how long are your classes?


Here at the University of Pitt, we hold classes four days a week. The classes last about two hours. When I first started in Kenpo, I was used to classes being one hour, but after some time I felt as though the time flew by fast... so when I started teaching classes of my own I extended the time of them. I feel it really helps students get some time to practice their material, especially if it is hard for them to practice outside the school. But one important thing is you have to try to make classes exciting and not drawn out.

In anycase, I hope all is well. Good journey.

Joshua Ryer
Hour and a half 4 days a week, plus informal stick and knife, 2
hours 1 day a week.
I have 1hour classes I offer 3 classes a week for each student for kenpo and I'm open 3 days a week for now. We have systema taught on saturdays and thats a 2 hour class.
Rachel -

if you like, start a new thread and post a poll... select the option where people can pick more than one, and have the options like (one hour, an hour and a half, two hours, two days a week, three days a week, four, etc...)

I'd really like to see what the answers are. Excellent question!

Thanks, I was asking because I feel our classes fly by and I could live at the dojo I love it so much. I was going to ask my teacher if he could make the classes longer. I don't want to impose on his time but I wish classes were longer.We currently have class 3 times a week. One of the days is optional but I go like it's a scheduled class. our classes are an hour.but for me that's not enough especially since I need room to do sho lung and pinions.
Our classes are two days a week and two hours long. He wants to go more days but he has a career and teaches as a hobby. After he gets a few BB students then we talked about making classes more than two days a week. :asian:
Currently the kyu classes are twice a week for an hour, and BB class is once a week for one hour. My instructor teaches all the classes himself. I have requested longer classes aslo increased frequency. But he is running the school for profit, and suggests I resume taking privates. I had a suggestion of my own...

That's where we stand. He feels if he teaches a form in the hour, we should be able to pick it up & remember it being black belts, and should be practicing at home. And so we do- also a few of us get together seperately to practice & play.

In my Ninpo class it is offered twice a week for two hours, and frequently runs over- and we don't even notice. This is taught by my cousin. I began this study after getting my 1st dan in Kenpo.

And I play with some Kenpo/Kyusho practitioners on Sunday when possible, for two hours. That also runs over.

As you progress rachel you will go to seminars and meet people, also on forums (Like Martial Talk, plug :D ). You will end up visiting their schools, or garages, or whatever, next thing you know you'll have more classes available to you than you know what to do with. Just don't try to take in too much until you have some experience- get a solid foundation first on which to build.

Our dojang is open 6 days a week, Mon-Sat. Each of the classes is 1 hour long. I usually train 5 days a week. If I could do double classes each day I would because I enjoy training so much, but my gimpy knee can't take it... :shrug:
Kids classes 45' for the youngest
Adolescent / Family Class 1 Hour
Adult Class 1-1/2 hours, followed by an hour "open mat" or Advanced Class depending on the night.

Saturdays 1 hour for kids
1-1/2 to 2 hours for adults

Ours is four days a week mon, wed, and saturday classes are scheduled for an hour each but ALWAYS run over by at least half and hour. Friday classes are scheduled to start at 6:45 and end whenever. They have gone as long as three hours before. As I'm constantly talking about the rest of the family training as well you can guess how most of my time at home is spent.

are you talking about group lesson ? if yes, mine is 1 hour
tues and thurs, an hour begginers / advaned class goes a couple hours, sometimes more depending what everybody is working on, Saturdays 2 hours usually a little more depending on what gets done, Saturdays are fun its more of an open class ...sparring/forms/Self defence usually get the hat trick!
Our dojo is open mon.-Fri. 9 - 9 Sat. 10-4
Group classes twice a day for an hour, kid's groups three times a week for 45 mins. Sparring classes twice a week for an hour and last but not least, private lessons all day long running half an hour per.
the classes at my school are one hour long and the kids classes are 45 min. we are open 6 days a week and run 11 adult classes and 3 kids classes as well as 2 sparring class every week and I teach private lesssons (1/2 hr each) in between groups classes
we are open 9am - 9pm Mon. - Fri. & 10am - 4pm Sat. teaching private lessons and then running group classes through out the day is a great way to offer instruction to people with different occupational responsibilities (work around their life don't have them work around yours). it is quite rewarding :

Originally posted by stacks
the classes at my school are one hour long and the kids classes are 45 min. we are open 6 days a week and run 11 adult classes and 3 kids classes as well as 2 sparring class every week and I teach private lesssons (1/2 hr each) in between groups classes
we are open 9am - 9pm Mon. - Fri. & 10am - 4pm Sat. teaching private lessons and then running group classes through out the day is a great way to offer instruction to people with different occupational responsibilities (work around their life don't have them work around yours). it is quite rewarding :


I did mention all that in my post, you know the one right before yours, however I do notice that I said OUR dojo and you...:eek: