
My concept of training is thus : Who did you spent countless,sweaty hours with learning from, their knowledge being past down to you. Pictures mean nothing, I have a computer, scanner, good printer and Paint Shop Pro; if you want I could probably doctor up a picture of me with sponge bob squarepants. Our Sabomnim tells us from the start that if we promote to the next belt, we should feel confident that we can go to any other tae kwon do school, show them what we know and still maintain rank.
Sin said:
i wouldn't want to be trained by an unhonorable man. Martial Arts is not about "the way of asskick" its about growing morally, as much as physically. Your sensei is a role model to you no matter how hard you deny it. (not that you are though, just some would disagree)

i ended up on getting a bad rep point due to this post. What did I do/say to get it?
Seminars count as a category by themselves, for they tend to be special occasions as opposed to consistant training with an individual. For example, I have attended seminars with GM Hae Man Park, as well as one with Kushida-sensei of Yoshokai Aikido. However, I do not count myself as official students of either, because they were special training events, as opposed to consistant classes where they issued ranks to me. Not to mention, seminars tend to be more open events. Classes tend to have the same people regularly who know each other.

As far as pictures, let's just say that pictures can be deceiving. Aside from the fact that in today's digital age, pictures can be altered. Also, there are many people out there who will quickly rush in to a picture, get their pic taken with a celebrity or high ranking instructor, and then claim them as their teacher or the basis of a close relationship. I call them photo whores. The reality is both just happened to be there and one took advantage of the other. This is one reason why I don't really trust pictures in magazines. You don't know the whole background of the photo. It looks like Joe Blow actually knows this guy, when the reality is that he just weaseled his way into the photo.
On the subject of the whole "Who is or isn't your instructor" thing, the club I train at have recently changed organisation, due to a former head instructor having some rather spurious history, however I had been pomoted by him up to a level, and when we changed it was just a matter of getting that rank verified (and un-learning a lot of bad habits)

The problem here is that there really isn't so much choice as regards insrtuctors, so we just had to make do at first, when we found something more suitable we didn't hesitate to change.
There sems to be a lot of instructors with such history. But does that change them as a instructor with knowledge/ability or one that has no credentials?
Well the guy in question is very skilled at what he does, and he certainly gives a good impression at first but when I compare his teachings to what I have learned since, I prefer the way we are going now (hint: less flash more butt kicking...)
hammer said:
Just a question,or two,

Does participating in a seminar count as trainning with a Instructor?

What about taking photos with the presenter (master) of the seminar?

My questions arose after seaching the net, and seeing the claims of a school owner, as to who he has trained with, knowing in one case ,we only spent 1.5 hours there!

Picture opportunities came up dose this vailidate his claim?
or is it just a way to self promote, and give regonition to endose such claims?

your thoughts??
A 1.5 seminar is not much time to be concodered someones student. Although some instructors do use seminars to reach people in other oarts of the world. As far as student status. Instructors sometimes count the number of seminar hours.
Well the guy in question is very skilled at what he does, and he certainly gives a good impression at first but when I compare his teachings to what I have learned since, I prefer the way we are going now (hint: less flash more butt kicking...)
So, he was a instructor within his own term, but had a lee favorable history? And, he did offer exactly what you were looking for?
47MartialMan said:
So, he was a instructor within his own term, but had a lee favorable history? And, he did offer exactly what you were looking for?
Being a relative noob at the time and a complete beginner to Kenpo, I thought that I was getting what I was looking for, but having now gotten a basis for comparison, I realise I wasn't, and yes he is a good instructor within his own terms, just not necessarily what I was looking for, and hearing of his exploits (or lack thereof) doesn't inspire respect.
Being a relative noob at the time and a complete beginner to Kenpo, I thought that I was getting what I was looking for, but having now gotten a basis for comparison, I realise I wasn't, and yes he is a good instructor within his own terms, just not necessarily what I was looking for, and hearing of his exploits (or lack thereof) doesn't inspire respect.
But yay, did you come to realize or was "enlighten".

But, sad, of those whom had not.

And woe, that this is happening all over the world.
47MartialMan said:
But yay, did you come to realize or was "enlighten".

But, sad, of those whom had not.

And woe, that this is happening all over the world.
Too true...
Personally I feel seminars are only a supliment to ones training. If you attend a seminar buy the tapes and reading material then never practice what was taught it is probably a waste of your time and money. SO I see seminars only as a supliment.

So far as photos with ppl. I was fortunate enought o attend a fund raising dinner where Dick Chenny was the key note speaker. I was able to have my picture taken with him. Doesnt mean he and I are life long friends.

