Fixing the training model

Oh he has been fairly energetic about Ueshiba Morihei ...... however that is as it is.

Also in saying that the Ki approach is "modern" is some what at the very least misguided
I think his reference to "modern" was to either Aikido (which is a modern art) or to the videos (which are all modern) showing it being taught, rather than to the concept itself.
That's not how that works. I asked you a question, because your post - the one I quoted - seemed to be saying he made a comment about you being a mere soldier. I didn't see him make any such reference, so was asking you to point me to it.

I made that reference sir,

My intellect and lack there of was behind that.

His reference to it being in his view highly unlikely I was trained in any combat and by that alluding to I have not gone through what I have gave rise to that

As I said I have met many of that ilk, and if not for the likes of my friends, others I served with and my late wife he would not have the luxury of taking for granted the freedoms he has this day.

I am not sorry for exploding at him in any way at all as I have seen many of that ilk
I think his reference to "modern" was to either Aikido (which is a modern art) or to the videos (which are all modern) showing it being taught, rather than to the concept itself.

Maybe so and that I take on board,.

If that is what he means then as he likes being specific then let him be so ..... I will and argue and counter his points, If he chooses to wiggle out of answering and cherry picking, then that is his choice but I will call him on that
Fraud Alert!

Who cares? I really don't. There's people in every style who are incompetent such as your karate instructor who gives black belts to kids. Is it fraud, it depends on the intentions. If they believe what they are doing is correct and are teaching it with the belief that it's correct then it's not fraud. if they are knowingly teaching something that doesn't work with the intention of gaining monetarily or by some other means by it, it's fraud.
Who cares? I really don't. There's people in every style who are incompetent such as your karate instructor who gives black belts to kids. Is it fraud, it depends on the intentions. If they believe what they are doing is correct and are teaching it with the belief that it's correct then it's not fraud. if they are knowingly teaching something that doesn't work with the intention of gaining monetarily or by some other means by it, it's fraud.

Clearly if you're teaching no touch KOs you KNOW its utter nonsense because it is impossible to knock someone out without touching them.

Thus your BJJ "instructor" is purposely misleading people in order to make money. Hence, the very definition of a fraud.

Are you aware as to why he pursued that "way"

I could care less.
Clearly if you're teaching no touch KOs you KNOW its utter nonsense because it is impossible to knock someone out without touching them.

Thus your BJJ "instructor" is purposely misleading people in order to make money. Hence, the very definition of a fraud.

So dare I ask what do you think is valid (we all know very well all that you think is invalid) and who do you think should be teaching ?

Do you think it is good practice to go around picking faults and basically saying almost all, except what you think works in MA should never be taught? Do you or have you ever actually been in any dojo or the like where a person does follow the KI approach or are all your validations made via vids and articles?

You stated you had taken a few classes in Aikido ...yes? well was it of the Ki style or not ? if not then do you have or do you actually know what is taught within those dojo ? are you of the impression that everything is no touch as you put it? or are you just making that assumption?
I'm not sure I'd even consider that a wizzer. My understanding of a wizzer (pretty much third-hand, and relating it back to what I know that's similar) is that it's a takedown from the shoulder/upper arm. He's using the wizzer (sort of) to restrain the shoulder forward, but the takedown is a leg sweep, with little input from the shoulder.
You don’t have the terminology quite right there. A whizzer is an overhook applied with pressure on the shoulder. Most often it is used in attempt to negate the advantage of the opponent’s undertook. It can be used as a component of multiple takedowns if applied while standing, but the takedown is not the whizzer.
So dare I ask what do you think is valid (we all know very well all that you think is invalid) and who do you think should be teaching ?

Too much to name in this thread.

Do you think it is good practice to go around picking faults and basically saying almost all, except what you think works in MA should never be taught?

I wouldn't do it if I didnt think it was good practice.

Do you or have you ever actually been in any dojo or the like where a person does follow the KI approach or are all your validations made via vids and articles?

If I'm looking for martial art instruction why would I attend a magic show?

You stated you had taken a few classes in Aikido ...yes? well was it of the Ki style or not ? if not then do you have or do you actually know what is taught within those dojo ? are you of the impression that everything is no touch as you put it? or are you just making that assumption?

Yes. No. Yes. No. No.
Yes. No. Yes. No. No.

