Georgia PO gets all TSA on suspect, under investigation.

Bob Hubbard

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Short version: LEO's pull a guy over, think they smell pot, give the guy a pat down. One PO gets a hold of the suspects junk, suspect responds, guy is cuffed, shoulders hyperextended, and tased, then cited with resisting arrest.
No pot was found.

[h=2]Georgia Cops Caught On Dash Cam Grabbing Man's Genitals Before Attacking Him[/h] Police in Georgia are under investigation after grabbing a man’s genitals, then tasing and choking him when he tried to pull the cop’s hand away from his genitals. The only reason the incident is even under investigation is because it was caught on a dash cam video. Otherwise, it would have been written off as another “suspect resisted arrest, so he needed to be restrained”
Video of encounter


Have the courage to speak softly
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:shakes head: Every time I hear one of these 'naughty' police officer stories I keep telling myself they are the exception rather than the rule. And the official statistics do back that up. But you do have to start thinking about the way things are heading.


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There's more to it than the story is showing. You have to know the area it occurred in.

Sure I can't say I'd like my junk fondled by a cop who's not doing me a favor by jumbling my junk. However, given the location & the fact the guy did make a resistive type of motion, he's lucky that's all that happened. He's really damn lucky that he wasn't "searched more thoroughly" at the jail due to the resisting, pot or not.

I'm not a fan of LEO overstepping bounds by any stretch. And I'm also for prosecuting LEOs when found guilty of crimes, just like any other criminal, because at that point, they are. BUT... there comes a time for everybody to quit whining about supposed right violations in traffic stops & look at what the LEO is facing every single time they go to work. If you're not doing anything wrong, don't make think you are by getting all squirrely when stopped. And when you're in an area where drugs are more common than not, expect to be frisked. White, black, yellow, brown, red striped with green polka dots... quit whining about it. The guy moved when being frisked. The cop has no idea what the guy was doing & doesn't necessarily have the time to sit & have a fatherly conversation about his intentions.

Would the conversation be the same if the guy had drawn a weapon & killed the cop? Would we be so worried about what the cop did to not impose on the guy's rights as he died on camera?

Bugger that. Common sense & personal responsibility goes a long way people. You get pulled over. Stop. Listen. Respond appropriately. Go about your business when the stop is done & you've not done anything to warrant further LEO involvement in your life. Getting your *** up with an LEO can entail you getting your *** handed to you by the LEO.

The TSA Brownshirts are a whole different discovery... like this...


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I'm not in complete agreement with clfsean about this particular incident.

First, after watching that video -- it was a search. There is a difference between a search and a frisk/pat down. A frisk is a brief search of the outer clothing. A search is a probing into areas; when I search a person, I learn a whole lot more than I necessarily want to know about them. For a guy -- I'm going to know things about you that only your girlfriend, tailor, and doctor know.

If you buck on me while I'm searching you -- I'm going to stop you. And when the guy grabbed at the officer's hands, he was bucking. (I think that the attorneys are seizing an opportunity with their accusation that the cops use this reaction as a tactic; I don't -- but I also control a suspects hands when I search, not lean them on a car.)

I can't tell from the video how much he was resisting when his arms were cranked (a legitimate control tactic) and the Taser employed. I will say that you have to be careful to differentiate between movement away from pain and actual resisting. I wasn't there, and it's not visible from the dash cam, nor is it even certain that you could tell from a camera. The Taser is also a legitimate control option when a suspect continues to resist.


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Northern VA
:shakes head: Every time I hear one of these 'naughty' police officer stories I keep telling myself they are the exception rather than the rule. And the official statistics do back that up. But you do have to start thinking about the way things are heading.
Suk, this is a case of the press and attorneys making more out of something that it is -- unless they offer more evidence. I suspect that the attorney involved has been waiting for a fairly sympathetic "victim" to trot out his "police set up resisting arrest by grabbing crotches" plot. Nothing I saw in the video screams misconduct.