TKD Addicts Anonymous

I hope that everyone is enjoying this thread. A good laughter break is soothing to the soul.

Gorilla "TKD ADDICT"
You know a few years ago I had to admit I was a UPWE ( Ultimate post whore extreme), now once again I must admit I amanother addict. What is this place coming too?
I don't train in TKD but if I did I know I would be a TKD Addict :D
I'd might like to be addicted to him. Not sure if he's interested tho.

That would be a form of TKD addiction, yeah!
I would also add that some might find my postings "Viridescent","Vivacious","Voluptuous" and mostly "vainglorious!"
When did you last see "V for Vendetta"? You were quoting it. I am a tkd addict but I only recently found this web site. I spend about 8 hours a day mon-sat on the mat so I don't get to chat too often.

Thanks for the new word vitriolic cool.
This reminds me of Jeff Foxworthy and the you might be a redneck jokes

You may be addicted if you have ever bowed anywhere other that at class.

You might be addicted if you tie your bathrobe in the perfect triangle and both ends are even
If you have ever broken your bed post with a side kick while sleeping, you might be an addict.
I am guilty of that one

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