Canada is in Hell

Gordon Nore

Senior Master
May 26, 2007
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I was tempted to post this in another thread Do you think being gay is a choice?, in response to Elder's humourous comment. I didn't want to derail that thread.

elder999 said:
What, you've allowed 'gay marriage???!!! :confused: :lol:

Oh, the horror! :lol:

How long has this been going on? How do you deal with near constant rain and odor of fire and brimstone? Are cats sleeping with dogs? Did the gays set up local recruitment stations near all the high schools? DO they regularly protest and storm churches?

What is going on up there in Canada? You people are going to hell!:lfao:

Well, it seems, Canada has gone to Hell, according to Fred Phelps of the WBC.

Why? you ask.

And now God’s getting more up close and personal with Canada. On July 30, 2008, God sent the knife-wielding killer right into the bowels of a bus load of Canadians. Reporters are breathlessly declaring the event: “As horrified travelers watched, a Greyhound Canada bus passenger repeatedly stabbed and then decapitated a young man who was sitting and sleeping beside him.” The rest of the bus riders screamed and ran as the stabbings were underway. Several minutes later, the job done, the killer carried the dead guy’s head up to show the other riders – like a dog carrying a dead mouse to display. Nice. That’s how those Canadians love up on each other.

Given this quote and his video, I guess we made the list of countries God hates sometime after last summer.
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God hates moralistically bent people like you Mr. Phelps that twist the words of god so you can **** the minds of the young and desperate only to perpetuate your own disgusting ideals of the way the world should be.

May god have no mercy on your soul.

That incident is probably one of the saddest moments Canadian History and it rips me up inside to see someone like him using it to bring about their own agenda.

Too bad he wasn't the one on the bus.
Fred Phelps and those like him are exactly the type of sunsabiitches that God would "vomit out of his mouth". I hope he, and his ilk, have their sunscreen on. SPF 1,000 to be exact.
"promoting fag immigration into Canada"? And here I thought our homosexuals were home grown, I missed that big immigration from Homoslavia.

The level of ignorance and hatred on that site is just breath taking, I feel like taking a shower after reading it.
"promoting fag immigration into Canada"? And here I thought our homosexuals were home grown, I missed that big immigration from Homoslavia.

You didn't read the newsletter? It's a new amnesty program.

It's fun to think of Phelps as being used like some kind of chew toy in the great hereafter; however, that would validate Phelps' belief in a vengeful God. If I were a believer, I would prefer to think that God is not paying any particular attention to Phelps.

Here on earth, however, Phelps' protests of military funerals prompted President Bush to sign this act's_Fallen_Heroes_Act

so for someone whose actual church membership measures perhaps in the dozens, Phelps manages to capture a lot of attention. Even after a major lawsuit...

On March 10, 2006 WBC picketed the funeral of Lance Cpl. Matthew A. Snyder.[55][56][57] On June 5, 2006 the Snyder family sued[58] Fred Phelps, WBC, and unnamed others for defamation, invasion of privacy, and intentional infliction of emotional distress. On 31 October 2007, WBC, Fred Phelps and his two daughters, Shirley Phelps-Roper and Rebecca Phelps-Davis, were found liable for invasion of privacy and intentional infliction of emotional distress. A federal jury awarded Mr. Snyder $2.9 million in compensatory damages, then later added a decision to award $6 million in punitive damages for invasion of privacy and an additional $2 million for causing emotional distress (A total of $10,900,000). The organization said it wouldn't change its message because of the verdict.[59][60][61]
...Phelps' web empire continues to grow. Great numbers people in and out of the faith community have decried his rantings, yet somehow he carries on. Methinks he has more support than people of good conscience would like to believe. His electoral record...

