Crazy Sifu?


White Belt
Aug 14, 2008
Reaction score
Does anyone else have any stories like this? I was wondering if/how common place this is.

I recently started WC, about a month ago, and while we were practicing pak sao against straight punches the other day my Sifu stepped in to block my punches. One of mine got through and I "bopped" him on the side of his cheek, not a full on punch, just like a touch or contact. I pulled my hands back in the "IM sorry" type move and then he straight punched me i the face breaking my nose, slap pushed my head into the wall and slapped across my face.

My question is, was that something you have experienced in WC, or other Kung Fu schools? Was his action appropriate? I dont want to be a baby if this is common place, but I also dont want to pay to be someones punching bag.

Thank you very much if you take the time to respond, Justin
Your teacher intentionally broke your nose and slammed your head into a wall. I personally wouldn't train there anymore. You don't want a teacher who goes all Cobra kai on you because he can't handle one of his students accidentally punching him. I have been accidentally punched many times and I never went after the person like that.

So my advice to you is leave and find a teacher who can check his ego at the door.
No way man.

My sifu is pretty nails if I do say so myself, and is extremely humble, a truly gentle guy, till you deliberately upset him (outside the kwoon). I've seen him get caught a few times in class with the more advanced student, to which he smiles and gets "oooooohhhhh" ;) type comments back. It's done in jest, and he "jokily" goes all cobra kai on the advanced student, but only really messing around.

So, for a sifu to go nuts on you like that is a gross breach of the student/teacher relationship for me. And, although I despise the compensation culture that prevails across much of the Western world right now *cough* Americas fault! ;) *cough* I'd contemplate suing his behind. No way this guy should be teaching.
Sounds like your Sifu has alot of problems, no one should ever strike back like that.
I totally agree. I would press charges. Sifu is not just a title. You have to represent certain characteristics and hold the utmost respect for your students as well as yourself. To be intentionally abusive towards a student because of a issue of pride is not the way.

Leave that school, and me personally, I would tell him why you are leaving and do it in front of other students to embarrass him. Perhaps that might humble him and show him his error. 1 strike you are out rule as far as I am concerned.
Does anyone else have any stories like this? I was wondering if/how common place this is.

I recently started WC, about a month ago, and while we were practicing pak sao against straight punches the other day my Sifu stepped in to block my punches. One of mine got through and I "bopped" him on the side of his cheek, not a full on punch, just like a touch or contact. I pulled my hands back in the "IM sorry" type move and then he straight punched me i the face breaking my nose, slap pushed my head into the wall and slapped across my face.

My question is, was that something you have experienced in WC, or other Kung Fu schools? Was his action appropriate? I dont want to be a baby if this is common place, but I also dont want to pay to be someones punching bag.

Thank you very much if you take the time to respond, Justin

"If" it was intentional and retaliation my suggestion is leave the school now don't look back and do not go back…. Find another Sifu.

This is not common in CMA, IMO, I have hit or pushed a few of my teachers unintentionally over the years and none got mad. Just the opposite actually my Xingyiquan Sifu actually said it was about time because if he didn't get hit at least once while sparring he just did not think it was sparing and laughed about it. My taiji Sifu just told me "good, you are learning" and my Wing Chun Sifu stopped to try and analyze what happened to improve his fighting, actually we worked at it for a bit until we reached a stalemate. The only one that had any reaction at all was my first Sifu who did not get angry or retaliate but he never would do push hands with me again.
"If" it was intentional and retaliation my suggestion is leave the school now don't look back and do not go back…. Find another Sifu.

This is not common in CMA, IMO, I have hit or pushed a few of my teachers unintentionally over the years and none got mad. Just the opposite actually my Xingyiquan Sifu actually said it was about time because if he didn't get hit at least once while sparring he just did not think it was sparing and laughed about it. My taiji Sifu just told me "good, you are learning" and my Wing Chun Sifu stopped to try and analyze what happened to improve his fighting, actually we worked at it for a bit until we reached a stalemate. The only one that had any reaction at all was my first Sifu who did not get angry or retaliate but he never would do push hands with me again.

