Hello All
Well there sure seems to be a lot of confusion and Ego here in regards to who has what rank or title in regards to the Datu's.
And everyone has an opinion, some educated, some not all we can do is take what we read with a grain of salt and process it our own way.
As far as someone being active.. hmmmm well the fact that they don' participate in a certain groups own system, not modern arnis but certain federations created from this, that in no way means someone is not active. For instance: Would you say if someone has touched literally thousands of individuals and has spread the word of modern arnis, and has been an ambassidor to the art for years and years. That along with radio shows, tv, videos, training the US military, knife designs, impact weapon designs and more.
The idea that you would not be able to train with a person like this is really your own limitations or your own beliefs, as if you haven't figured it out by now I am talking about Datu Kelly Worden, he is active and teaching currently in Tacoma wash. you can contact him easily via his website: www.kellyworden.com
his summer camp is held every year 20 mins from tacoma. As well Datu worden has numerous seminars throughout the year.
I personally have been bringing Datu worden into Calgary Canada for over 6 years now and currently he is scheduled to be in Regina sask. in March, calgary in April, then I am hosting a summer camp west of Caglary the first weekend in August, then he will be in Edmonton around Oct. along with more canadian dates to follow. If you can't hit any of the Canadian locations Datu worden also has many seminars within the states.
So if everyone is wondering about his activeness, come check out a seminar and find out just how active he is
One of my teachers, Jay Creasey is labelled as a Renegade Ninjutsu instructor by the Bujinkan, but he still has a very close realtionship with Hatsumi Sensi whom I have personally trained with as well, and anyone who breaks from a system and brings their own personality into the mix and is not just a drone can expect the same, but they are also on the edge and living every day!!
Take a chance, find out for yourselfs, don't fall into the bull sh*t trap of gossip.. find your own answers and keep true to yourself!!
Train hard and stay true!
Rod Coulter
Well there sure seems to be a lot of confusion and Ego here in regards to who has what rank or title in regards to the Datu's.
And everyone has an opinion, some educated, some not all we can do is take what we read with a grain of salt and process it our own way.
As far as someone being active.. hmmmm well the fact that they don' participate in a certain groups own system, not modern arnis but certain federations created from this, that in no way means someone is not active. For instance: Would you say if someone has touched literally thousands of individuals and has spread the word of modern arnis, and has been an ambassidor to the art for years and years. That along with radio shows, tv, videos, training the US military, knife designs, impact weapon designs and more.
The idea that you would not be able to train with a person like this is really your own limitations or your own beliefs, as if you haven't figured it out by now I am talking about Datu Kelly Worden, he is active and teaching currently in Tacoma wash. you can contact him easily via his website: www.kellyworden.com
his summer camp is held every year 20 mins from tacoma. As well Datu worden has numerous seminars throughout the year.
I personally have been bringing Datu worden into Calgary Canada for over 6 years now and currently he is scheduled to be in Regina sask. in March, calgary in April, then I am hosting a summer camp west of Caglary the first weekend in August, then he will be in Edmonton around Oct. along with more canadian dates to follow. If you can't hit any of the Canadian locations Datu worden also has many seminars within the states.
So if everyone is wondering about his activeness, come check out a seminar and find out just how active he is

One of my teachers, Jay Creasey is labelled as a Renegade Ninjutsu instructor by the Bujinkan, but he still has a very close realtionship with Hatsumi Sensi whom I have personally trained with as well, and anyone who breaks from a system and brings their own personality into the mix and is not just a drone can expect the same, but they are also on the edge and living every day!!
Take a chance, find out for yourselfs, don't fall into the bull sh*t trap of gossip.. find your own answers and keep true to yourself!!
Train hard and stay true!
Rod Coulter