want to know, and be comfortable in my own mind that she will be able to take care of herself should the need ever arise...:asian:

If I ever have kids someday, I'd want all of them to learn a martial art for the same reason.

Robyn :asian:
I would say Jeet Kun Do Concepts as taught by Guro Dan Inosanto, but I'm not sure if that is cheating or not.

If it is cheating my next choice would be any comprehensive Kali system (is that phrase redundant?)

I wish I had studied Tai Chi all this time, I'd be as powerful as Superman!!! No seriously, I do wish I had appreciated Tai Chi when I was studying it (5 years). Hindsight has revealed all the benefits that I could be reaping if I had stuck with it. :(

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