Can a martial art kills?

its reliant to THIS discussion!
No it isn't because I am not discussing the percentages. You are trying to turn it into a discussion of percentages, but because percentages have no relevance to what I am discussing, then they are not relevant.

If you want to have a discussing on percentages that's fine. Go ahead. Although it will be a short one, as I don't know how anyone would find out such information. But as they are irrelevant to what I am discussing, you'll have to have that discussion with someone else.
No it isn't because I am not discussing the percentages. You are trying to turn it into a discussion of percentages, but because percentages have no relevance to what I am discussing, then they are not relevant.

If you want to have a discussing on percentages that's fine. Go ahead. Although it will be a short one, as I don't know how anyone would find out such information. But as they are irrelevant to what I am discussing, you'll have to have that discussion with someone else.
i hate to burst your bubble but you ARE discussing % with me.

your showing that one punch kills are possible, but if its only one per twenty million punches thrown, then that pretty close to impossible, if it one in 50 million then that's so close to impossible that your data is meaningless
i hate to burst your bubble but you ARE discussing % with me.

your showing that one punch kills are possible, but if its only one per twenty million punches thrown, then that pretty close to impossible, if it one in 50 million then that's so close to impossible that your data is meaningless
It reminds me of when my daughter’s pediatrician was talking about vaccinating her against chicken pox.
Me: Why vaccinate? It’s a normal childhood thing.
Him: Tell that to the 126* kids who died last year from chicken pox’s parents.
Me: How many didn’t die from it? How many of the 126 kids had extenuating circumstances that my daughter doesn’t have?

We both looked at each other with identical ‘you’re an idiot’ looks. He was probably thinking why take a chance, especially when there’s no known realistic risk to the vaccine. I was thinking my kid has a far better chance of drowning in the tub, but that’s not going to stop me from giving her a bath.

My wife muttered “just give it to her” as we were still staring each other down.

*I don’t remember the exact number, but it was pretty close to that. I’d imagine millions of kids around the world had chicken pox that year and survived. If he told me there was a lethal or crippling strain in our area, my daughter was predisposed to something abnormal, etc., that would be a different story.

Now back to your rant.
It reminds me of when my daughter’s pediatrician was talking about vaccinating her against chicken pox.
Me: Why vaccinate? It’s a normal childhood thing.
Him: Tell that to the 126* kids who died last year from chicken pox’s parents.
Me: How many didn’t die from it? How many of the 126 kids had extenuating circumstances that my daughter doesn’t have?

We both looked at each other with identical ‘you’re an idiot’ looks. He was probably thinking why take a chance, especially when there’s no known realistic risk to the vaccine. I was thinking my kid has a far better chance of drowning in the tub, but that’s not going to stop me from giving her a bath.

My wife muttered “just give it to her” as we were still staring each other down.

*I don’t remember the exact number, but it was pretty close to that. I’d imagine millions of kids around the world had chicken pox that year and survived. If he told me there was a lethal or crippling strain in our area, my daughter was predisposed to something abnormal, etc., that would be a different story.

Now back to your rant.

Because you don't want your kid to have shingles, either.
Get your kid vaccinated. End of story.
It's rare I read a comment so utterly stupid and myopic, but this one takes the biscuit.
If you think that,having never used or practiced a kick other than on a bag, it would be a dangerous thing to wield, you not only have by far outdone me in the 'utterly stupid' department, you have also betrayed a lack of practical experience
and what,% is 90 of all the punches throw since 2000,?

you don't know !. Data is meaningless with out context,
And how many of those were actually caused by an impact after the punch, which is a different thing than the legendary one-punch kill.
i hate to burst your bubble but you ARE discussing % with me.

your showing that one punch kills are possible, but if its only one per twenty million punches thrown, then that pretty close to impossible, if it one in 50 million then that's so close to impossible that your data is meaningless
What is that thing that is not impossible?
Because you don't want your kid to have shingles, either.
Get your kid vaccinated. End of story.
Entirely off topic, but I thought shingles was more common with people who have not had chicken pox, so getting vaccinated actually would make it more likely later in life to get shingles. Is that incorrect?
Entirely off topic, but I thought shingles was more common with people who have not had chicken pox, so getting vaccinated actually would make it more likely later in life to get shingles. Is that incorrect?

Completely incorrect. It's the same virus as chicken pox. It never goes away, it just hibernates in your central nervous system. In short, if you never had chicken pox, you CANNOT have shingles. Which means you cannot have the chronic nerve pain, blindness, skin infections or brain damage caused by shingles.

You can, however, get chicken pox (if you're not vaccinated) from someone who has a shingles outbreak.
Completely incorrect. It's the same virus as chicken pox. It never goes away, it just hibernates in your central nervous system. In short, if you never had chicken pox, you CANNOT have shingles. Which means you cannot have the chronic nerve pain, blindness, skin infections or brain damage caused by shingles.

