How old are you and what MA to you train in?


Orange Belt
Dec 23, 2013
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I'm really curious to see the replies from this topic. I have been away for almost 10 years and trying to decide what to train in now that I'm in my early 40s.

Thanks. :)
I'm 49 and my primary art these days is BJJ, but I try to keep my hand in at Muay Thai & boxing.
66 Kenjutsu, Battojutsu these days.
59 and primarily Modern Arnis but I still keep my hand in Tang Soo Do to some degree.
43.....I don't practice a "style" anymore per se but I train RBSD with a Systema approach. It is effective and much easier on the body and old injuries. I would call it Kyusho, Thai Boxing and Silat rolled into a Systema burrito
A young 65 training Okinawan Goju karate, Aikido, Krav and Systema. :)

(for SENC-33, all with Kyusho :p )
I am 42 and I train in Tibetan White Crane kung fu. While that is the only system that I train anymore, I did have the fortune to train in a number of other systems over the years, starting when I was 13. White Crane simply made the most sense to me so I stopped spending time on anything else.