Combat Conditioning?

Check the Search option for Mark Furey..I believe there has been much debate and posts on this subject..
Thanks guys,

I did a search on conditioning but didn't think about throwing up his name.

*Mental note use search more often*

Thanks :)

Thanks guys,

I did a search on conditioning but didn't think about throwing up his name.

*Mental note use search more often*

Thanks :)


Dude your doing fine..
I have Furey's book, and it is okay, but his ads are way over the top. All it is is a book of callisthenic exercises that quite frankly are not always well illustrated. There are no real workouts given, other than to do his three favorites of the bunch basically as many times as you can. Most of the exercises are not new or revolutionary, mostly stuff you've probably seen before. There may be a few "new" exercises, and it's nice to have a reference to some exercises you may have forgotten.

There are, I'm sure better resources out there, but his book is not terrible.
I have a few of Furey books... including Combat Conditioning... and I also have four VHS tapes based on his material...

Basically, he advocates three excercises... the Hindu Squat, the Hindu Pushup, and bridging (similar to wrestling)...

I must say... the squats and pushups are h-a-r-d when done right... and a 2-minute bridge will bust you the first few times you try it...

Try doing these three excercises in a row... doing 100 each of the squats and pushups... then do the bridge... and see if you aren't totally tuckered out when you're done...

And, YES, there are tons of different body-weight exercises out there...

In the end... just as in the Martial Arts... it's whatever works for you...

Good luck with your training!

Your Brother in the arts,


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