How do I know if I'm addicted?

How to tell if you're addicted to MT?

- You log on first thing in the morning and last thing at night, and every chance you can during the day....and you're not a mod here.
- You worry about the server more than I do.
- You're trying to complete your collection o "MT Staff" action figures, and lament that the 2003 Arnisador figure is so hard to find on Ebay.
- You've got the logo tattooed somewhere on your body. (PS if anyone really did that, I want pics!) :D
- Your post count per day is greater than 100.
- You know the birthdays of half the people you chat with here, but have to check a calendar for your significant others.
- You have my phone number memorized and ask for me by handle (for the old timers) ;)

How to tell if you're addicted to MT?

- You log on first thing in the morning and last thing at night, and every chance you can during the day....and you're not a mod here.
- You worry about the server more than I do.
- You're trying to complete your collection o "MT Staff" action figures, and lament that the 2003 Arnisador figure is so hard to find on Ebay.
- You've got the logo tattooed somewhere on your body. (PS if anyone really did that, I want pics!) :D
- Your post count per day is greater than 100.
- You know the birthdays of half the people you chat with here, but have to check a calendar for your significant others.
- You have my phone number memorized and ask for me by handle (for the old timers) ;)


Oh crap, I'm addicted!
If everyone wants more cowbell, give 'em more cowbell...and remember, before we're through here, we'll all be wearing gold plated diapers!

Seriously,cowbell is a very serious instrument. Do you know what kind oftrouble you can get into disparaging the cowbell in a crowd like this? Do you? Masterwright, you are on very thin ice here and I don't wanna be standing too close when the the ninja trained drummers start swinging around those sticks! :lfao:

That vid kills me. I love Will Ferrel. Thanks for the laugh!
hkfuie you also know you are addicted when you keep going back into the same threads over and over and over again. Like me pf course.
Yeah, Terry. But I also know I'm addicted when I'm just a little frustrated that other people have a life and are not on the forum on Christmas day to entertain me. Well, at least we're here, Terry!
Yeah, Terry. But I also know I'm addicted when I'm just a little frustrated that other people have a life and are not on the forum on Christmas day to entertain me. Well, at least we're here, Terry!

This is true and we need toi bann together for the betterment of this fine forum.
And how can I get help?

Hello, my name is Stephnnie and I think I'm addicted to

What should I do?

And if you tell me to see a doctor...I don't know what I will do, but it will be really, really bad. :xtrmshock

Im addicted too, but I love it
!!!!! Some people might not agree with me all the time but I still love this board!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Addictions are tough, however some are just warm and fuzzy:asian:
You don’t know you are addicted (that is part of the sickness) until you leave for awhile and then come back. I stopped posting, and kept getting these reminders saying “we haven’t heard from you in a while” and I came back. Now I am hooked. J
