eat the rich

That is a great clip Archangel M. Bill Whittle is great. If you enjoy science fiction you might want to check out Bill whittle's video about why spock and obama should never sit in the captains chair. It was another great video. I'll try to find it. Iowahawk is a pretty interesting site as well.
Bunch of emotive ********.

Bottom line. Please allow me to use astronomical numbers - 1.05 X 10^15 dollars in derivatives. 1,050,000,000,000,000 in debt. This is the worlds total debt.

We could pay 100% of everyone's salary and never pay this off. We could take every corporations profits and never pay this off. Not even a fraction.

This video is looking at a hangnail when you have a leg chopped off. Until you address the banks and the monetary system itself, you'll never get anywhere towards a solution.
Well I woke up this morning
On the wrong side of the bed
And how I got to thinkin'
About all those things you said
About ordinary people
And how they make you sick
And if callin' names kicks back on you
Then I hope this does the trick
Cause I'm a sick of your complainin'
About how many bills
And I'm sick of all your bitchin'
Bout your poodles and your pills
And I just can't see no humour
About your way of life
And I think I can do more for you
With this here fork and knife

Eat the Rich: there's only one thing they're good for
Eat the Rich: take one bite now - come back for more
Eat the Rich: I gotta get this off my chest
Eat the Rich: take one bite now, spit out the rest

Sorry got carried away - little Aerosmith there. :p
I was thinking of this version of the song.

Motorhead rules!!!
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