Hey Terry and Granfire - Disney pics


Green Belt
Aug 9, 2008
Reaction score
as promised (not sure the best way to do this so I posted the links).

Disney pics from Nov '08
there were 11 of us that went : o the inlaws plus somebody to help with our 15 yr old who has Autism - in the pics she looks like his girlfriend ;) but he thinks of her as his best friend - so sweet! She worked with him in the school system for 3 yrs and is just like a big sister to him.
The kid who looks just like me (with glasses) is obviously my middle one - the other one close to his age is his cousin. Just picked some random ones - there were almost 500 of them :eye-popping:
part 2:
Those are some great pics, the secong set with the little boy on the bed is wearing one great shirt. Roll Tide!!!!
That's my 7 yr old with the Alabama shirt! It was too funny on the way back to Bham 5 out of 8 of us (the others were heading back to TN - diff flight) on our flight had Alabama shirts on and 2 Auburn fans got on - our friend gave up her seat for one of them so they (the husband & wife) could sit together. He (the husband) was impressed Oh yeah! we have class! and Saban too! :ultracool