Dreams vs Reality

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Another thread gave me the inspiration for this (thanks judo kid) and made me start wondering what were my dreams when I was younger and have I achieved them... also what are my dreams now and what am I doing about making them become reality?

Well, to start off my earliest dream (at the ripe old age of 16) was to get into our state baseball team - this aus not the US so that's not really all that common - but a well placed pitch to the mouth which kept me away for two seasons soon put an end to that.

Another was to become somewhat of a muso - I spent $7k on a nice sax (forgot to mention I had been playing since the age of 10) and proceeded to sink some money into some pro tuition. Unfortunately I was too young to handle everyone's expectations of me and so threw it away.

After leaving high school I spent six months at uni learning computer programming and hated it, went to bible college for six months and realised that I didn't want to be a pastor.

Of late my goals have become somewhat more general but also a lot harder - live with integrity, never be ashamed at what you see in the mirror, become humble in all ways.

Did any of you achieve the goals/dreams that you had?
Following Your Dreams is Great.
Sting Goals & Acheiving Them is as well

Interesting question....

I spent my last 2 years in grade school, 4 years of highschool and 5 years of college working towards being a game designer. I started programming on Atari 800XLs, C-64s, C-128s and early PC's. Was doing Tile-Graphics before they had a name. Had a relationship that sidetracked me for just long enough to fall far enough behind the curve to realize that the days of a 1 man gaming shop and top dollar were over. Tried becomming a game publisher...couldn't get the initial startup capital and that died on the vine.

Every attempt to break into the technical industry was met with nothing but negative feedback. Years later, and a ton of hard work, a ton of wrong turns, and a ton of hell, I'm doing ok.

I spent over 15 years trying to check out martial arts. Time, money, and a knowledge of 'what' I really wanted from the arts held me back. Now, its still very slow going, but I'm making progress.

Which dreams have I gotten? a few.

I can look at myself in the mirror and be proud of who I see there.

Whats left? A lot
I seek to continually better myself, and that around me.
Improve my health, my flexibility, my focus.
learn the arts I hold an interest in well enough to share them someday.
turn my business into something that will comfortably support me and my family for years to come.
take some time this spring to walk through the woods and listen to the planet.

Wish you and judo-kid both the best of luck in reaching the goals that you set
Hey, thanx for posting this. I've been a bit depressed lately, but you made me think about what dreams I have achieved and you've cheered me up no end. When I was very young, I dreamed of being an artist and a writer, and I've achieved at least half dream. I am a full-time artist, 'though writing seems to have fallen by the wayside. I have had some stuff published, but only in magazines, and as I was aiming to be a novelist I'm not really counting that. When I was heading into my teens I dreamed of being a swashbuckling, sword swinging martial artist, and hey! look at me! I am! Not a particulary great martial artist, but I never remember specifying that to myself anyway, so who cares? :D
Who cares ....You do and that what counts the most. Others might give up on you and or your dreams and goals but as long as you don't you'l be all set. A goal is a dream with a date on it to help keep you focused. Kiz Bell it sounds like your just getting started too.

Great Thread.

when i was kid i wanted to be "Phantom(Ghost who walks)" i practiced the art of invisibility, climbing, throwing, archery without the help of any Ninja's :D i still hav those abilities :D ;)
then later i wanted to be Bowler but i found out it's my hobbie rather than my passion when i was 14 my academics suffered due to my illness for whole year...i become dumb a$$ from brilliant, then i started building my whole body from scratch(yea i started Muai thai) i worked day in day out n become better, but couldn't excelled in academics i took up programming n bingo i found which i can work out by myself... again academics suffered :( i took Bachelors in Computer application n m in 3rd yrs now in all that time i explored different arts(astrology, painting, etc etc)but later i got stuck up with 2 things in my life, Martial arts n Computers i think these r two things i can do n my academics is improving...
basically if i look my past of 21(umm technically speaking 16 yrs :D) yrs i think i was most lucky guy as i was able to achieve most of my dreams
well it's an intresting thread it just gave me a good smile, reminded me lots of old storys of my past :D
I always wanted to wrestle in the ohio state wrestling tournament but reality dictated that I didn't have luck exactly where I needed it.

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