Gifts Ideas for the Martial Artist



Well, it's that time of the year again - you know, the holiday season - and with it comes the daunting task of figuring out what gifts to get for those closest to you. And so, I'm seeking out your advice :wink:

Well, I do kung fu and our club's decided to do a Secret Santa this year. We've already drawn names and I planned to gather some info on the person I selected (assuming I'd have some time) and get them something specifically based on their interests, but I've encountered two problems.

1. This person hasn't been at the club since I received his name.
2. The date the exchange will be taking place has been moved up :(

Not to mention I'm a girl and already find shopping for guys tricky enough :rolleyes: So, with no more than a week I've decided I can only rely on the fact that we're both martial artists. I've thought of a few things (books, tea... :idunno: ) but am hoping you all will have some suggestions to add. Anyways, any ideas would be greatly appreciated, thanks :asian:
Weapons, can never go wrong with weapons ;)

A bokken, throwing knife, throwing stars, pair of nunchaku, etc.

Male + martial arts = he'll like a weapon :)
I agree with Andrew. There's some primal force in a man that makes him appreciate a good weapon. Kung-Fu has some really interesting weapons that will look cool even if the person has no idea how to use it.

Only 1 post, Athena? Where have ya been? You need to join the rest of our crazy crew.

Welcome aboard!
Navarre said:
I agree with Andrew. There's some primal force in a man that makes him appreciate a good weapon. Kung-Fu has some really interesting weapons that will look cool even if the person has no idea how to use it.

Only 1 post, Athena? Where have ya been? You need to join the rest of our crazy crew.

Welcome aboard!

Oh, I didn't even notice that! Nice to have you with us Athena. =)

You could always get him a bottle of dit da jow. But if I were to choose that as a gift, I would most definately kick the recipient in the outer thigh and leave a huge bruise so he can use it right away.

I see you study kung fu. Every kung fu person I know seems to love traditional Chinese shirts. Ebay has many cheap options and you can probably have something in a couple days if you pick the right seller.
Shaolinwind said:
You could always get him a bottle of dit da jow. But if I were to choose that as a gift, I would most definately kick the recipient in the outer thigh and leave a huge bruise so he can use it right away.
OH that's good! You could put together a little owie-care-package including dit da jow, tiger balm, white flower oil and other liniments, an herbal pack (the kind you can microwave), some Kinesiotape, a pumice stone for foot care, hand sanitizer, etcetera.

My husband LOVES shopping for me - how many women, truly, can you shop for in a weapons store? :)
Weapons are a good choice. If you can find a book related to your art, something along the line of history of the art, that would be a good choice.

Tiger balm and a rope dart! Two great toys that work great together!


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A vedio of something in your system (if such exsist), a months prepaid membership (depending on cost ),
If they haven't been at practice sence the drawing I might tend to buy something I could use if they do not show up again
Weapon or training material are always welcome from other MA practittionals.
Wow, thanks for the warm welcome guys :)

Some great ideas here...I guess I should have mentionned that I do wing chun though so, we're not really big on weapons...though that would be, mmm, interesting shall we say? :rolleyes:

The dit da jow'd be great, but we actually make some within our club and we're all out. I'm thinking something along the lines of the "owie care package" :wink: with a little twist of my own...actually you guys have just made me realize that I should just thrown in a bit of everything. I'll grab some nice tea, tiger balm, a book or vid if I can.

Things are looking good, thanks a bunch :)
How about one or both of these? ;)


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Oh I don't know why it didn't occur to me sooner, I'm positive he'll know exactly what to do with them! (psst...hope you're noting the sarcasm ;) )
How about some Chinese Health Balls?

Health Balls were made roughly 2000 years ago in China. They used to be used for martial arts training. Eventually, it was solely for the us of the Imperial family. Today, health balls are a treasured necessity for Chinese people. It helps to build up strength and to promote health.

[SIZE=-1]According to the traditional Chinese theory of "jungluo", there are various acupuncture points in the palm of one's hand. When exercising with the balls, the acupuncture points are stimulated. This promotes greater health.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=-1]stimulates blood circulation[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=-1]improves memory[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=-1]relaxes muscles and joints[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=-1]relieving joint stiffness and soreness[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=-1]relieving stress[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=-1]promoting sleep[/SIZE]


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athena88 said:
Oh I don't know why it didn't occur to me sooner, I'm positive he'll know exactly what to do with them! (psst...hope you're noting the sarcasm ;) )
I'm under the assumption that this was intended for my post......Umm,, really :D:p
MJS said:
Weapons are a good choice. If you can find a book related to your art, something along the line of history of the art, that would be a good choice.-Mike
Ditto! :) I also have a set of the Chinese Health Balls - they seem to relax me when I use them.

And welcome, athena88! Hope you're enjoying the boards.

Gin-Gin :asian:
Pacificshore said:
I'm under the assumption that this was intended for my post......Umm,, really :D:p

Hah, alright alright, I'm going to choose not to be sarcastic in turn...otherwise there'll just be no end to it :wink:

Sil Lum TigerLady that's actually a great idea! And being as tonight's the only chance I'll get to do this shopping, I think I'll pick some up :) I figure those, some nice tea and a gift certifacte for a movie for good measure oughta do it.

Thanks for all the suggestions guys (and the warm welcome Gin-Gin :asian: )
shesulsa said:
OH that's good! You could put together a little owie-care-package including dit da jow, tiger balm, white flower oil and other liniments, an herbal pack (the kind you can microwave), some Kinesiotape, :)

That's right, and then beat the crap out of him so he needs all of it right away!
A gift certificate for a massage is a nice gift. A DVD of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, Kill Bill or other MA-related DVD.
Shaolinwind said:
That's right, and then beat the crap out of him so he needs all of it right away!
Hey, I LIKE you're thinkin'! :lol2: