Have You Reached Your Goals

I almost reached all of my goals for this year. I will carry the remainder into next year along with a new set of goals. This is what makes the arts great. You never run out of things to work on.

in the spirit of bushido!

Sort of. I didn't have many martial arts related goals. Or rather, I didn't have many that I specified. I had lots of vague aspirations.

But I did have two specific goals. 1) Get back into a regular training group, preferably in arnis. 2) Lose 10 lbs.

So I found a Modern Arnis group at my university (how about that?!) through the Philippines Cultural Society. And got back into arnis training after several years' hiatus (from training in arnis specifically, not training in general). We haven't gotten together as much as I would like. Partially because of the nature of the club. (We're either at the university during the school year or in a local park the rest of the time. But cold weather and no indoor training space has put us on a forced hiatus again.) And partially because of my insane personal schedule right now.

And I lost 15 lbs. Not terribly excited about that one though. I didn't really do anything to lose the 15 lbs. I didn't revise my terrible eating habits or follow through on exercising more. I just got so stressed and harried with school, work, and stay-at-home daddying that I forget to eat.

Looking to be more deliberate about my training next year, after I graduate from my master's program.

Navarre said:
How do you measure your success?
It must be a personality quirk, but I ignore my successes and count every failure.
Ray said:
It must be a personality quirk, but I ignore my successes and count every failure.

Regretably, I suspect this is the norm for most of the world. Martial arts has certainly taught me to reframe that perspective in a more positive way.

I don't want to ever feel I've succeeded too much because then I become complacent. However, I wouldn't want to define and measure my life based on my failures.

Again, I go back to my perspective on such things that "There are no mistakes in life; only lessons". I hope, despite your measuring stick, you find your life to be a fulfilling one.
tess remember nothing never is everything is becoming, in talking to most of you i've summized the level of my goal, now it's just a matter of making sure what and whom i teach take it and grow
I've attained some of my goals for this year, but not all. Most of the goals I've reached were set for myself personally. The ones I've not attained relate to me as an instructor, so I have some work cut out for 2006.

Happy Thanksgiving everybody!