You can, however, get chicken pox (if you're not vaccinated) from someone who has a shingles outbreak.
Cool, that means I don't have to worry about shingles. Thanks.
If you think that,having never used or practiced a kick other than on a bag, it would be a dangerous thing to wield, you not only have by far outdone me in the 'utterly stupid' department, you have also betrayed a lack of practical experience

Except 1. that you assumed facts not in evidence. The OP never said anything about having never sparred or anything else that falls within your narrow focus.
2. In the 1970s in the UK martial arts became the focus of much vilification when a chef killed a man with techniques he'd seen in a book on karate....
3. As to personal experience, I've seen a number of people severely injured by punches and kicks. Not one of the assailants had training.

You see if not for your blinkers, you might see that the human body is generally pretty fragile and that serious harm is not solely within the reach of the martial artist.

Yes for the millionth time people who spar are more likely to be able to fight effectively, we heard you the first 999999 times.

But to suggest a person will be unable to cause injury without that specific kind of training alone ignores a huge swathe of evidence, ie the entire world outside of the ma bubble.
It reminds me of when my daughter’s pediatrician was talking about vaccinating her against chicken pox.
Me: Why vaccinate? It’s a normal childhood thing.
Him: Tell that to the 126* kids who died last year from chicken pox’s parents.
Me: How many didn’t die from it? How many of the 126 kids had extenuating circumstances that my daughter doesn’t have?

We both looked at each other with identical ‘you’re an idiot’ looks. He was probably thinking why take a chance, especially when there’s no known realistic risk to the vaccine. I was thinking my kid has a far better chance of drowning in the tub, but that’s not going to stop me from giving her a bath.

My wife muttered “just give it to her” as we were still staring each other down.

*I don’t remember the exact number, but it was pretty close to that. I’d imagine millions of kids around the world had chicken pox that year and survived. If he told me there was a lethal or crippling strain in our area, my daughter was predisposed to something abnormal, etc., that would be a different story.

Now back to your rant.

People who think like you have caused diseases classed as extinct to start to reoccur.

The more viable carriers of a disease the more chance of mutation into one of those virulent strains, maybe even one the community is not immune to.

And if the doctor didn't mention extenuating circumstances in those 126 dead children why would you invent that as a factor??? Do those things only happen to other people???
People who think like you have caused diseases classed as extinct to start to reoccur.

The more viable carriers of a disease the more chance of mutation into one of those virulent strains, maybe even one the community is not immune to.

And if the doctor didn't mention extenuating circumstances in those 126 dead children why would you invent that as a factor??? Do those things only happen to other people???
How stupid can you be? No one’s discussing a genuinely deadly nor harmful disease here. 126 kids dying out of say 10 million hardly constitutes what you’re saying. I had no problem with the other vaccinations; I question the chicken pox vaccine.

If you don’t think it’s logical to ask if there were extenuating circumstances to those 126 out of millions, you don’t think very critically. How many of those 126 had other diseases or conditions that made chicken pox deadly? It’s obviously not very deadly when compared to the overall number of cases.
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Because you don't want your kid to have shingles, either.
Get your kid vaccinated. End of story.
Both were vaccinated, 7 and 4 years ago, respectively, at the recommended time.

As for the vaccine, I know several people who were vaccinated against it when they were kids and developed chicken pox as late teens/early 20s. One also developed shingles several years after chicken pox.

There was also a time I was working at a college where there was an outbreak of students on campus with chicken pox. They were all quarantined to their dorm rooms and only allowed to go to the health center for check ups. All were vaccinated as infants. I was dumbfounded that a bunch of 18-22 year olds never had chicken pox. It was the first time I heard kids were vaccinated against it. There were about 40 cases at the time. The school had about 6,000 students living on campus.

An anomaly, but certainly not an impossibility.
How stupid can you be? No one’s discussing a genuinely deadly nor harmful disease here. 126 kids dying out of say 10 million hardly constitutes what you’re saying. I had no problem with the other vaccinations; I question the chicken pox vaccine.

If you don’t think it’s logical to ask if there were extenuating circumstances to those 126 out of millions, you don’t think very critically. How many of those 126 had other diseases or conditions that made chicken pox deadly? It’s obviously not very deadly when compared to the overall number of cases.
It's more that your child may not have anything to aggravate an infection now, but she might when she gets infected.

And your opinion of the harm that can be done would be of little solace to those 126 sets of parents.
Except 1. that you assumed facts not in evidence. The OP never said anything about having never sparred or anything else that falls within your narrow focus.
2. In the 1970s in the UK martial arts became the focus of much vilification when a chef killed a man with techniques he'd seen in a book on karate....
3. As to personal experience, I've seen a number of people severely injured by punches and kicks. Not one of the assailants had training.

You see if not for your blinkers, you might see that the human body is generally pretty fragile and that serious harm is not solely within the reach of the martial artist.

Yes for the millionth time people who spar are more likely to be able to fight effectively, we heard you the first 999999 times.

But to suggest a person will be unable to cause injury without that specific kind of training alone ignores a huge swathe of evidence, ie the entire world outside of the ma bubble.

I think the issue is that if the training is not applicable to fighting then the training won't really have that much impact on the outcome.

So bag only guy is on about even footing with no training guy.