howdy folks. I am new here. I took hapkido many moons ago and only got up to my yellow belt 8th kup. well I am starting to take okinawa karate now and we started doing a form called teno kata imultae (i know my spelling on these words are wayyyy wrong.) well memories of hap ki do started coming back. I really loved hap ki do but cannot afford the drive 40 miles to class anymore. so question is ... 20 years ago i learned 5 katas from my hap ki do instructor ( i think mainly cause i was a teenager is why he taught basic katas and saved the arm bars, grappling and more adult and controlled stuff for later on when i learned how to control my aquard teenager body and muscles etc) i learned
kicho il jon
kicho e jon
kicho sum jon
and ashidago umpigo
spelling is wrong but that is how it is pronounced for me.
i remember the first four and a few moves here and there of the 5th one.
doese anyone know any katas similar to that last ones name? i have searched online extensively trying every spelling i can possibly imagine.
it has a lot of elbow strikes in it. but it starts out with sande datchi breathing( again spellig) and some tight close to body punchesand blocks. about six of them if i am correct. the breathing punches are in the stomach and done as if somone has you in the closest of grasps. it goese punch outside block punch outside block all while breathing and keeping the whole arm still exept the elbow to the hand. i want to relearn this kata sooooo much i miss it alot.
oh and if anyone can help me with teno kata as well that would be great.
kicho il jon
kicho e jon
kicho sum jon
and ashidago umpigo
spelling is wrong but that is how it is pronounced for me.
i remember the first four and a few moves here and there of the 5th one.
doese anyone know any katas similar to that last ones name? i have searched online extensively trying every spelling i can possibly imagine.
it has a lot of elbow strikes in it. but it starts out with sande datchi breathing( again spellig) and some tight close to body punchesand blocks. about six of them if i am correct. the breathing punches are in the stomach and done as if somone has you in the closest of grasps. it goese punch outside block punch outside block all while breathing and keeping the whole arm still exept the elbow to the hand. i want to relearn this kata sooooo much i miss it alot.
oh and if anyone can help me with teno kata as well that would be great.