Totally agree. In my limited experience of just a couple of years of Wing Chun, I've never encountered anything approaching this, at all. In fact, I was pretty amazed when I read your OP. Amazed that someone in that position would risk their role/legal status etc. Shows a complete lack of control/respect/fear of consequence.
This is not appropriate in any school. There are always minor accidents when practicing any ma. My sifu will normally catch his breath and say "now that is how it's done properly" and let it go at that. He is not encouraging practicing this way, but letting you know you did the technique properly and now we need to work on control. This is supposed to be someone to look up to and set a shining example, and he isn't. I would drop him like a hot potato
Regards, Don
If "Sifu" loses his temper and breaks people's bones whenever someone gets past his guard he shouldn't be teaching. And you shouldn't hang around dangerously violent people like him.
Agreed on all points except one: legal action. What did you sign when you joined? Is it a full-contact club? I think the law expects some injury in a martial-arts club, and you wouldn't find a sympathetic ear.

Now you could report him to the sport's governing body, but legally, I think you're out of luck. My opinion.

But he's still a creep, so get out of there.
Agreed on all points except one: legal action. What did you sign when you joined? Is it a full-contact club? I think the law expects some injury in a martial-arts club, and you wouldn't find a sympathetic ear.

Now you could report him to the sport's governing body, but legally, I think you're out of luck. My opinion.

But he's still a creep, so get out of there.

Accidental injury is one thing. Deliberate injury is another. Most liability releases I've seen cover the accidental only & applies to everybody under the training roof. A deliberate injury though may not apply to the accidental clause & be valid for legal action if it can be proved. It might protect the school owner if it was student on student, but may not in this case.

Some injury in a MA school is expected, yes. It is a contact game & everybody going in should be aware of it, even in a TaiCheeeeese school, at some point somebody will be touched. However negligent or intentional contact to the point of injury by the teacher should be looked at much differently, especially in the description given in this post.

i want to throw in my support for filing charges. this isn't some guy who lost his temper at a bar; this is a person who has taken it upon himself to teach others martial arts. if he can't handle an accidental poke in the face without maiming someone he needs to be prosecuted & shut down.

Agreed...that was waaaaay overboard. Definitely consider pressing charges. Certainly find a new place to train.
I was working with some of the guys who do Lei Tai at the school and showing some hand excercises and talking. The guy I was working with looked all unimpressed and got one in on me, smack!

I smiled and said, "Yes! You need to train where people are ACTUALLY trying to hit you in order to learn, good hit!"

Maybe I had a different approach than that other guy.

After working with them for a while, they worked with each other and enjoyed the lesson.

See if you can find a school where people dont punish you for being succesful at what they are trying to teach you to do.

Just a few pennies...

I would quit and find another sifu. Mine has never gone off like that on me. I've never heard of a teacher doing that to a student.
Does anyone else have any stories like this? I was wondering if/how common place this is.

I recently started WC, about a month ago, and while we were practicing pak sao against straight punches the other day my Sifu stepped in to block my punches. One of mine got through and I "bopped" him on the side of his cheek, not a full on punch, just like a touch or contact. I pulled my hands back in the "IM sorry" type move and then he straight punched me i the face breaking my nose, slap pushed my head into the wall and slapped across my face.

My question is, was that something you have experienced in WC, or other Kung Fu schools? Was his action appropriate? I dont want to be a baby if this is common place, but I also dont want to pay to be someones punching bag.

Thank you very much if you take the time to respond, Justin

Inappropriate and inexcuseable. He has no self control and quite simply abused you (the student). Time to move on.
This was not training. This was assault pure and simple. Would you allow anyone, I mean anyone do this to you outside of the school?