how long till the visibility



hey i know u need to have no fat in front of your abs to see the 6 pack but how long does it usually take to see the results of crunches?

i do 100 at night..sets of 25
and somethimes i watch TV and during every commercial, i do 30.
i am doing them right, thats all i know.
Chances are you've got a "six-pack" underneath a normal amount of sub-q adipose. The only way you'll see the abs is to lose a larger percentage of body fat...

However, that may not be very healthy...many of the body sculpting folks have about 5% body fat, or less. Your body needs a certain amount of fat to make hormones...if you drop the body fat content too much, you may end up out of balance.

Women who are marathon runners often stop menstruating when they are training really hard. Pubescent gymnasts often have delayed menarche because of a lack of body fat...

Don't worry so much about the appearance of your abdomen...just be thankful that you've got your's in shape.

I have read many numerous articles in flex, & muscle and fitness stating that to really see a 6-pack ab it comes down to diet and exercise. You seem to have the exercise but your food intake is what really matters. You can also overwork the stomach muscles as well. I would suggest super sets of crunches then immediately perform reverse crunches. If you do 30 regular then if you can really perform 15 - 20 reverse crunches correctly you'll feel the difference.

what is the lowest amount of body fat that is safe?
Good question...
Ultimately, it will depend on the individual.
Men can get away with less total body fat than women...
If you want a firm (no pun intended) number, I'll have to research it a bit more...I'll post later with my findings.

bruce had 3^ body fat some says that cuz of this less fat...the pill he took couldn't get dissolve n rest u know...
wat i know less body fat will hurt u more than more body fat ;)
i m intrested in hearing u out chufeng...
from my expereinece 6 pack won't come with'll hurt ur back more...tho doing excercise from low abdomen(i know guys that abdomen is not 2 diff muschle groups, but just for the sake of dividing it)
try out this link
n take care of ur diet too...remember it take much time...
As I recall at around 12% body fat the lines of the abs can be seen from a distance. However, there isn't a way to measure your body fat exactly until your dead so don't worry about the exact number too much ;-) Those calipers give a decent estimation. Cheap and consistent.

Anyway, ya the "6 pack look" has more to do with diet and exercise than huge ab muscles. However, unless you want to like the POW look its good to have sisable mucles before you try to loose a lot of body fat. is 3% I think. Doubt you can safelty go lower than that. I think its more like 8% for a women but that would be pushing it (not to mention unatractive).
5-7% for sexually mature (physically, not mentally) males.
10-12% for prepubescent males.
12-15% for females.

...and I have to agree with several other posters...doing lots of abdominal work won't improve your "six-pack." (You've probably got one under that layer of sub-q tissue)...Abdominal exercises are necessary for a balanced workout and are key to keeping your back in shape...but you need to burn calories in excess of your intake to reduce fat content (and not too quickly).

Using the largest muscle groups in endurance type activities for extended periods of time will burn more calories (jogging is an example). But, there is a price to pay for too much of any kind of exercise...go easy and be patient.


u stated that crunches dont contribut to the 6 pack adn they just hurt your back....are u sure its "crunches" not "situps"?
becuase just like any muscle, if u work out your abs, the differents groups of muscles will be distinct. however, with situps , yur abs are not being worked out, the upper body is still and all the wieght is on the lower back.
Originally posted by chufeng

5-7% for sexually mature (physically, not mentally) males.
10-12% for prepubescent males.
12-15% for females.

Woops you look right. :-D

That prepubescent male one is interesting, havn't seen that one before.
hey, i was reading the ab excersice techniques and was wondering if they were correct....this guy doesnt seem to have a 6 pack...more like 4

Best Abs by Shawn Phillips
Originally posted by muayThaiPerson

hey, i was reading the ab excersice techniques and was wondering if they were correct....this guy doesnt seem to have a 6 pack...more like 4

Best Abs by Shawn Phillips

Anything called an ABSolution Program I'd be skeptical of.

But seriosly, look at that guys amazing abs...


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Originally posted by muayThaiPerson

i believe thats his back

You think???

Sorry man, that was just too easy... :roflmao: