Deciding Not to Be a Victim


Sr. Grandmaster
Supporting Member
Oct 13, 2006
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I'll certainly help if I can, I'm very tired of the 'victim' attitude, for one thing it detracts from the suffering of real victims and another I'd like to see our children growing up strong not whinging! I was reading the other day about some people who were claiming they had been traumatised and were suffering so much they were sueing a holiday companyfor a lot of mony. The problem? They'd been on a cruise and there'd been a storm one night. The holiday company 'owed' them compensation they said.
I'm not a believer in the 'good old days' but I do think we need to get back some attitude that reflect self reliance and self respect a bit more.As martial artists we, I imagine, all probably have this ingrained in us if we've been training for a while! Self confidence is something I've noticed a lot of children lacking these days too, the thing seem to be these days if you don't at first succeed, give up and live off the state! I am still idealistic even at my age and I do believe so much in martial arts as an answer for a lot of things! I shall launch into a lecture any minute lol!but anything I can help with, I will!


Senior Master
Jan 24, 2004
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Springfield, Missouri
great thread!

This is definately a problem and ultimately, I think the root of the issue is that most people don't want to take responsibility for their actions in any area of their lives. If something bad happens, as others have said, it's always "someone else's fault," or "it's not my mess to clean up." I also think Tez3 made a great point regarding the "victim's rewards."

As far as this relates to violence and/or self-defense. I personally feel that a lot of the problem is that people have just become "wimps." It's not politically-correct to stand up and defend yourself because that means the "poor, underpriviledged, misunderstood individual" (not criminal, that's a harsh term...) might be unsuccessfull in his goal of victimizing us.
And again, we shouldn't defend ourselves, that's what the police are for... :rolleyes:

Some states have already started to address this issue with the expanded "Castle Doctrine" and "Stand Your Ground" laws (Florida is a great example). This is something that, IMO, needs to happen everywhere. If people can get used to the idea that it really is OKAY to stand up for yourself, I think we might see a shift in the prevailing winds so to speak.

Then again...we could just re-institute the Code Duello :D


Senior Master
May 16, 2006
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St. Louis
I am an early 70's baby so I was brought up with the mindset that if you are a victim then you make yourself a weaker person. I have said outloud that I beg someone to come into my home without firearm. I feel bad for the person who attacks myself, home or family.

Honestly, I would have every intention of killing someone if they harmed my wife or any other family. I have seen women or smaller kids get beat up by adult men and hurt them. I waited till the cops came, told them I had been a Sgt in the Marine Corps, showed them the leg braces....told them what happened and have never had anything negative happen to me judicially.

I have always said that it takes a ton to get me to engage but once the engagement begins it is my turn, I believe it is always my turn until it is over.

I have a couple of teens that live on both sides of me that said, if you raise your voice to people at school then it will get you in school suspension and the one being aggressed upon will be the one in charge. I am sorry, like the majority of you I come from a different time period mindset. I don't know what the right answer is, I would tell students as I always have...."Do not let someone aggressively invade you or loved ones living space."

The Marines had a saying that Exile brought up a few months ago...."It is better to be judged by 12 than be planted six feet under."

still learning

Senior Master
Nov 8, 2004
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Hello, Everyone is brought up differently. Your values,your judgements, your personality, your way of life was influence by the people around you.

Teach hate...your kids will hate too! Teach crimes against people..your kids will learn this too!

Children are easy influence by the way people behave around them. We need to start with our children first (teach them to be a good person)!

...over 70% of the crimes in America is cause by replete of prisons. When out? do you think there have learn their lessons about being bad? ....of course NOT!

Our systems(government) has not learn it lessons too..because of the easy/get of jail systems today.

The other day in Hawaii they said it cost Hawaii $42,000 to keep one prisoner in Jail a year. Cost keep getting higher each year too!

When criminals realize there is NO true punishment? Why change? ....

Please one thing we can do is be an influence to those around us (especially the children). BE GOOD..BE HONEST..BE KIND....

The whole world is producing more bad people than the word - terrorist is so common to hear.

One day when food, water, shelter, and security becomes truely more important than keeping prisoners (bad people) alive. WE WILL END THEIR LIVES QUICKER AND LIKE Saddam...very quickly...Why keep them alive for?

These are just my thoughts....30 years ago drugs was a problem in school..30 years later same problems...just different drugs...and 30 years from now ...same drug problems..just different drugs.....Aloha

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