Chinese proverb


Mostly Harmless
Jul 9, 2008
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Covington, WA
Dirty Dog gave the answer to his question. But it wasn't a direct answer. More like if you think about his question "Why are you looking for someone to blame in the first place?" then you will get the answer. Sort of like how Proverbs work. Never a really a direct lesson, but something to think about and reflect on.
And they say we don’t appreciate irony. :)


Senior Master
Jan 3, 2018
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I also feel like we often take generic quotes and misapply them to different contexts or spheres of existence they weren't meant for. To me the quote is more within a spiritual/existential context: blaming others puts what your looking for in others' hands where it doesn't exist, blaming yourself is creating a conflict that doesn't exist as it's assuming YOU are the one who has total control of everything that ever happens. Blaming no one is seeing that it was never a necessary component, a misperception, and totally beside the point. Blaming/judgement prevents seeing.

But I don't have a bloody clue when the quote was written, why it was written, what it was written in response to (whether a specific situation or a more generic outlook), who wrote the quote, so who knows where the proverb is to be applied! But misapplying quotes/proverbs etc can be very dangerous, I know that much.

Just my thoughts on it!


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Aug 3, 2015
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I also feel like we often take generic quotes and misapply them to different contexts or spheres of existence they weren't meant for.
I don't like when this happens. When quotes are taken out of context, then the meaning is lost. Yes it can apply to other things, but when that's done it totally ignores the original message. What good is a quote if it's not getting the original message across.
What good is repeating a quote if I don't understand the context in which it was originally used.

I see a lot of this type of stuff in facebook and when I recognize it. I'm always thinking. "That's not even what that quote is about."


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Aug 3, 2015
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He asked another question.
Questions can be answers too.

Person A: My computer won't turn on.
Person B: Is it plugged in?

While Person B doesn't say exactly what the answer is, that question should trigger some critical thinking in Person A. Sometimes Person A will only check to see if the computer is plugged in. But often times. That question triggers critical thinking causing Person A to check to see if other stuff is plugged in.

I use this all the time in IT support and it works. If I say. "Check to see if the computer is plugged in." Then the person will usually only check to see if it's plugged in. They will not think beyond that because they think that my answer is the only answer.

The question that was given shouldn't be the issue. I think the issue should be the post in response to #3 is where the explanation should have occurred. It was a missed opportunity to guide additional thought even if it is with another question.

I'll use the quote below.
"Well because someone has to be punished for my failures or weakness"
Here I would have asked.
1. Who says you have to be punished for something you have a passion and a will to do well in.
2. Do you train hard? If so you'll punish yourself for training hard?
If learning requires failure, then why would you punish yourself for learning?
3. Have you gotten stronger and made improvements? if so that means you have removed some of your weakness. Should I punish myself for weaknesses or focus on improving those weaknesses

People do a better job with accepting the truth of things when they are able to discover the truth on their own. The only thing I've done was to add perspective

I'm not sure how Ivan took the responses from Dirty. But one thing to keep in mind about reading what we type, Sometimes we get the tone wrong. If I had an aggressive day, then I probably would have read Dirty's response in a different light.


Black Belt
Dec 23, 2017
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Trust me, I means nothing useful…
Let’s say you have an oppressive government. Not blaming them for their ruthless oppressiveness would allow them to do what they want. Perfect scenario.

Wing Woo Gar

Senior Master
Sep 30, 2021
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Northern California
ha ha ha.. That's real real training. Young men say. All I want my wife to do is. Thing 1. Thing 2, Thing 3.

Married men say : All I want is peace lol
My Sifu was my best man at my wedding. He gave me two pieces of advice, “There is only one answer, it’s yes ma’am, also, don’t Eff this up!“ The latter was more of a command.


Master of Arts
Apr 10, 2008
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My Sifu was my best man at my wedding. He gave me two pieces of advice, “There is only one answer, it’s yes ma’am, also, don’t Eff this up!“ The latter was more of a command.

Dad: "Son, there's one rule: she's always right."
Son: "But Dad, what if she's wrong?"
Dad: "You weren't listening to me."

Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
Jan 8, 2006
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North American Tectonic Plate

Dad: "Son, there's one rule: she's always right."
Son: "But Dad, what if she's wrong?"
Dad: "You weren't listening to me."

My first wedding (first marriage) discussing the wedding plans with the minister, I told him a few things I'd like to change that my future wife (and future ex-wife) wanted to do....minister's response..."What ever gave you the idea that this day had anything to do with you"

Kung Fu Wang

Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Sep 26, 2012
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Austin, Tx/Shell Beach, Ca
My Sifu was my best man at my wedding. He gave me two pieces of advice, “There is only one answer, it’s yes ma’am, also, don’t Eff this up!“ The latter was more of a command.
A friend of mine told his wife, "Appreciate for all these years that you have spent with me. Today I'm going to promote you from wife to number one wife."


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Aug 3, 2015
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A friend of mine told his wife, "Appreciate for all these years that you have spent with me. Today I'm going to promote you from wife to number one wife."
ha ha ha.. I could say that to my wife but I know she'll pay it off, and then later in the future there will be a moment where she will say "Do you remember when you said..."

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