

Master of Blades

What do you guys feel on being taught your respective Martial Art by a family member. I have heard that it being your father or whatever can sometimes disturb your training and have a bad outcome. I have also heard that it is great because they push you the hardest and make sure you are there best student. My teacher and father is a black belt 5th Dan in Hapkido and was taught by a direct dissendant of Dan Inasanto. He was taught Kali by Nino Bernado and has been doing Martial Arts for 21 years. So I have no problem with my father being a bad teacher or anything. Me personally I love it. He does push me and one other the hardest and he does make sure that Im up to standard and never miss a class. Im not saying this has made me the best in my class, but it has made sure Im up there. Im only 15 and have been doing it for two years so I cant really say that it will stay the same but what about your personal experiances? Has a family member tuaght you and how did you feel about it?
I train my kids. Sometimes I push them too hard, I know, and sometimes I underestimate what they can handle, or don't have them do something I think might be painful. It'd probably be better for them to be trained by someone else, in many ways. But, they both like the special time with Daddy, and they're getting what I consider to be good advice on self-defense. When they're older perhaps I'll send them to someone else's class (though options are limited in our small town).
I'll get my kid to answere sooner or later but I enjoyed teaching my family I made sure they knew the material and understood the principal behind what we where doing.

As I said my son may have a different view point.
I train my husband, and find that I expect more then from my other students. I also find that the courtesy and respect on the floor are not as formal from family members.
my instructor teaches his kids... The oldest (29 now I think) stuck with it long enough to get his third brown. He'd be black belt by now if it wasn't for medical difficulties... The other four kids have been involved on and off, but none have really gotten into it. They're more into surfing instead. He doesn't pressure them.

Personally, when I have kids, they will train. I don't care if its with me or someone else, but they will train in a self defense focused art, because I want them to be able to defend themselves if they have to, because I couldn't be around all the time for them, so when I can't protect them, they need to be able to protect themselves.
Hmmm............Yeah. I dont have the problem of my father not pushing me far enough and he doesnt mind giving me bruises and crap. Also I find that the attitude to training is pretty much the same with every teacher but I find that my dad gets the most respect out of all of them. I think its cuz he will kick our *** if we dont obey him!

this is what i can say.... the Hapkido school where i train.. The Peaceful Warriors.. its a family run school.. Master Art Mason is the Head Master.. 5th Dan.. then His oldest son Master Kurt 4th Dan and then his youngest son Master Scott 3rd Dan.. i think its great to see a whole family involved in the MA... its also great for me to have the 3 different teaching styles.. im mean they are all teaching the same MA.. but every instuctor is a bit different..
Vive la differance!!!

My brother and I both take classes together. I am however a belt higher than he is. I absolutely do not like working with him...he's too much like me when it comes to hard headiness. We both have learned that we just do better working with other people in the dojo than we do eachother. Sure at home we spar and play around and practice the techniques, but he does much better listening to others in the class than he does listening to his older sister. My dad has also done MA and has played around with showing me stuff on the side, but i must agree that he does expect and push me harder than he would others. I agree with DWright with the respect on the floor is not as formal from family members as it is from others.
my brother and I were in the same class for a while... he got his orange belt before me, which pissed me off, so I worked hard and got my purple before he did. he got upset that his sister outranked him and quit. he somehow doesn't understand that this means that I'll ALWAYS outrank him. LOL
Originally posted by nightingale8472

got my purple before he did. he got upset that his sister outranked him and quit. he somehow doesn't understand that this means that I'll ALWAYS outrank him. LOL

That was great.

I used to teach my son, but unfortunatly he doesn't train anymore. The worst thing was that he was awesome, he had the intensity and focus. He had great 'what if' questions. He has the capacity to be really good. He is only 12 though so hopefully he will re-develop interest in it. I think he treats it too much like a sport and not enough like the unique experiance it is. I am dissapointed that he quit but am hopeful he'll come back to it.

The only thing I can do at this point is let him know when I'm working out and invite him to join me.


P.S. I probably did push him too hard.
Now thats were I dissagree Fuzzy........I think the respect for family members is really not that differant at all. From my experiance I respect my father the same or maybe even more then the other teachers I have or met. But maybe thats because of the way my father fights more then the fact that I just dont respect the other people. My dads a lot tougher and more bloodthirsty the Tae Kwan Do people that let us use there Dojo so I guess thats it.
Teaching family can be a rewarding experience as long as there is a line drawn. What happens in the dojo stays in the dojo. I met my wife in class, and when we bought out the school we were at the dojo squabbles turned into the home fights. She thought I was too hard on her in class, I thought as part owner she should have put forth more effort.

When we have children I will teach them, I have doubts about it. My wife wants me to teach our children and not go easy on them. But there will be a line drawn, home life is one dojo is another, and in my opinion the 2 should not mingle.
I agree with you but it is a bit hard to keep it in the Dojo. Im not a very self assured guy and my brother is usally a lot better then me at everything. So when he started TKD and I was doing Kali I used to get pissed off when he came into class and learnt what I was learning. and then my dad would give me a hard time at home and blah blah blah. So Im not really sure on it any more. Im not sure if Im gonna teach my kids.
Originally posted by Master of Blades

Now thats were I dissagree Fuzzy........I think the respect for family members is really not that differant at all. From my experiance I respect my father the same or maybe even more then the other teachers I have or met. But maybe thats because of the way my father fights more then the fact that I just dont respect the other people. My dads a lot tougher and more bloodthirsty the Tae Kwan Do people that let us use there Dojo so I guess thats it.

Now when it comes down to my father I am totally respectful, even though he doesn't train with me at the dojo. What I was referring to was mainly between siblings. I get more respect and curtiousy from lower belts that are twice my age than I do from my brother. I think that there should always be respect for your parents whether they teach you or not. From a siblings point of view I would love to push my brother more, but he sees that as me picking on him or being mean. But if coming from someone else it means more than it does coming from me. I give him a few years to realize that I'm not picking on him just trying to help. :)
No proof but I was told at one time that the Granfather or uncles would teach if at all possible. The only time father or mother taught family was if no other familymember was avalible.
I like the idea myslef except I really do not think I could keep my two cents worth out of it.
Originally posted by FUZZYJ692000

Now when it comes down to my father I am totally respectful, even though he doesn't train with me at the dojo. What I was referring to was mainly between siblings. I get more respect and curtiousy from lower belts that are twice my age than I do from my brother. I think that there should always be respect for your parents whether they teach you or not. From a siblings point of view I would love to push my brother more, but he sees that as me picking on him or being mean. But if coming from someone else it means more than it does coming from me. I give him a few years to realize that I'm not picking on him just trying to help. :)
Heck, I respect your Dad, just form tlaking to him. As far as your brother, he needs to reralize you are trying to help him and the rest of us are picking on him. Of course, our picking has helped him.