Case Scenario: Bad guy presses charges after the fight

And I think you are right.

My only point is that some people are going to subscribe to the "dont talk to the police" idea and then be freaked out when they get the cuffs put on them. There is a strong possibility that you may be taken into custody, and you need to be aware of that as part of this whole process.

Im just saying that you need to be prepared to go along with what the police do if you are going to leave it up to other people or the situation as it stands to make the decicion for them.

Good points! :)
Well we have a 'castle doctrine' as for ones home. There you are immune to lawsuits. But outside the house, while you can 'stand your ground' as for criminal charges, you can still be sued.


Maybe it's just much worst out here in California, but you are never immune to (civil) law suits. You may not find yourself with criminal charges, but anyone can drag you into court and make life a nightmare for a while, even if you do end up with the decision in your favor.
Hello, America the greatest country to live in...especially if you are the bad guys....where more rights are given to criminals!

Man make the is not perfect...therefold...laws are not perfect...

Bad guy or good guy....only the lawyers can make the law work for you or against you....

We always hear about how the good guys go to jail or get sue because the bad guy/criminal wins with the LAWS ON THERE SIDE!

Common sense or fairness? ...HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH WRITTEN LAWS

Our government is govern by LAWS - Declaration of Indepence- written by man!

LEARN THE RULES TO PROTECT YOURSELF- FROM THIS HAPPEN TO YOU...each state has their own rules or laws too!

LET THE BUYERS beware- the good guys and your Sensi should learn about how to protect themselve- from learning from the Police and Lawyers in Seminers or as guest speakers on this topic...

NOT knowing the laws- is your they say

WHAT LAWS? ......the ones' written by man...........Aloha

PS: only in America...the criminals are better off......than us!
That's interesting about Missouri we have civil immunity under certain conditions where no crime has been committed, meaning if it's considered lawful self-defense for the purposes of criminal prosecution, civil immunity exists......and anyone who attempts to sue is subsequently responsible for all legal expenses incurred on both sides.

I'm not sure, but I think Texas changed to go in line with Missouri on this issue also as far as self-defense, it goes along with the Castle Doctrine, it's all wrapped up in one now. It give civil immunity also, it's mostly wrapped about home, business and vehicle, but does also mention any place where you are not committing a crime so that leaves it wide open for anywhere that you are and not committing a crime.
Being trained in physical security by Uncle Sugar's Canoe Club, I would probably default to the escalation of force ladder. When the force got to soft or hard control, I would use my martial arts training. For the curious, the ladder goes Presence, Voice, Soft Control, Hard Control, Intermediate Weapons, Deadly Force. Hopefully, that would be taken into account. Instead of profession presence I would opt for non threatening posture(with hands up, of course).

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