i hate working


Senior Master
Jul 7, 2008
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i hate it, i hate it, i hate it. i can't think of a single job i've ever liked, or one that i thought i would like. for a while i thought about opening up a full-time MA school, but as soon as you attach responsibilities, bills, & schedules to something i love, i stop loving it.

i have worked a wide variety of jobs, & they have ranged from crappy to slightly less crappy. i hate work. this is no way to go through life.


I am way on the other end of your comment, and I can assure you that it does not get any easer. But as I look back from my vantage point, I can say with confidence that the food and roof over my head that it provided, was well worth the effort.

i hate it, i hate it, i hate it. i can't think of a single job i've ever liked, or one that i thought i would like. for a while i thought about opening up a full-time MA school, but as soon as you attach responsibilities, bills, & schedules to something i love, i stop loving it.

i have worked a wide variety of jobs, & they have ranged from crappy to slightly less crappy. i hate work. this is no way to go through life.



I am way on the other end of your comment, and I can assure you that it does not get any easer. But as I look back from my vantage point, I can say with confidence that the food and roof over my head that it provided, was well worth the effort.

Gotta side with Seasoned that it does not get any easier..So unless you hit the lottery or vist Vegas and hit one of them progressive slots jackpots you are gonna be working for a longtime...I actually had a couple of jobs I loved, so much so if they called me on my day off I would come in...
i hate it, i hate it, i hate it. i can't think of a single job i've ever liked, or one that i thought i would like. for a while i thought about opening up a full-time MA school, but as soon as you attach responsibilities, bills, & schedules to something i love, i stop loving it.

i have worked a wide variety of jobs, & they have ranged from crappy to slightly less crappy. i hate work. this is no way to go through life.



You have two options, find a job you like or deal with it and find things outside of work that make up for it. Personally, I love my job....so I can't relate much. I'm still surprised that they pay me for it!

But there are many people who hate their jobs, but just find something outside of work to make up for it.
I'm sorry to hear that man. I for one enjoy work. I've spent my entire life working towards my goal of only working on my passions (writing and playing guitar) and for the most part I'm there ... though I have to take a part time job once in a while when freelance work and session playing slows down. But on a whole I like being engaged in a task.
I have to say I *loved* working in a physical therapy office. Absolutely loved it. I was the only girl, I only worked for one PT (only one in the office, private practice) and no personalities to conflict with. The PT was also an OMD and was the most pleasant Persian man I've ever met. Hell, he was the most pleasant man I've ever met period.

Didn't make much, part time, but I learned a lot on that job and gained a very real appreciation and respect for physical medicine.

I liked doing collections for a psychologist (private practice) because I went to lengths with those patients others wouldn't go - unconventional methods. I asked for $5 per month towards their balance and they would commit to $20 of their own accord. Got the bills paid and I managed to collect over $10,000 for him in a few months and increase his AR income by just under 15%. People responded to me well on that job because, I think, I displayed compassion and didn't threaten them. Now, I hated the people I worked for, but the job brought me a lot of satisfaction.

There were days I didn't like being a receptionist at a plastic bottle manufacturer and the stress was high, but to hear the president tell me I was the best receptionist they'd ever had and tell me he was sorry to see me go (he never complimented anyone, ever) left me feeling good about the job I did there.

Now I've worked as an executive assistant, sales coordinator, assistant administrators, assistant managers to inventory and manicuring.

I'll tell you this - a job is a job is a job. Your passion for it and your ability to deal with the people and the stress will all define whether you like the job or not. Sometimes you're going to have to measure your job satisfaction in the food you're able to eat and the roof you're able to keep over your head.

You, friend, have a job. Love it, because with all my experience, I can't get one.
I for one hate work too because not had too many positive experiences with work (a few great bosses but not enough to get the bad taste out of my mouth).
But it's something that is required of all of us if we want to have what we need/want. We need a home/roof over our heads and food to eat so the RIGHT way is to work for it. We want this that and the other thing... work for it.

God's curse to Adam for eating the forbidden fruit was to work by the sweat of his brow for his and his family's comforts.
There are two approaches to work; you can work to do what you love, or you can find work that you love to do.

The first is easy. For many or most of us -- most of our work experience is likely to fall into that category. It's a job that puts money in the bank and food on the table, and you do things you enjoy with that money.

The second is harder, because very often it's not easy to make a decent living at what we love to do -- though you might find a related career. If you're lucky, you'll love your job.
I love my job. It's rewarding, entertaining, the people I work with are great, and the work never boring. There are aspects of it I could do without; but to be quite honest, I love what I do.
You know, Shesulsa hits on a pretty good point.