Several years ago I attneded a seminar where the fellow claimed to have studied under Wally Jay fro 10 years, So I expected him to be fairly decent at what he was doing. The guy was super nice and his knowledge and technique was not even close to be being fair at best. TO his credit at the end of the seminar he was very honest. When asked again how long he had trained with Wally Jay. He said he attends at least 2 seminars a year for the past 10 years or so. Ok, so lets look at that. "TWO" seminars a year, lets say for sake of conversation each was a long seminar and lasted 4 hours a day for 3 days, Friday - Sunday. That comes out to 12 hours of instruction times 2 seminars a year, equals 24 hours of instruction times ten years, equals 240 hours of instruction. Now lets break that down further. My Classical JuJitsu classes are 2 1/2 hours in length 3 times a week, thats 7 1/2 hours a week. Lets divide 250 by 7.5 for round numbers that comes out to roughly 33 weeks of training and thats if the person attends every class for that time period. Thats roughly 9 months of training. Geeeezz by my calculatons the fellow is still a white belt in my class.
Its easy to make claims, never be afraid to ask for credentials and be willing to validate them if at all possible. PPL today are so damned gullable and thats how the Martial arts get a bad name by a few yahooooos and wanna beeeeeessss who make false claims.
Now onto another posts I read on here somewhere. Someone stated they didnt care about thier instructors morals or claims as long as he or she was getting good training. Hmmmmmm, Please if thats the way you feel about the ppl you hang out with, please stay away from me. I do care about a persons morals, ethics, claims and credientials. To not care about these things doesnt speak very highly of you.
Thanks for your questions
VSanhodo said:
Now onto another posts I read on here somewhere. Someone stated they didnt care about thier instructors morals or claims as long as he or she was getting good training. Hmmmmmm, Please if thats the way you feel about the ppl you hang out with, please stay away from me. I do care about a persons morals, ethics, claims and credientials. To not care about these things doesnt speak very highly of you.
Thanks for your questions
To be fair to Adept, it did appear to me that he was talking in a martial arts context, although I do see your point.
I do care about the morals, values, reputation etc. of those I associate with, whether in or out of class. Guilt by association. By associating with dishonorable people, you infer that you share those values.
VSanhodo said:
Ok, so lets look at that. "TWO" seminars a year, lets say for sake of conversation each was a long seminar and lasted 4 hours a day for 3 days, Friday - Sunday. That comes out to 12 hours of instruction times 2 seminars a year, equals 24 hours of instruction times ten years, equals 240 hours of instruction. Now lets break that down further. My Classical JuJitsu classes are 2 1/2 hours in length 3 times a week, thats 7 1/2 hours a week. Lets divide 250 by 7.5 for round numbers that comes out to roughly 33 weeks of training and thats if the person attends every class for that time period. Thats roughly 9 months of training. Geeeezz by my calculatons the fellow is still a white belt in my class.
2.5 hrs per class. You are the exception. I train my students 2 hours, 2-3 per week. If I cut it short my students complain. They are used to the 2 hrs. but today, most schools teach a 1 hr. class and only 2 times a week. So realistically, in a lot of schools a student may only get 8 hrs. a month.

I agree 2 seminars a year is not much. But it does break down to the experience the student already has and whether or not they can or will be training inbetween seminars.

I've found that I get better through teaching alone, besides my training. Things to consider.
hammer said:
Just a question,or two,

(1) Does participating in a seminar count as training with a Instructor?

(2) What about taking photos with the presenter (master) of the seminar?

(3) My questions arose after searching the net, and seeing the claims of a school owner, as to who he has trained with, knowing in one case ,we only spent 1.5 hours there!

(4) Picture opportunities came up dose this validate his claim? Or is this just a way to self promote, and give recognition to endorse such claims?

your thoughts?? cheers

1) 2 things here......... 1 if the type of seminar was in fact a training session vs. a general informational type of seminar then yes,
if 2) in fact the instructor making the claims actually "participated" in the seminar.

2) Everyone takes photos after such events..... only proof that there was a seminar with said person.

3) reference "1"

3) Both, yes it proves that he did indeed be at the same event at the same time, and yes it also is used or mis-used by some for false claims.

Many have had seminars with Ed Parker through his life...but few had actually trained with him personally or were his "personal" students....... yet many claims are circulated that are very misleading.

I guess, if one has time to attend a seminar, then they have less time to train at their school. As if they ar saying "my school/teacher is good, but i have to learn more at this event cause they are not good enough?