Senior Master
(emphasis added)
Farnam's Quips are a great source for anecdotes, tactical considerations, and mindset lessons. The entire index can be found here:29 Oct 09
Three off-duty, OIS (Officer-Involved Shootings), fatal and near-fatal, in NY, from a friend in the area:
"Three off-duty police officers, wearing plain clothes, fatally gunned-down knife, and bat-wielding attackers in three, separate cases last Tuesday.
Two officers fired their pistols at close range during separate car-jacking attempts. "... car-jackers selected their victims most unwisely," wryly
commented a police spokesman. Suspects in both cases were DRT.
Later the same day, two suspects, armed with baseball bats, assaulted a detective as he was vacuuming his personal vehicle at a local car wash. In the ensuing gunfire, one suspect, struck multiple times, was DRT. The other fled, but was apprehended by responding officers a short time later."
Comment: In all three cases, "victims" emerged victorious and unharmed, not because they happen to be LEOs, but because they were armed, trained, and eminently willing to defend their own lives with precision gunfire.
Result: Three officers, none-the-worse for wear, three VCAs who will never commit another violent crime (nor any kind of crime for that matter), and one VCA under arrest.
What's not to like?
The only ones "disturbed" by this kind of happy outcome are liberal politicians, who live for the creation of victims who will "need' them!
The lesson here for the rest of us is: Always be armed, because you can't know when the Test will come. The chronically unprepared have no right to complain about perpetual "victim" status.
Once more: When it's least expected, you're elected!
/John Farnam