Ed Parker?


Master of Blades

Ive heard a lot of you guys use his name and I was just wondering who he is and what he does, cuz alot of you guys swear by him. Anyone who can help me out here?

:rofl: :shrug: :asian:
Originally posted by Master of Blades

Ive heard a lot of you guys use his name and I was just wondering who he is and what he does, cuz alot of you guys swear by him. Anyone who can help me out here?

:rofl: :shrug: :asian:

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Considered by some as the Father of American Karate; considered
by some the Father Of American Martial Arts; considered by many
as The Father (and founder) Of American Kenpo.

Founder of the International Karate Tournament that was the
most internationally known tournament for years! One of the
most well respected American martial artists (if not THE most).
This same tournament is where Bruce Lee got noticed by
Hollywood, which was Ed Parker's idea.

He created the first American martial art.

Learn more about Ed Parker at your local library!

if you have not already, please, post this question on the Kenpo board here. There are a number of seniors that knew Mr. Parker personally (he is deceased in case you were not aware), and can share many stories of their times with him and can really expound better than myself about the man.

in fact, if you have no objection, you may just want to have a mod move this thread to that board...

i garuntee you will not be dissapointed with the results.
ok, yeah that would be great. Im always interested in learning about the great masters of our time.
Originally posted by Master of Blades

Ive heard a lot of you guys use his name and I was just wondering who he is and what he does, cuz alot of you guys swear by him. Anyone who can help me out here?

:rofl: :shrug: :asian:

I see you are into JKD. Mr. Parker started and ran the tournament that Bruce Lee appeared at in 64 and he also helped Bruce get on the Green Hornet.

I'll try and post some links later. This might help get you started

While I'm amazed that you didn't know who he was, I'm glad you asked and I hope I can help illuminate the subject. But if Mr. C/Goldendragon logs in again... he will have some good info for you for sure. You may even want to email him.

Here's another bit that I wrote a few years ago as well:
Most people credit martial art's popularity to Bruce Lee, but Bruce Lee would'nt have become the big name he became if it was'nt for Ed Parker and his contacts in Hollywood. In other words, credit any popularity the martial may have to the genius which was Ed Parker
Originally posted by Kenpo Wolf

Most people credit martial art's popularity to Bruce Lee, but Bruce Lee would'nt have become the big name he became if it was'nt for Ed Parker and his contacts in Hollywood. In other words, credit any popularity the martial may have to the genius which was Ed Parker

I wouldn't credit soley Bruce for popularity of MA or Ed PArker, in fact I would credit all the Sifu's, and Sensei's, and instructors out there that work everyday to teach us and show MA to the world and teach the beauty of their system to everyone. The guys that work hard, sometimes two jobs or even three to make ends meet but love what they do because they can pass on their skill and knowledge to us.

Originally posted by Master of Blades
Ive heard a lot of you guys use his name and I was just wondering who he is and what he does, cuz alot of you guys swear by him. Anyone who can help me out here?

Ed Parker was a sailor in the coast guard who had his own ship and he constantly was tracking down this large white whale to kill. They wrote a book about it. Years later a techno musician would take half of the book name "Moby" and go onto make a lot of money.

Anyway, back to Ed Parker. In the late 60's/early 70's he was often seen at Cape Canaveral and there is much speculation that he was the man with the scientific theory that actually allowed NASA to put a man on the moon. In fact there is a little known theory that Apollo 13 would not have been the disaster it was with the loss of life had Ed Parker not spent so much time hanging out with Elvis. To this day in fact there are also people who believe if he had not turned down JFK's offer to join him in the motorcade Ed Parker might have stopped the bullet and saved JFK.

He also starred in a movie called, "Kill the golden goose" that might have earned him an oscar had he not included a torried love scene with himself and a co-actress as the hawaiian/caucasian jungle love proved not only that Ed Parker was ahead of his time but also that the racisms of north american could not handle his groundbreaking movie. Again, there are some who suspect that Hollywood was still not over the macarthism trials and that Ed Parker, film visionary, was nothing but a victim of fear in hollywood.

Oh I could go on forever but perhaps others will help fill you in.
Originally posted by 7starmantis

I wouldn't credit soley Bruce for popularity of MA or Ed PArker, in fact I would credit all the Sifu's, and Sensei's, and instructors out there that work everyday to teach us and show MA to the world and teach the beauty of their system to everyone. The guys that work hard, sometimes two jobs or even three to make ends meet but love what they do because they can pass on their skill and knowledge to us.


I very much agree with you, but a lot of the modern martial artists say they got into the martial arts after being inspired by watching Bruce Lee movies. That's the point I was trying to make. If it was'nt for the help Ed Parker gave him, Bruce Lee would have been just a highly skilled nobody. And if it was'nt for Bruce Lee, the state of the martial would'nt be where it is today
I know there's some UK kenpo schools linked under the studio network on my site. not sure if they're in london, tho

