Covered fist logo


Master Black Belt
Mar 30, 2002
Reaction score
Leeds, England

I just watched that 'When Kenpo Strikes' video that was mentioned in another thread (video was good...but I'm not sure about the song! hehe) and I noticed at the end they have a large flag on the wall with the covered fist logo on it.

We've got that as part of our logo as well, and I was just wondering if anyone knew what it's origins are?

Here's a scan of our logo, the section in question is in the middle:

Obviously it's a traditional part of the salutations, symbolising the concealment of a weapon as far as I know? I think they mention the guy in the video as being trained in 'Chinese Kenpo' at one point, so maybe it's something to do with that...what exactly do they mean by 'Chinese Kenpo' anyway? Shorinji Kenpo?



Good afternoon. I believe the origin of the covered fist salutation comes from the Chinese martial arts and the idea of the scholar and the warrior. The fist represents the warrior, who knows only how to fight. The covering hand represents the scholar, who thinks before he fights. The scholar is what we work to become (the dragon) that is why it is on top.

There are many variatons of the covered fist logo and many schools of martial arts use the emblem.

I hope this offers some info though. Good journey.

Joshua Ryer
UPK Pittsburgh
I've heard that the closed fist represents power, and the open hand represents peace. The open hand over the fist is a remider to choose peaceful options first and always place peace over power.
I was taught that Mr. Parker's salutation of the open hand covering the closed fist represents that the teacher's knowledge always covers the student's power and the weapon is not completely seen. Interesting to note that Mr. Castro still uses the original patch of Mr. Parker's AKKA {Shaolin Kenpo/Kenpo karate}.


Big Pat
In case anyone's interested, I've found out that the guy in the 'When Kenpo Strikes' video is Hugo M. Rojas, who runs the California Youth Karate Club (they have a website at He's very impressive in the video!

I admit I'd not heard of him before, but judging by all the famous people on their 'celebs' page he's certainly well known!

Unfortunately, their page doesn't seem to have anything about their particular style, or the logo.

The more popular version of the hand over fist with the red white and black was designed by Jay T. Will. It is found in many catalogs a a generic crest for kenpo students, it is also available as a T-shirt, flag and other various items.