For the love of the Japanese sword
Comments, reactions feedback, always appreciated
Hi Jack,
This is an interesting place I find myself in… I find that I am rather intrigued by yourself. First, it must be stated that your blog post(s) are very well written… very detailed and well put together, particularly for someone as young as yourself (18). For that alone, you should be commended! Overall, this particular post is quite accurate and well done… no real issues with it. But, in looking through it, I covered the rest of your blog, and found some things that, as said, intrigued me.
You state that you began training in the arts when you were 5… and have done a range of systems, including Katori Shinto Ryu (in fact, the banner picture you use is from the Vietnam Dojo of Tenshinsho Den Katori Shinto Ryu under Otake Sensei… you do have permission from them to use it, yeah?). Can I ask where and under who you trained, as well as how long? I also note that you will be training under Joe Thambu here next year… I would like to extend the invitation to look me up when you're here.
The part that really intrigues me, though, is the connection to Antony Cummins' "Natori Ryu"… to be frank, you seem like a well read, serious young student… and I find myself having trouble reconciling the two. Cummins and I, to be fair, have had many, many run in's over the years… and bluntly, despite your assertion, I would feel that you are far more knowledgable and informed in these areas than he is. Bluntly, he's useless. He cannot read, speak, or understand the language he has claimed to be translating (he really used a kanji study group to do the actual work), he has blatantly plagiarised (interestingly, from other frauds… hmm), his understanding of Japanese culture and history, as well as martial arts, and more are highly questionable (to say the least!), and he is, without doubt, one of the very last people I would ever recommend anyone pay any serious attention to.
Outside of that, I am quite impressed with the body of work you have put together, and how you have presented it… well done there! You might want to head over to the Meet and Greet section to give some insight into yourself as well… you'll meet more of us that way! Welcome aboard!