So no you have never attended a Ki style class ? So pray do tell how you know what and how things are taught? so the last two No's are assumptions are they not ? or is your validation from vids or somewhere else ?
So no you have never attended a Ki style class ? So pray do tell how you know what and how things are taught? so the last two No's are assumptions are they not ? or is your validation from vids or somewhere else ?
A legit BJJ guy? Who?

what does 'legit' mean to you? We have no authorities in charge of martial arts here, no regulation not enforcement of rules etc. He teaches, BJJ, Judo, Muay Thai and follows Bowman's no touch KOs, perhaps he thinks it looks good, who knows.

For me a “legit” BJJ guy would be someone at least holding actual rank in BJJ. If he’s instructing, I’d expect a minimum of purple belt, preferably brown or black.

I’m interested in who this is as well. The BJJ community tries to police itself and call out teachers who damage the reputation of the art. A BJJ instructor who teaches no-touch knockouts is going to face a lot of questions from the BJJ world once word gets out.
yes that does show the little boy in you you pop and play with your bucket and spade lol
Just so you know, I've reported every post in this thread where you resort to "name calling" (this one included) that's 9 posts just in this thread. (Plus your unsolicited rage fueled PM)You are more than welcome to do the same if you can find any posts of mine where I resort to such behaviour.

(Hint, they don't exist)

If you want to be taken seriously, a good start would be to comport yourself like an adult. Just a tip.
K, let's see direct quotes where @Hanzou says

-all karate is garbage(or some variation)

-if it's not bjj it's garbage.(or some variation)

Those are two examples off the top of my head from this thread.

If you have a look around (not just in this thread) you'll find a few references to this - if not word for word then very much directly implied.

Unless you're saying that nobody should read context into anybody's posts and should instead take them purely as written and in isolation?
For the record, Hanzou’s clearly stated position for as long as I’ve seen him on this forum has been that in addition to his love of BJJ he also strongly respects boxing, Muay Thai, Judo, Sambo, wrestling, Kyokushin karate, and any other art that is typically trained with hard contact sparring. I’d say that’s very different from “all karate is garbage” or “if it’s not BJJ it’s garbage.”

There are plenty of Hanzou’s positions that you could disagree with, but I recommend arguing with the things he’s actually saying.
For me a “legit” BJJ guy would be someone at least holding actual rank in BJJ. If he’s instructing, I’d expect a minimum of purple belt, preferably brown or black.

I’m interested in who this is as well. The BJJ community tries to police itself and call out teachers who damage the reputation of the art. A BJJ instructor who teaches no-touch knockouts is going to face a lot of questions from the BJJ world once word gets out.
It's highly unlikely this is a true story.
It's highly unlikely this is a true story.
I’m not inclined to suspect Tez of making it up.

I do think it’s quite possible that the person in question isn’t a legitimate BJJ instructor.

On then the other hand, there are BJJ instructors who are flaky in one way or another. (Eddie Bravo is a flat earther for crying out loud.) Usually they confine their nuttiness to non-martial matters. If there is a ranked instructor out there who is bringing no-touch nonsense onto the mats, then there is an excellent probability that it is poisoning the rest of their teaching and training as well. In that case, the greater BJJ community would probably want to steer students away from that school.
oh for those that wish to know the pm said

Listen you silly little boy Yes I was trained in the military served 15 years so don't start that **** .......

Ans as far as education .........well if a first class joint honours degree counts as nothing then ok I am not and if you want the serial number of said to check then I will give it no probs

before you start alluding

I stand by all I have said to you and responded solely to you retorts and what you have alluded to etc .........I am sure that you will get me banned and so be it if that is your desire then let it happen

You sir are an arm chair warrior who has ero respect and makes the assumption that you are superior there by you get the dumb squaddie replies ...of little boy etc etc etc .......
I’m not inclined to suspect Tez of making it up.

I do think it’s quite possible that the person in question isn’t a legitimate BJJ instructor.

On then the other hand, there are BJJ instructors who are flaky in one way or another. (Eddie Bravo is a flat earther for crying out loud.) Usually they confine their nuttiness to non-martial matters. If there is a ranked instructor out there who is bringing no-touch nonsense onto the mats, then there is an excellent probability that it is poisoning the rest of their teaching and training as well. In that case, the greater BJJ community would probably want to steer students away from that school.
I'm inclined. The only way that could be true is if they did it in secret(then how'd she know?).

The bjj community is small and tight knit, you just couldn't get away with doing that the same way you could in a "performance" art. Not for very long, anyway.

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