We were on MTV!


Master Black Belt
Mar 30, 2002
Reaction score
Leeds, England
You've all seen 'Jackass', right? Well there's a program that's come on MTV in the U.K. called 'Dirty Sanchez', which is basically Jackass made by 3 Welsh blokes and an English bloke, who hurt themselves on camera for fun :)

Of course, being Welsh, they're a bit more extreme than the Jackass boys...!

Anyway, I was watching this the other night, and they did this sketch where they went into a dojo, and got kicked about by some kickboxers. As I was watching it, I though hang on...I recognise the logo on the back of that gi! The club they'd gone into was our Kempo Ryu club in Newport, in Wales (we've got one here in Leeds, one there in Wales and a couple near Exmouth on the South coast).

Luckily I taped it, so I've made a little montage (there were 3 or 4 sections in all).

You can download it here:


(If you don't ave the DivX 5 codec, you'll need to grab that from www.divx.com)


p.s. do not watch if offended by Welsh people swearing.


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I cant stand Dirty Sanchez (Much preferring Jackass) BUT I did happen to catch that episode.....Very cool :D
"Some" Guys are too stupid for words. Why on Gods green earth would you stand there and let someone beat on your *** with cali sticks, or even worse hang upsidedown and pretend to be a punching bag.

And People think this is entertainment. :rolleyes: :shrug:
Originally posted by KenpoGirl
"Some" Guys are too stupid for words. Why on Gods green earth would you stand there and let someone beat on your *** with cali sticks, or even worse hang upsidedown and pretend to be a punching bag.

And People think this is entertainment. :rolleyes: :shrug:

Kali* And yeah the episode was on last night again.....very amusing :D