fighting multiple opponents-myth or reality?

ROFLMAO, I love the vid. But on a more serious note, that guy really sucks, and so does his competition. Its possible to take on a few guys providing they are all chumps and dont know how to jump a person properly. But one good thing is a good portion of people who would jump you are chumps anyway.
If they know what they are doing your in big trouble and better have a equalizer, and a nice thick warm pair of socks cause your going to jail after you use it. We train everyyonce in a while with 3 or 4 on one and found that if they all just bum rush you going for double legs and football tackles your going to loose unless you have very good speed and one punch knocout power. In a situation like that you have to make every strike count.
All of that stupidity over being called a name. Sounds like someone needs a lesson in maturity.
In general being attacked by more than 1 person usually means that only thing you can do is defend until they get bored and decide to leave you. In most cases that leaves you on the floor getting booted a couple of times. Problem is nowdays too many people know how to fight *TO AN EXTENT* which means no matter how talented you are your still going to have trouble. Thats why its always a good idea to carry a friend or two around with you at all times :rolleyes:
It would almost be funny to see the next few minutes where the guys he slapped around a little came to their senses and flattened him. Almost.
Just a heads up that this thread was reported and we do have a policy regarding posting links to street fight videos. The admin/mod team is reviewing the content currently.

-Michael Billings
MT S-Moderator
bluenosekenpo said:
this is a media clip of a four on one fight, the skater, demonstrates a way to handle multiple opponents. let's dissect the fight, what did he do right? (i've got a list ready), what did he do wrong? (other than get into a 4-1 fight). put yourself in his position, what would you have done differently? regards
What I think he did wrong: fight. He didn't need to fight.
What I think he did right: seeing as it was 1 on 4, he remained mobile, and attacked everyone he could.

What the 4 did wrong: lack of co-operation. They let him set the tempo, he ran the show.

What the 4 did right: nothing.

All around, this was a pitiful altercation. This is not what I would deem as worthy of even looking at. No skill, tactically pathetic.
Good call.flatlander! I can't believe you guys actually would call this a fight...looked like drunken windmills to me.

Did I see a guy with a knife towards the end? That idiot is very lucky he didn't spring a few leaks.

The only thing he did "right"(bleh) is attacking the....well...they weren't really attackers...I quit. *shaking head* Junior high fighting at it's worst.
That video was so funny because I guess those guys thought he was playing around and they were probably stunned because they couldn't believe what an idiot he was being. Real attacker and even friends would just have bundled on him. I have had this doen on me even before I had proper Martial Arts training. I would be playing football in the park with friends and at the end they would all jump on me, all in jokefully ofcourse but I didn't like it and I would do my best to retaliate by biting and trying escapes.
I woudl like to think that after 6 years of Kung Fu I can now deal with such encounters.
Hello, I had just received three videos of real streeting fighting,mostly younger adults. The one thing I notice is most of the guys standing around,friends let the two guys fight one on one. (note all the fights went to ground) . But if some one helps, the others jump in and down to ground you go,you will get stomp and hit, just to many guys attacking at once. After watching the videos...with that much guys coming at you at one time,the best thing is to run if you can,once they surround and start hitting and kicking and you go down, its sayonara. Stamina is the only thing that going to save your life. the gangs all come at once..not like the movies(one at a time). Plus someone will have some kind of a weapon,(the videos do not show those fights) to violent. Real stuffs no rules,all attack you at will have no chance. Any art will not be able to stop them. Gangs can be 7,8,10 or more? no limits of size. Think of a mob coming at you...stampede of humans....think you can win? We have eyes on one side of our head,you will not see every attacker. Every fight wil be different, and different results. Luck will have to a big part to survive. Football is a good example,the ball is in your hands, what's the chance of you making a touch down on every play? with all those player coming at you? Can get life insurance? Aloha
this post wasn't meant to insult the fighting prowess of anyone here. it wasn't meant to show the most effective way of handling this situation (which is not being in it to begin with), i submitted this clip because there is a never ending discussion on what to do if...ok, here was an example.

