hmmm.......killed for living with boyfriend, could it be a.....

Christians manage to kill each other for religion in Northern Ireland. there's 'honour' killings there too. Catholic girl and Protestant boy and vice versa will attract those who think it's better to be dead than wed to either a 'Proddie' or a 'Fenian'.

The religion of love....
People actually fighting over 'different hypotheses in Cosmology'. It gets weirder the more I think about it like that.
People actually fighting over 'different hypotheses in Cosmology'. It gets weirder the more I think about it like that.

I don't actually think these killings have anything to do with religion, it's to do with family honour not religious honour that these women are being killed for. The families always say the girl dishonoured the family or parents, with the killers feeling they have been insulted by the actions of the girl. Religion never seems to be part of it. I think we may want to examine the role of men in this perhaps more than the role of religion!
i dont know, i just know it is bad


There have been cases in the US where gay kids have been assaulted and even killed over their choice of partner, with the killers often family or parentals as well.

I think that those who cite a religion as an justification are merely using it as an excuse for their own irrational actions, and they should be punished under the civil laws of their locale.
In Chrisitanity, killin an innocent is against the teachings, not supported by it. So killing girls for dating the wrong guy would not be a christian activity.
Since when did American's stop basing their jealous rages on how they felt things should be? If you kill your wife because she sought sex outside the marriage, its a religious thing.

If someone kills their wife because he thought his wife was cheating, there are many possible reasons of why he would kill her. What do you mean, 'it's a religious thing' ?

Umm..yeah, what fangjian said. That has nothing to do with religion, it has to do with someone getting upset and mad enough, to kill their wife, for cheating. Of course, as I said in my other post, this falls into the jealousy thing.
In Chrisitanity, killin an innocent is against the teachings, not supported by it. So killing girls for dating the wrong guy would not be a christian activity.

Of course not. It's sex with the wrong guy that's the capital crime, by your holy book. Unless, of course, you ignore the parts of the book that have the Ten Commandments in them.

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