I've really come to think that it is much less the job than the attitude that you have. The best job you'll ever have is the one that you're in right now....if you have the right attitude. Sometimes you have to work at enjoying what you do.
i hate it, i hate it, i hate it. i can't think of a single job i've ever liked, or one that i thought i would like. for a while i thought about opening up a full-time MA school, but as soon as you attach responsibilities, bills, & schedules to something i love, i stop loving it.

i have worked a wide variety of jobs, & they have ranged from crappy to slightly less crappy. i hate work. this is no way to go through life.



Antime I hear this from a friend, family member, or associate that I give a crap about enough to take the time for I tell them the following..

Get your kids out of public school, it does nothing valuable but teach them to go work for someone else, and make someone else money. Put them into a private school, with a curriculum you approve of, and also be active in teaching them what they need to learn.

For yourself, you have find what you love, and find a way to make it work for you. Every single person on this planet should be doing something that they love to do, the key is to surround yourself with people that can do the tedious work that you hate for you. Either find a partner, or hire a company, or whatnot. You may very well have to change your lifestyle to do this, because not every job can earn a billion dollars a year. However even some of the most humble professions have the ability to earn millions.
Martial Arts can be very lucrative, I know of at least one person making over $500,000 a year with his schools, products, and events that are all based on the martial arts, and I know of several people that have much bigger martial arts "Empires" then he has.

The problem is most people have to rewire how they think. I do not know of any program, or self help book out there that is going to give you the information on how to do what you love, but I would be surprised if they are not out there.
Big problem is....someone has to pick up the trash and make the copies and mop the floors. No one WANTS to do that stuff, but someone has to. So the key is that if you are the guy that mops the floor, find a way to enjoy it or at the very least, get something out of it...
Oddly enough Jarrod, I am looking at 5 different job offers right now and trying to figure out which one will make me happiest. I will enjoy doing all of them for their own reasons, regardless of the money, but it's always a trade off in some way isn't it?
One means I get to fly international a great deal but then I'm never home and I can't compete in anything. And I have little private life. I live by way of CrackBerry.
Or I run a shop , controlled chaos, high stress, on call on weekend and evenings and once again live via CrackBerry but with guys I know, adore and have worked with before.
Low stress accounting, small private office, M-F, days, no travel, could bore me until I go postal.
Others are themes of the same.
It's all in the choices you make sweetie. You are going to spend 75% of your awake time at work, why be miserable?
You need to fill the void that is in your life, one that will make sense to your particular reason for not liking work. Work is just that work find the good out of the job and go on with your life, sounds easy right well it is. Except yu are lucky enough to be a lotto winner this is all we have to look forward to.
well i'm so glad everyone else is just so freakin' happy!

i was having a rough night last night. lots of stress, little sleep, blah blah blah. i'm working for something better down the road & i do my best to stay positive with my current situation, but every so often my brain has a little system crash. thanks for listening.

well i'm so glad everyone else is just so freakin' happy!

i was having a rough night last night. lots of stress, little sleep, blah blah blah. i'm working for something better down the road & i do my best to stay positive with my current situation, but every so often my brain has a little system crash. thanks for listening.


lol! I think everyone at some point hates their job, even if they love it most of the time. That's why it's called "work". ;)
Vent away.
Even Monkeys have to work to get Bannanas.
Work is a function to achieve something you like or need and an artifical method to ensure our survival.

As a martial artist I look on how I can use work as a means of training.

So it I am mopping floors I might mop on one leg. If I am throwing away the trash I practice throwing it over my shoulder. Making copies I might stretch. Look for ways to spice up your work day.
My job would be great if it wasnt for the people I deal with on a daily basis that have unreasonable expectations, and think what they want is the most important thing in the world, when often it isn't even an issue.

It adds a whole dimension of ******** stress that is aviodable and unneccessary to my daily life.
If not for one busted marriage and some terribly underdeveloped alimony laws early last century, I likely would never have had to work a day. As it is, here I sit.... thinking of work on Monday.... one of the great American tragedies of modern times. I would have made a wonderful lazy slacker and upper class parasite..... instead, this.

I have to work as I have not as yet discovered how to make everyone give me the goods and services I want for free. (Feel free to PM me with the secret, I mean we can't let just everyone know) Then there are the goods ad services my children want, and these in endless quantities. As long as I'm compelled to be there at work, I try to make it better for our workers and actually get frequent opportunities to help people in need.

Anyway, thanks for depressing all of us....