Disciplining the students


Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Apr 16, 2002
Reaction score
Somewhere Wild,Wonderful and Wicked
Meet 'Bubee' he's 8 yrs old.. totally bored with school... Mom and Dad can't deal with Bubee anymore and brought him to our school for... ? Discipline.. anger management.. knock some sense into the kid? Not quite sure what their true motivation is.. but I have had the extreme displeasure of dealing with this mountain boy who .. if left to continue on his path.. will grow up most likely to be a Bubba.. and probably be the next star of the bad boys of Deliverance 2...

Now the way I've been dealing with this hornet.... we've all met this kid no matter what his name is I"m sure -Disruptive, challenging authority, loud, mean to the other kids, yeah we all know this bully..

1. He was belching (as loud as a real bubba would) I stopped the class and Told him.. That would NOT be tolerated.. to Excuse himself .. he stood his little self there and refused.. I didn't give in .. he finally gave the reply I sought... class resumed.. I took him aside personally.. he was all 'tough guy.. smart mouthed.. blah blah blah.. of course his mother is standing at the other end of the room watching.. and every time he acted out. I grabbed his face in between my palms.. saying.. You are a little boy.. now drop the know it all attitude.. you know Nothing of Kenpo.. you are here to learn and if you use anything you learn here outside the school.. you will NOT be coming back.. he glared and finally gave in.. He got a good taste of the penalty box and surely by now knows his horse stance *G*
Now last night he was playing with a pachinko machine we have mounted on a shelf high up on the wall.. his mother said No.. he ignored her and kept on.. I walked up to him.. Snatched him down .. and he swooped his hand to knock all the kids coats to the floor.. I gently put my index finger right behind his ear.. ya know that sweet place right where the jaw meets.. *G*
while cupping his face .. my face to his.. Respect I growled.. you will listen to your Mother and Father.. You Will not Disrespect anyone in this school.. including yourself.. and if you want to keep coming here.. you will Behave..
Then I let him down... and walked out the door..

a few minutes later.. he and his mom came out.. He ran to the car and she said.. "He's Really Testing you" I said.. yes.. I know.. but I've raised 3 kids.. I think I can handle him.. with a wink and a grin.. as soon as I turned around.. there was a pair of little 8 yr old arms wrapped around my legs.. and this little Bubbee mountain boy.. looked up at me.... Saying.. " I love you Mrs. Seigel.. I'll be good I promise.. *G*

His mothers Jaw just dropped.. she gave a big smile and said.. See you Monday~!!!

ahhh the wonderment of pure discipline..

I will put you and Cathy in for Sainthood nominations, YOU can "dub" Bub with a sword, errr stick, errr SWAT?.................:rofl:
Well, you have more patients than I would have. Kudos to your ideas on handling the situation.:asian:
Great Story! I love teaching kids. Have never had one like that though. Well done!:D :cool: :asian:
He saw the 5 acres out back the shovel and bag of lime in the corner, or do you only bring that out for the adult class , if so I from 500 miles away do apologise. I do this knowing 500 miles away may not be far enough if I offend you.

Originally posted by KenpoTess
Meet 'Bubee' he's 8 yrs old.. totally bored with school... Mom and Dad can't deal with Bubee anymore and brought him to our school for... ? Discipline.. anger management.. knock some sense into the kid? Not quite sure what their true motivation is.. but I have had the extreme displeasure of dealing with this mountain boy who .. if left to continue on his path.. will grow up most likely to be a Bubba.. and probably be the next star of the bad boys of Deliverance 2...

Now the way I've been dealing with this hornet.... we've all met this kid no matter what his name is I"m sure -Disruptive, challenging authority, loud, mean to the other kids, yeah we all know this bully..

1. He was belching (as loud as a real bubba would) I stopped the class and Told him.. That would NOT be tolerated.. to Excuse himself .. he stood his little self there and refused.. I didn't give in .. he finally gave the reply I sought... class resumed.. I took him aside personally.. he was all 'tough guy.. smart mouthed.. blah blah blah.. of course his mother is standing at the other end of the room watching.. and every time he acted out. I grabbed his face in between my palms.. saying.. You are a little boy.. now drop the know it all attitude.. you know Nothing of Kenpo.. you are here to learn and if you use anything you learn here outside the school.. you will NOT be coming back.. he glared and finally gave in.. He got a good taste of the penalty box and surely by now knows his horse stance *G*
Now last night he was playing with a pachinko machine we have mounted on a shelf high up on the wall.. his mother said No.. he ignored her and kept on.. I walked up to him.. Snatched him down .. and he swooped his hand to knock all the kids coats to the floor.. I gently put my index finger right behind his ear.. ya know that sweet place right where the jaw meets.. *G*
while cupping his face .. my face to his.. Respect I growled.. you will listen to your Mother and Father.. You Will not Disrespect anyone in this school.. including yourself.. and if you want to keep coming here.. you will Behave..
Then I let him down... and walked out the door..