Democratic primary for Governor of Kansas, 1990

Democratic primary for United States Senate, Kansas 1992

Democratic primary for Governor of Kansas, 1994

Democratic primary for Governor of Kansas, 1998

  • Tom Sawyer - 88,248 (85.28%)
  • Fred Phelps - 15,233 (14.72%)
On the one hand, he is easily dismissed. He seems to hate every single church in the world, save for his own. He has actually spoken favourably of Saddam Hussein as recently as 2003. On the other, he's getting support somewhere to maintain a virtual and personal presence around the world.
Phelps is and *** plain and simple and the people who believe him are even bigger asses.
Obviously. Canada is a gigantic fag-enalbing edifice that encourages everyone to fag it up. Every time I go to Canada, I just want to sing and dance and flyfish...all sorts of ****** things for which I'll most assuredly burn in hell.

I sincerely hope that they have some kind of hatch in the rivers of lava in hell...



ps - Hawaii is foreign to people like Phelps...

I am with Terry on this......his followers should watch the content of their kool-aid. I mean this guy is a moron and should be easily dismissed. It is obvious he preys on the "Weak" or "Clingy, empty, needy" minded.
Obviously. Canada is a gigantic fag-enalbing edifice that encourages everyone to fag it up. Every time I go to Canada, I just want to sing and dance and flyfish...all sorts of ****** things for which I'll most assuredly burn in hell.

I sincerely hope that they have some kind of hatch in the rivers of lava in hell...



ps - Hawaii is foreign to people like Phelps...

flyfish? omigod that's my shift partner on his way to hell lol! and I thought he'd go for having half a dozen girlfriends on the go at the same time!

Oh and our shifts dog handler...he's worse, he makes his own flies!!!
A very good friend of mine who is a priest always says that some people are really going to be in for a shock when they get to heaven and see who is there!!! :erg:
A very good friend of mine who is a priest always says that some people are really going to be in for a shock when they get to heaven and see who is there!!! :erg:

A rabbi once told us that heaven and hell is the same thing for the good and the bad, you are in the presence of G-d, now that can be comforting or excruciating depending on what you've done!
A rabbi once told us that heaven and hell is the same thing for the good and the bad, you are in the presence of G-d, now that can be comforting or excruciating depending on what you've done!

I like that. It's kind of like ... real life. Isn't it? If you appreciate diversity and know the beauty of a person's soul does not lie in carnal pleasures, rather the acknowledgment of dignity and consideration for all life ... it's a wonderful world. If you think certain groups of people are evil (rather than misguided or mentally ill), mentally ill (when they just disagree with you), or doomed to eternal hellfire (when there may really not be a hell at all) then the world is a dark, sinful, miserable place.

A worse place to be would be that man's mind. I pray he is delivered to enlightenment soon.
Well, it seems, Canada has gone to Hell,.....
In that case, I think HELL has FROZEN OVER!


God hates moralistically bent people like you Mr. Phelps
May god have no mercy on your soul.
I am also outraged over Mr. Phelps' behavior. However, after having heard him speak, I believe him to be senile. Please don't waste your time and energy hating this man - he is much more to be pitied. I just pray we find some way to help all his victims.
Here's a timeline on equal rights laws regarding sexuality in Canada, starting in the mid-sixties. It includes then Justice Minister (later Prime Minister) Pierre Elliot Trudeau's famous comment:

Dec. 22, 1967: Justice Minister Pierre Trudeau proposes amendments to the Criminal Code which, among other things, would relax the laws against homosexuality. Discussing the amendments Trudeau says,
Pierre Trudeau
"It's certainly the most extensive revision of the Criminal Code since the 1950s and, in terms of the subject matter it deals with, I feel that it has knocked down a lot of totems and over-ridden a lot of taboos and I feel that in that sense it is new. It's bringing the laws of the land up to contemporary society I think. Take this thing on homosexuality. I think the view we take here is that there's no place for the state in the bedrooms of the nation. I think that what's done in private between adults doesn't concern the Criminal Code. When it becomes public this is a different matter, or when it relates to minors this is a different matter."
The underlined statement has become synonymous with Trudeau and is often quoted.
And strippers n' William Shatner.

uhhhh....maybe it is hell. :)