i have seen many fights start exactly this way. young adults or young drunks accost a single male. if someone had a better clip of someone dominating a fight, with more bruce lee style,technique and panache, i'd like to see it. anything else i've ever seen are basically one sided swarmings (and yes that is what happens the majority of the time).

though the fighters were unschooled brawlers, and it was a juvenile justification for fighting, the clip provided examples, when confronted by superior numbers, of the following;

1) keep them in front of you
2) take the initiative, hit first, hard and often
3) keep mobile
4) do not go to the ground! ever!
5) watch your back
6) take the first opportunity to get out of dodge

compare this to what the likes of geoff thompson, marc mcyoung, larry tatum or countless others advocate. it is in fact a good example of self defence against multiple opponents. true, there were no kicks to the knees, eye gouges, blood, gore and death, no "real fighting" , but if there were i probably wouldn't have felt comfortable watching it let alone posting it for others to watch.

to the moderators, wasn't aware of that policy, my mistake, no harm intended, remove if you feel it inappropriate.
bluenosekenpo said:
it is in fact a good example of self defence against multiple opponents.
We don't really know if that is true, since we only see the beginning of the fight, and the only advantage he had was luck. Had the other guys been serious about wanting to hurt him, he would have been hurt. As it was, he may have ended up in hospital anyway. It didnt look like he put anyone down for the count, and once they got off the pavement you can bet they werent going to stand around and watch him any more.
multiple attackers--gonna loose. Must run. Here is something I did against two attackers and it worked, to an extent.

Grabbed the smaller brother, clinched tightly with a half sleeper and began to punish his eyes every time the older borther kicked me. The guy was yelling at his brother to stop cause he was afraid of eye scaring. Honestly though, I was just waiting for the park security to arrive.
As far as the circumstances of the fight go, who knows. I wasn't there so it's not my place to say. But as far as the action goes I think he did a damn good job. Especially for someone who seems to have no training. I agree with a lot of the things bluenosekenpo said. Of course it wasn't pretty, real life situations hardly are. What did you expect see...spin kicks to the head?

The reason he was successful was because the had something the "attackers" did not. He had the right mindset. This is something I think a lot of martial artists overlook. All the technique in the world won't save you without an aggressive attack mindset.

I disagree strongly with the idea that you're automatically going to lose in a multiple attack situation. It all depends on how you train and your mindset. If you don't train fot it, then of course you won't have any chance.

Just curious, but what's the problem with posting videos like this? It can be a great learning tool. Much better than any kind of UFC type fight video in my opinion.
Agreed on the "training for it" part,with this to add....

This is NOT an example of dealing with (being attacked by) multiples,this IS an example of how to attack multiple people.:)
Paul B said:
Agreed on the "training for it" part,with this to add....

This is NOT an example of dealing with (being attacked by) multiples,this IS an example of how to attack multiple people.
would your response be reactive or proactive?
Paul B said:
This is NOT an example of dealing with (being attacked by) multiples,this IS an example of how to attack multiple people.:)
It's not always a good idea to stand around and wait to be attacked.
Mike Vallely is a bad man!!! He's a great skater and he has had no training other than being a skater. It's not that bad today but back in the day (80's to early 90's) it seems the thing for jocks and rednecks to do was beat up skaters (trust me, I know).

I have a DVD that Mike V put out called Greatest Hit's and it is great. It chronicles most of his more notorious fights, his amateur wrastlin', and when he challenged a pro hockey enforcer to a friendly fight on the ice (he gets thumped on that one). It also talks about the last fight that he ever was in. Some security guys where hasseling his wife (who was holding their child) and one of the security guys decides to shove her to the ground. Mike V jumps in and wails on them as would I for this. After the story is told he starts to talk about how that was the first time that he could have crossed the line. That scared him and made him realize that his quick to fight ways was something that wasn't right and he should stop. That was quite a few years ago and I don't think he has done anything like that again.

Sorry for the long post but I just wanted to fill in some info on the guy. Oh yeah, his punk band Mike V and the Rat's RAWK!!!