a few minutes later.. he and his mom came out.. He ran to the car and she said.. "He's Really Testing you" I said.. yes.. I know.. but I've raised 3 kids.. I think I can handle him.. with a wink and a grin.. as soon as I turned around.. there was a pair of little 8 yr old arms wrapped around my legs.. and this little Bubbee mountain boy.. looked up at me.... Saying.. " I love you Mrs. Seigel.. I'll be good I promise.. *G*

His mothers Jaw just dropped.. she gave a big smile and said.. See you Monday~!!!

ahhh the wonderment of pure discipline..

this is the only way, and i'm sure that he will appricate it some day !
Originally posted by D_Brady
He saw the 5 acres out back the shovel and bag of lime in the corner, or do you only bring that out for the adult class , if so I from 500 miles away do apologise. I do this knowing 500 miles away may not be far enough if I offend you.

*scoffs.. Offend.. Ha.. I live in West Virginia.. literally 100s probably more .. of abandoned Coal mines in this state.. *w*

No offense taken.. *G*
The sad thing is .. his momma brought him in for YOU to discipline
because she wouldn't or couldn't. If it's couldn't .. then maybe
you'll be teaching her a thing or two about parenting. If it's
'wouldn't' .. well, that's just sad.

My instructor's had quite a few kids with A.D.H.D. ... he's helped a
lot of them, and their parents have notice major changes.
Basically, he's made a major influence on these kids lives, without
the use of drugs. NAPMA has articles about it too.
Discipline will improve, or the beatings will continue...............:rofl:

A couple hours of PROPER horse stances in "the box" will change things, or at the worst he'll be able to kick through steel I-beams.
Originally posted by Kirk
The sad thing is .. his momma brought him in for YOU to discipline
because she wouldn't or couldn't. If it's couldn't .. then maybe
you'll be teaching her a thing or two about parenting. If it's
'wouldn't' .. well, that's just sad.

My instructor's had quite a few kids with A.D.H.D. ... he's helped a
lot of them, and their parents have notice major changes.
Basically, he's made a major influence on these kids lives, without
the use of drugs. NAPMA has articles about it too.
We are developping a reputation for turning around problem kids. Between Tess' experience as a mother of three and my experience in the juvenile justice system, there is not much they can throw at us that we have not already seen adn dealt with. The child's mother in question is a school teacher. Which these days seems to mean that they have been brainwashed about not snatching up a child. When she came to us, I told her that if I instruct a child to or not to do something and if they refuse by either word or deed, I give them exactly one chance to rectify the situation. If I am not satisfied with the response, I will go physically intervene. What this generally means is that I go pick the child up and physically make them do what they were told. As I said in another post, the parents are told that once the child is in the studio, they are OUR responsibilty, the parent interference is not welcome. It seems to work well, some of the lesser assertive parents are picking it up and the child's behavior improves all around. It can be a frustrating process. My assistant instructors are the first line, Tess is secondary, and I am the heavy artillery. It works.
Great story Tess ... Thanks for sharing ... And it probably helps keep Seig in line too! :lol:

I suspect that ADHD is really the equivalent of saying "Ah Don't Have Discipline". Mommy and Daddy's way of saying they didn't do the job and now it's easier to tag, identify and medicate than to stand there and learn how to do the job correctly.

"I suspect that ADHD is really the equivalent of saying 'Ah Don't Have Discipline'."

I think you hit the nail right on the head, Dan. I remember when my son was in the second grade, he began acting up and being disruptive. The teacher and school principal requested a meeting with us and "demanded" we take him to the on-base doctor and get him put on Ritalin (fairly new at the time).

First, "demand" doesn't get very far with me and the wife (especially when it comes to our kids). We made the decision that we didn't want our kid walking around like a zombie.; Second, we sat our son down and laid out as plain as you can for a second grader the consequences of his actions (granted it took a couple of sessions).; Third, shortly the problems in class ceased, with at most a gentle reminder now and then.

To make a long story longer... Our son is now 21, newly married, making close to 30K, and one of the most focused people I know.

Moral of the story: Sometimes it's necessary to apply the board of learning to the seat of education.

Bill Parsons
I had ADHD once, as kid. My dad said *smack* sit down and pay
attention, boy! I was cured! :D
There are those of us out here that this is a true infliction and let me tell you it makes life hell. And I'm 21 years old. School was increadibly tough, no one understood me and I'm still dealing with how to deal with my "disorder", and will do so for the rest of my life. So yeah, just beware of how much slapping ya do. We do exist, and that most definantly does not help.
What I had to do. In school, where I teach, things were getting ridiculous. It gets to the point to where the kids are innocent, and teachers are guilty. So, I had to install a small hidden camera in my classroom. They have em in the hallways, buses, and I'm the first to do this. I refuse to put up with rebelliousness, and anarchy in a system where teachers get no back up.

Things have quickly settled down, the the abuse on me has stopped, the turds have quietly faded away.

It's the best investment I ever had to make, and is tax deductable!

Sad, but true.

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