

May 17, 2004
Reaction score
The Canuckistan Plains
I attended my first group class in a long time last night, it's been approximately 3 years since I was in a group setting. Prior to this its been all privates for me for quite some time.

It was really neat to see the facial expressions on the newbies as my instructor beat the crap out of me in front of the class. The fear in their eyes. The looks of "oh god, what did I get into here?" "Ouch! That's gotta hurt!" "Oooooo, I'm glad that's not me...."

It will be soon enough.....


I feel so alive!
:whip: :boxing: :whip: :boxing: :whip: :btg: You could come to the entrance of the LLR for the same thing! :boing1: I'm glad you had so much fun!
The question is whether those newbies will be back the second time. sigh!
I was easy on my newbie class but not so that they didn't really want water at the break, but all I get back on the next Thursday night is one small woman and her four year old (family class). So maybe we should have a demonstration of the teacher beating the crap out of someone and then that would finish that. TW
i see the same thing in my tkd class...myself and another student are both testing for black belt this december...which makes us the senior students in class...and the instructor will sometimes give us a good shot or two, knowing we can take it and usually we know its never really hurts...but there's usuallly that loud slap or thud...and you can see all the new students eyes bulge and ask us if we're alright...
no...i know what you're talking about...i don't have to go home from class on crutches either....

usually it takes the form of giving us a good shot when have our chest protectors on for sparring...they hear this loud smack (which you don't even really feel through a good chest protector)......and think..."What have we gotten ourselves into?"
Our MMA Instructor likes to do that, he was doing a demo in Raisin the other night, and because she was doing really good facials he was trying to embarrass her....he looked up at me, and I must of had a look of horror on my face because he said “oh look Raewyn, Sarah's concerned for you”........but what I was really thinking was "how ******* EMBARASING!!!!"
Flatlander said:
Well, he didn't REALLY take it to me, but likes to use me as his uke because I am so supple and responsive.
Wow. Wanna by my uke? I'll be gentle, I promise ....

Enjoy class!
Flatlander said:
Well, he didn't REALLY take it to me, but likes to use me as his uke because I am so supple and responsive.
umm... that's not what Gary Crawford has been telling everybody ;)
Flatlander said:
It was really neat to see the facial expressions on the newbies as my instructor beat the crap out of me in front of the class. The fear in their eyes. The looks of "oh god, what did I get into here?" "Ouch! That's gotta hurt!" "Oooooo, I'm glad that's not me...."

It will be soon enough.....
I love to bang on bodies. It's so much fun. :)

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