Has anyone had experience in Martial Arts with Vibram Five Finger shoes?


Black Belt
Apr 8, 2018
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I finally managed to buy myself a pair because I absolutely love training barefoot, but hate getting my feet dirty. Every now and then, I will train barefoot on the concrete to condition my soles, my feet's shock absorbers and balls of my feet, but I also thought it would feel great to go on my runs barefoot; it's supposed to greatly help with posture and walking/running technique. For those that don't know what these are, here is a picture:

These are the Vibram KSO, the exact model I bought.
I used to run with them and liked them for that. For martial arts training my suspicion is that the soles would wear out quickly.
Jeez man, have you not heard of a thing called a shower, yes came across a chap that had socks like fingerless gloves, said it was for hygeine, but still left sweaty foot prints for everyone ekse, a cheaper version or alternative, put your socks in the wash, and wash your feet.
I've used it for swimming/kayaking/working out back when I would exercise by the beach. Worked well for that. Definitely did MA-ish stuff, but don't think I actually tried for MA.
Jeez man, have you not heard of a thing called a shower, yes came across a chap that had socks like fingerless gloves, said it was for hygeine, but still left sweaty foot prints for everyone ekse, a cheaper version or alternative, put your socks in the wash, and wash your feet.
I am so confused?
What’s to be confused about? He’s saying wash your feet after class if you don’t like them getting dirty
Oh, I mean I am sure everyone does that anyways, including myself...
Then what does it matter if you get your feet dirty
I mean everyone wipes their ***, but it's still an inconvenience to have to get it dirty hahahahhaha :D
Jeez man, have you not heard of a thing called a shower, yes came across a chap that had socks like fingerless gloves, said it was for hygeine, but still left sweaty foot prints for everyone ekse, a cheaper version or alternative, put your socks in the wash, and wash your feet.
if your concern about other people leaving pools of sweat, your not training hard enough, when your leaving your own pools of sweat is seems a lot less important
if your concern about other people leaving pools of sweat, your not training hard enough, when your leaving your own pools of sweat is seems a lot less important

Was you born like this, or have you worked hard at it?
No I train hard, just observant, and shower, this type of footware is great for kyaking etc, or if you are wild water swimming/paddling, cant see how they are a substitute for barefoot though.
Was you born like this, or have you worked hard at it?
No I train hard, just observant, and shower, this type of footware is great for kyaking etc, or if you are wild water swimming/paddling, cant see how they are a substitute for barefoot though.
if your not leaving pools of sweat your not training hard enough, that is quite obviously true, sweating being a byproduct of high exertion, shower before or later doesnt stop you sweating at the time

their possibly the next best thing to bare foot rather than a substitute, being bare foot is a very healthy state to be
in, just not at all feasible in the modern world since the invention of glass and sharp gravel

having a different opinion than every body else on very nearly every thing, was very much how i was born, im very much immune to peer pressure and its why i had to learn to fight from very young age
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if your not leaving pools of sweat your not training hard enough, that is quite obviously true, sweating being a byproduct of high exertion, shower before or later doesnt stop you sweating at the time

their possibly the next best thing to bare foot rather than a substitute, being bare foot is a very healthy state to be in, just not at all feasible in the modern world since the invention of glass and sharp gravel

Hehe, here we go, when did I say, suggest or imply I do not sweat? barefoot is barefoot, where does the sweat go, once its reached these slippers?
Point taken about the sharps, but there are very few of us that train barefoot outside of the gym, I do, have done since the 80's, it was something we did in Bujinkan many moons ago, I am comfortable barefoot, and occassionaly get reminded by the odd stone or twig.
if your not leaving pools of sweat your not training hard enough, that is quite obviously true, sweating being a byproduct of high exertion,

We had a guy who would sweat puddles no matter we did. A short basic technique segment in class and puddles! And most of us were training dang hard, but no one left puddles like him. And I left a decent puddle every now and then! If we rotated around or moved around the room he'd have to wipe up his sweat as it was a hazard! And he was an incredibly fit guy!

Some people are definitely bigger sweaters than others ;D
Hehe, here we go, when did I say, suggest or imply I do not sweat? barefoot is barefoot, where does the sweat go, once its reached these slippers?
Point taken about the sharps, but there are very few of us that train barefoot outside of the gym, I do, have done since the 80's, it was something we did in Bujinkan many moons ago, I am comfortable barefoot, and occassionaly get reminded by the odd stone or twig.
their breathable so a fair amount of it dissipates into the air, whats left stays in the slippers, meaning your complaint about sweaty foot marks isnt really relevant

no bare foot generally is good not just for ma training, the use of shoes results in the bones in your feet fusing, removing the articulation and the natural shock absorbent quality, meaning you then need cushioned shoes, to replace what you lost wearing shoes in the first place, being as close to barefoot as you can manage whilst still having protection from sharps is a good idea, id get some, but the thought of stubbing my toe in them, makes my eyes water
We had a guy who would sweat puddles no matter we did. A short basic technique segment in class and puddles! And most of us were training dang hard, but no one left puddles like him. And I left a decent puddle every now and then! If we rotated around or moved around the room he'd have to wipe up his sweat as it was a hazard! And he was an incredibly fit guy!

Some people are definitely bigger sweaters than others ;D
people who sweat a lot tend to be either very fit or very fat

as you know sweating is a way of regulating your temp, which is something you have to teach your body to do, by making it very hot very often, which applies to both the very fit and the very fat

blasting your self with antiperspirant and then making yourself very hot isnt the best thing to do
Do you have wikipedia open permantly
Doing a Jobo here, so you dont train that well, if you spend alot of time in the pub, playing the chaser