Canada is in Hell

And strippers n' William Shatner.

uhhhh....maybe it is hell. :)

And great hockey, and don't forget...RUSH! :D

YESSSS!!! The bestest band EVAH!!!

Rumor has it that the sun still rose in the east and set in the west, even after Canada and Massachusetts legalized gay marriage.

Hmm...great beer, great music, skating on the Rideau for a few weeks in winter, the CN tower, Vancouver, BC with its mountains and seashore...Canada may be in hell but it sounds like heaven to me. :D
And now God’s getting more up close and personal with Canada. On July 30, 2008, God sent the knife-wielding killer right into the bowels of a bus load of Canadians. Reporters are breathlessly declaring the event: “As horrified travelers watched, a Greyhound Canada bus passenger repeatedly stabbed and then decapitated a young man who was sitting and sleeping beside him.” The rest of the bus riders screamed and ran as the stabbings were underway. Several minutes later, the job done, the killer carried the dead guy’s head up to show the other riders – like a dog carrying a dead mouse to display. Nice. That’s how those Canadians love up on each other.

OMG! We have gay marriage here in Norway AND we had a knife wielding psycho stabbing people in a bus just like that some time ago too!
Guess we better start listening to these obviously divine signs sent by our loving heavenly father.
OMG! We have gay marriage here in Norway AND we had a knife wielding psycho stabbing people in a bus just like that some time ago too!

I'm surprised that nobody has picked up on the obvious moose population / gay marriage correlation yet. It all makes sense now.
Migod... Rocky and Bullwinkle for the Third Millenium!

And all you spoiled sour-grapes killjoys, what are you griping about?!! Could you have come up with lyrics like

Oh-- I'm going up [4x]
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah...

Well, could you have?

I didn't think so!
Canada is too cold, especially this time of year to be Hell.

Hoth now, that's possible.