
Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
A quick hello and a bit of my martial arts background.

First, I am not Chinese but the name I am using is Mandarin for student. I have been involved in Martial Arts for 30 years and I still feel like one.

I first trained in Japanese Jujitsu then Traditional Tae Kwon do. For the last 14 years I have been strictly involved in Chinese Martial Arts.
Some Tai Chi, XingYi, Bagua, and even a little Shaolin.

However I am mainly a Yang Style Tai Chi person. I have studied a little Chen style and a bit of Wu Style as well, but mostly for the last 14 years it has been Yang Tai Chi.
Hello and welcome! Enjoy your stay!
Hello and welcome to the forum. I am looking forward to reading your thoughts when you get around to posting. Feel free to ask questions that may pop into your mind
Thank you

And as for the 30 years experience, I still have an awful to learn and a long way to go.

Not to get all philosophical here, but
I have discovered that every time I have done something close to the right way, it has always been without thought and once I think hey, I got that right, it takes years to do it the right way again.

So I'm not sure how much I can contribute
Every time I try doing something without thought, I get asked, "What were you thinking?!"
Welcome to the forum.